At this time, in the world of Ling Cage,

Little Loli Xia Dou, Bai Yue Kui, Fatty Shan Da and others were all watching with great enthusiasm.

They had never expected that in another world, there would be such a powerful ninjutsu.

This is really amazing. Xia Dou:"If I can also learn such a ninjutsu, then it would be easy to deal with those ugly monsters

, wouldn't it?"

Xia Dou's words also moved Bai Yue Kui's heart.

There is nothing wrong with what she said.

If she can summon the blue giant to cover her body, what should she be afraid of? She just pushed it all the way.

The power and defense are many times stronger than the armor made by those guys on the lighthouse.

The most important thing is that many viewers have actually seen it.

The blue giant doesn't seem to be complete? It looks like just a skeleton.

So, there may be a complete blue giant appearing later.

But what exactly is it like? The strong men can't imagine it at all.

But this also makes their inner expectations reach their maximum.

Demon Slayer World.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke and others.

After seeing the sudden increase in the momentum of Uchiha Madara, he also felt inexplicably nervous.

Agatsuma Zenitsu:"Here it comes, what kind of ninjutsu will this time?" Inosuke:"It must be very powerful!!

" Inosuke was excited.

His muscles bulged and breath came out of his pig nose.

The strong men in other worlds were similar.

In the world of pirates, Kaido, Big Mom, Whitebeard and others all had smiles on their faces.

The expectation in their eyes had already fully emerged.

In the world of Bleach, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kenpachi and others all watched very seriously.


...The audiences in the universe could never have imagined what they would see next.

Everyone saw that when the video continued to play

, Uchiha Madara said directly in the video:"Heavenly Star!"

The next second, the camera zoomed out.

In the expectant eyes of countless strong men, they saw that above the heads of the ninja coalition, there was a meteorite falling! ?

When this scene appeared, many viewers were stunned!!

In the world of pirates, on the Merry,

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and others all felt a little dry in the mouth.

Zoro:"Open...Are you kidding me!?"

Sanji:"What on earth is that? A meteorite!! ? Am I dreaming? Is this also a ninjutsu?"

Usopp:"I...I don't want to meet this kind of monster...."

Luffy:"This is...too strong..."

Even Luffy.

At this time, his three views felt like they were about to be refreshed.

In the world of Demon Slayer. This was even more true for Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Inosuke and others.

Their pupils shrank suddenly.

Looking at the huge meteorite falling.

Inexplicably, they felt that they were also underneath it.

The oppressive feeling made them weak all over.

Even the courage to escape seemed to be taken away.

In fact, even the pillars could not accept this scene.

Sound Pillar:"Unbelievable, is this a ninjutsu? Too outrageous, right?"

Wind Pillar:"Where in the world is this guy? How come I have never heard of him? Uzui Tengen, don't you even know about him?"

Sound Pillar said that if he knew, he would have learned this exaggerated ninjutsu long ago.

At that time, there would be no need to be afraid of ghosts. Even ghosts cannot escape when this kind of meteorite falls.

The most important thing is that everyone knows it very well.

This is definitely not the strongest ninjutsu of Uchiha Madara.

The audiences in all the heavens and worlds can all see it.

When Uchiha Madara performed this move, his face remained calm.

There is no feeling of the strongest attack at all.

However, compared to the shock in other worlds.

In the Naruto world.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura.

Even Gaara, Orochimaru and others.

All of them were stunned.

Naruto:"Is this sure to be a ninjutsu??? How is this possible?"

Sasuke:"Uchiha Madara...God's Power...Is this the limit that the Uchiha clan can reach?"

Sasuke's heart was completely shocked.

But he couldn't help but have an idea.

That is, in the future, can he master this level of power?

If he can, then it should be very easy to deal with Uchiha Itachi and kill him.

Kakashi, Might Guy, Rock Lee and others on the other side also had shocked expressions on their faces.

Kakashi:"Uchiha Madara, he is worthy of being a ninja who is worthy of the name of the God of Ninja World, the First Hokage Hashirama...."

Might Guy:"This kind of ninjutsu...It is indeed not something that a mortal can perform."

Even Kai, who has mastered the Eight Gates Ninjutsu, felt that this was a bit too exaggerated.

Even the aloof Gaara's expression changed again and again.

He always thought that he was invincible.

But now seeing this scene...

However, for

Uchiha Madara in the world of the dead, he had no emotion.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was actually looking forward to seeing his complete form of Susanoo appear.

And, the Five Kage...

Madara said, are you sure you can fight him?

In Uchiha Madara's eyes, except for Hashirama, the others are nothing.

No matter how many ants there are, they can't hurt the gods!

(The third update is here! Is anyone reading this book? If not, I won't write it. If anyone does, please vote to support the author. Thank you!)

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