At this moment, in the Super God Universe, in the Angel Nebula, all the angels were also confused.

They were also completely unaware of Saitama and Boros.

But Angel Yan noticed that the title mentioned the Earth.

However, when she immediately went to search, she found that there was no one named Saitama or Boros on Earth.

Obviously, these should be people from other worlds.

However, Angel Zhixin:"Give the Earth a middle part? Sister Yan, what will the shocking scene be like this time?" Seeing this title, even Zhixin was confused.

She is a genius in the angel civilization.

At the age of only 500, she became the right-wing guard of Holy Kesha.

But she still doesn't understand.

What does it mean to give the Earth a middle part? What kind of scene is that? But in fact, even Angel Yan, Angel Leng and others don't understand it at all.

Angel Yan:"In short, we will get the answer soon.

I don't know how far this battle will go.

" Angel Yan also became curious.

All the angels are looking forward to continuing to see the shocking scene.

I believe it will definitely be very exciting.

In the world of Demon Slayer.

Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Inosuke and others also focused on it.

They said that no matter what kind of strong person it was, for them, it was beyond imagination and was like a god.

It was like this from the beginning with Gyuto Ichigo.

Tanjiro and others felt that Uchiha Madara was even more exaggerated.

Not to mention, Luffy's Saruto Gun of the Fifth Gear and Naruto Uzumaki's Yin-Yang Style Rasenshuriken.

So, they knew very well that this time, Saitama and Boros were definitely amazing.

And this also filled their hearts with anticipation.

In the world of Fairy Tail, Natsu, Gray, Erza and others were also gearing up.

Natsu:"It really makes people feel excited!

What kind of person will Saitama be?" Including S-class wizards such as Gildarts and Mirajean, they were also very curious.

However, compared to their expectations, in fact, in the world of One Punch Man, when Genos, Saitama and others were watching seriously, in the universe, inside a spaceship.

Boros himself sneered.

Boros:"Haha, I didn't expect that I would be chosen.

The author is really mysterious!

But who is this Saitama? Is he worthy of fighting with me? To fight with me, he must be at least at the level of the group leader!

" Yes, Boros had also noticed this inventory video before.

He clicked it casually and watched it with interest.

But those shocking scenes were nothing to him.

Whether it was Uchiha Madara's meteorite falling from the sky or Straw Hat Luffy's Monkey God Spear, Boros didn't take it seriously.

He was only interested in the group leader.

This was because he saw that there were rewards for this list of videos.

Especially the props for resurrection.

That's why Boros paid some attention.

Otherwise, Boros actually didn't want to watch it before.

He thought it was boring.

However, even so, he was still full of disdain for Saitama.

Because Boros said that he was invincible!

No one in this universe could defeat him!

And Boros noticed.

The title said that the Earth


He was now heading to the planet called Earth.

The fortune teller said that his enemy was on a distant planet....

This made Boros's eyes condense.

Boros:"I see, then it seems that Saitama may be able to fight with me, well, let me see what you are capable of!"

Boros regarded Saitama as the person mentioned in the prophecy.

He thought there was nothing wrong with it.

After thinking this through, Boros also patiently said so.

He had joined the group chat before, but he had never said anything.

But Boros thought.

After this time, his name will probably be completely resounding in other universes.

After all, before, watching the chats of those guys in the group.

Boros wanted to laugh.

What about Kaido, Whitebeard, Uchiha Madara, etc.

Do you think this is a powerful god-like power? Boros laughed at this.

If that's the case, then he is a god in the eyes of the gods!

In other words, he was too lazy to pay attention, otherwise Boros would have wanted to speak.

But fortunately, he finally held back.

And at this time, Boros also saw the scene in the video appear.

The same is true for other viewers in the heavens and the worlds.

Xia Dou:"Hiss, it's started!

" Bai Yuekui:"It's really exciting!

I wonder what kind of shocking scene will appear this time.

Giving the earth a middle part, it sounds awesome just by listening to it.

" The aloof Bai Yuekui is like a little fangirl at this time.

Being able to witness the shocking scenes beyond imagination in other universes.

Even Bai Yuekui will be very interested.

Tanjiro:"I wonder how far the duel between Saitama and Boros will go!

" Whitebeard :"Gulala, this is really interesting!

" The strong men were excited.

They soon saw that a bald head appeared in the picture.

This made many viewers look puzzled.

Angel Zhixin:"What's the situation? Is he Saitama?" Angel Yan:"A bald head? This is quite rare.

" Uzumaki Naruto:"Oh my god!

It feels like this Saitama brother is very powerful, and he has a cloak!

" Bruce Wayne:"He looks like Superman, wait a minute

...This guy is not as powerful as Superman, is he?"

Although Master Wayne thought that there would not be any more shocking scenes than what he had seen before. The final battle between

Superman, Wonder Woman, and himself and Doomsday.

But if there is someone as powerful as Superman in other worlds,

Bruce Wayne would not be so confident.

Because he knew that Superman...Even a nuclear bomb can't kill him!!

This is no joke.

In the eyes of mortals, Superman is a god.

He can fly into space easily.

Bruce Wayne knows.

If Superman were to deal with Kaido, the King of Beasts, or Uchiha Sasuke's Ultimate Susanoo, it would be a piece of cake.

The two are not in the same league.


Bruce Wayne couldn't help but take Saitama seriously.

At the same time, he felt like he had just woken up from a dream.

This is only the fifth shocking scene.

The first five......What kind of monster will it be?

However, Master Wayne did not draw a conclusion immediately.

He thought, let's take a look first.

It is possible that Saitama is just stronger than Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and so on ? If that is the case, then Master Wayne will not panic.

In the Avengers Universe, Tony, Captain America, Banner and others also restrained their smiles.

They knew very well that no matter how strong Saitama was, this fifth shocking scene, the scene that will appear next will definitely be very shocking.

There is nothing wrong with that.

However, when they saw Boros and heard what he said, many strong people in the heavens and the world were a little confused.

Everyone saw that in the video, Saitama came to a huge spaceship alone.

This scene also shocked many S-class heroes in the One Punch Man world.

Bang:"What is that spaceship? Is it from outer space?" (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Bang immediately realized that this problem was a bit serious.

A weirdo from outer space, that strength

...How strong can he be?

Atomic Samurai:"It seems that there will be a big disaster in the future."

Atomic Samurai actually understands that Saitama seems to be more than just the surface.

However, his stereotype makes it difficult for him to imagine it.

How strong can a C-class hero be?

Atomic Samurai still thinks that if this C-class hero can deal with this monster, then he, who is ranked fourth in the S-class, must have no problem.

Maybe...Does Saitama really have S-class power?

This is Atomic Samurai's greatest imagination of Saitama.

And if you say that he is actually far superior, even crushing the first S-class.

Atomic Samurai will never believe it!

He will think that you are dreaming!

But the point is not here.

It is what everyone sees.

Saitama's opponent Boros, and his appearance.

In the world of Ling Cage.

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, Fatty Shan Da and others all held their breath.

Xia Dou:"Du...One-eyed man, oh my god, is this an alien?...This is not a human!"

Bai Yuekui:"This battle! It will definitely be amazing!"

Shan Da:"So strong!...too exaggerated..."

For the group of immortal cultivators on the ground, they had seen those amazing scenes before.

Those powerful people were at least humans, or in human form, right?

Including Ulquiorra, who also looked very similar.

But this Boros was not.

Although he was in human form, he looked very fierce.

In the DC universe,

Master Wayne was completely frustrated.

He used to think that monsters like Doomsday were much more terrifying than the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and Susanoo.

But now seeing this Boros,

Master Wayne also felt that his strength was......It should be very scary.

In the Avengers Universe,

Tony, Captain America, Banner and others looked even more serious.

Even in the One Punch Man world, those staff members who looked down on Saitama just now were speechless.

Even the relaxed expressions on the faces of the S-class heroes disappeared without a trace.

Just kidding, this Boros looks very strong.

Saitama...Can you handle it?

Such a scene also made many viewers more curious.

However, what shocked them was still to come.

The strong men soon heard Saitama in the video say:"Ah? Here we are!" Saitama trotted all the way to the final boss, Boros.

On the throne, Boros, wearing armor, saw Saitama. He seemed to have discovered something, and he slowly walked down and said:

"I didn't expect someone to be here. Before the fight begins, please sign up first."

"I am the leader of the Dark Thieves Group, Dark Matter! The overlord of the entire universe! Boros!"

Hearing this, Saitama also responded calmly:

"I am just doing this out of interest, oh, no, now I should be considered a professional hero, Saitama!"

"But you are so brave, you actually dared to invade A, what is your purpose?"

Hearing Saitama's question, Boros did not hesitate at all and answered:

"Purpose? It's also very simple. When I conquered the space, I was too strong, so no one in the universe could fight me! I felt very painful about this. At this time, a fortune teller told me that on a distant planet, there was someone who could fight with me and satisfy my desire."

""So, I spent decades to get here! Come on! Saitama, give my life some excitement! This is my goal!"

At the end, Boros's face became more and more ferocious.

The strong men saw that in the video,

Saitama, who heard this, was still very calm.

But the audiences from all over the world, one by one, all had their eyes wide open.

Some were scared.

In the world of Ling Cage, little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yuekui, fat man Shan Da and others were all stunned in place.

Their brains were roaring, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

Xia Dou:"All...The Overlord of the Universe!? Boros is so powerful?...Isn't this too amazing?"

Xia Dou was dumbfounded.

She could never have imagined that the person who appeared this time would have such a great background!

In the world of pirates,

Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru and others were also stunned.

In their worldview, of course, they knew what the universe was.

After all, Enelu wanted to go to the moon at that time.

But they could never imagine that there were really other creatures in this universe?

Although they didn't understand the concept very well,

Garp, Sengoku, Akainu and other admirals all felt a chill on their backs.

Obviously! This man named Boros is very powerful....I'm afraid it will be beyond imagination.

In the Naruto world,

Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others also feel a lot of pressure.

The aura of Boros when he appeared on the stage felt many times stronger than that of Kaido and Uchiha Madara.

So his strength...To what extent will it reach?

And many viewers also began to wonder.

This power of Saitama.

Seeing this, everyone certainly understood it completely.

This Saitama must have something.

Otherwise, how could he create such a shocking scene?

But...Can he beat Boros?

To all the strong men, the title of the universe overlord is too loud.

Especially Zhang Chulan, Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing, who have modern backgrounds.

When they saw the existence of aliens, their three views were shattered.

Zhang Chulan:"Damn, I've never seen such a thing in my life! Aliens! This is too outrageous."

Wang Ye:"This battle...I'm afraid it will hit us and refresh our worldview..."

Wang also made a prediction in advance.

However, at this moment!

The audience in the heavens and the worlds saw.

In the video, when Boros finished speaking,

Saitama in front of him calmly punched out.

The next second...


Everyone saw that Boros didn't resist at all and flew backwards.

Then he smashed into the wall fiercely.

Such a scene made the strong men a little stunned.

In the world of One Punch Man,

Bang, Atomic Samurai, Tornado and others.

The expressions changed instantly.

They are all real strong men.

Of course, they can see how terrifying Saitama's ordinary punch just now is.

In a certain room, Genos sat upright.

He is currently the only person who has known a little about Saitama's strength.

Therefore, Genos has great confidence in his teacher.

He thinks that what he has to do is to watch the teacher's fight carefully and learn from it.

And Saitama on the side is also a little looking forward to it.

He hopes that Boros can have a hearty fight with him and give him some stimulation.

Then Saitama will be very happy.

If Boros knew this idea,

I'm afraid he would be completely dumbfounded.

However, seeing this scene, in a certain spaceship,

Boros finally showed an excited expression on his face.

Boros:"So that's it! Saitama, it's really good! Your strength should be able to excite me! Hahaha, fight! Let me see! How strong you can be!!"

Saitama's punch made Boros, who originally had no interest, immediately focus.

The other strong men in the heavens and myriad worlds were even more so. They all stared with wide eyes and watched very seriously!

(First update today! Please subscribe! Please vote for me! My performance is very poor! Please support me! Thank you! Your support is my greatest motivation!).

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