There are still two days before the comic exhibition begins, and all the commanders have been arranged to stay in various hotels. In order to let the ship girls from the Sakura Empire have fun, Su Bai decided to take everyone out to play.

"Mai, Ai, you two are the masters here, take us around wherever there is something fun."

Led by Akagi Kaga, the group went to Sensoji Temple first, where Akagi Kaga urged Su Bai to draw a lot. Su Bai didn't care, and took out a lot at random, but it was the lower lot Yigong:

Qin was defeated and captured three generals.

It was like a swan flying from a cage, wanting to turn around but unable to; it was difficult to get out of the north, south, east and west, this hexagram is really fearful and hateful.

The allusion of this lot comes from the Spring and Autumn Period.

Qin Mugong of Qin did not listen to the words of his old minister Jian Gong.

He went out to invade Zheng and fight with the people of Jin.

The Qin army lured the Jin into a dangerous valley.

The road ahead was blocked.

The Jin soldiers on both sides threw fire and saltpeter.

The Jin soldiers behind them shouted loudly.

The Qin army trampled on each other.

There were no casualties.

They were outnumbered and defeated.

The three great marshals were all captured.

Seeing this lot, the monk who interpreted the lot broke out in a sweat. What the hell is this? In order to get a good start, there are clearly no bad lots here. Why did this donor draw a bad lot!

The old monk explained it helplessly. Su Bai didn't care, but Akagi Kaga behind him changed his face.

They came out to a faraway place this time, but such a bad lot came out. This omen is too bad!

Although the old monk repeatedly comforted Su Bai,"Don't worry, as long as you do more good deeds and be kind-hearted, you will naturally turn danger into safety."

After leaving Sensoji Temple, looking at the depressed expressions of his two wives, Su Bai took them into his arms, one on the left and one on the right,"Don't worry, I'm the devil, the kind who is immune to all poisons, what is there to be afraid of?"

""My dear husband, let's go to Meiji Shrine!"

Kaohsiung and Atago also agreed. They all knew that the lots drawn there were all middle and upper luck, so it would be good to go there to get rid of the bad luck!

So the group went to Meiji Shrine again. There is no hustle and bustle of the city here, but towering giant trees, tranquil flowers and plants, and the famous couple Kusu.

Here, Su Bai accompanied Akagi Kaga to drink a few glasses of sake from the Sakura Empire. Although the alcohol content was not high, they would feel a little dizzy after drinking a few more glasses.

Akagi Kaga, wearing a kimono and with a little blush from the alcohol, was so beautiful that passers-by couldn't help but look back and take a few more glances.

Su Bai coughed lightly,"You two wives are so charming!"

"Humph, of course, otherwise someone would have risked offending a country to take us back home."

"Haha, I don't regret it at all!"

When they came to the place where the lot was drawn, a priest handed the lot box to Su Bai, and Su Bai drew it casually.

It turned out to be the bad lot of Mao Palace:

The road is dangerous, the horses are tired, and the people are in a hurry. The soldiers lost their group and were in great trouble; the shoal is high and the waves are strong, the boats are broken, and the sun is setting and the flowers are withered.

Frost falls from the sky.

Who doesn't know this allusion? The army of the King of Chu, Xiang Yu, was invincible.

Xiang Yu thought he was invincible.

Han Xin led the soldiers of the princes.

He fought with the King of Chu at Jiuli Mountain.

He was ambushed from all sides and surrounded Gaixia.

The King's army was shaken.

Xiang Yu broke through to Wujiang.

Although there was a boat to take Xiang Yu across the river, he felt ashamed to see the elders of Jiangdong.

Xiang Yu drew his sword and committed suicide.

The priest who interpreted the lot was stunned. What the hell is this? How did the bad lot appear in this lot box? Which kid was not careful and offended the guests.

Akagi grabbed the priest by the collar angrily!

"Old man, are you trying to go against us? Everyone knows that you don’t have a signature. Do you want to bully us?"

"Madam, please calm down. This fortune is not without a solution. It is not without a solution. The Overlord was unwilling to cross the river and suffered a disaster. This gentleman just needs to avoid the danger. Don't take the fortune seriously, don't take it seriously."

Su Bai coughed lightly,"Mai, let go. Ai, put your hands down too, you are not going to use a knife in the shrine, let go quickly."

Akagi Kaga withdrew his hands in dissatisfaction,"Yes, my husband!"

The priest looked at these two stunning women from Sakura who married a foreigner, and judging from his appearance, he was a Donghuang man, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Akagi was furious,"Old man, why are you shaking your head, explain it to me clearly."

The old priest said in Japanese:"You two are so beautiful, it is not difficult to marry into a wealthy family, why do you want to marry a Donghuang man, you are not trusting the right person, you are not trusting the right person."

Akagi wanted to slap him. She looked at the old priest coldly and replied in Japanese:"Old thing, shut up. I'm living a good life. You don't have to worry about me!"

Humph, a wealthy family. Is it happier to marry a wealthy family and be a plaything than to be with my husband? How pedantic. Besides, my husband is a baron and will be a noble in the future. This is a real wealthy family!

After the baptism of two fortune-tellings, everyone lost interest in traveling. They simply went to a traditional Japanese restaurant near the hotel where they were staying and sat down to pay tribute to their stomachs.

Akagi Kaga ordered the most traditional kaiseki cuisine, which was simplified based on Honzen cuisine and Kaiseki cuisine, and also included various local cuisines. After Sakura Empire gradually accepted Western culture, some dishes from other countries gradually appeared here.

In addition, sushi, rice balls, and seafood sashimi were also ordered.

Su Bai was not very interested in these things. Interested, he thought about it and ordered himself an omelette rice.

The omelette rice was actually just a showpiece. The only thing that interested Su Bai was that Akagi Kaga rushed to smear a heart shape on the omelette rice with ketchup.

Well, since it was a heart drawn by the two wives, he had to finish it no matter what. After finally finishing the meal happily, Su Bai returned to the hotel with several ship girls. It was just getting dark, and many commanders gathered in the lobby of the hotel.

Su Bai was not in a hurry to go back to the room. He was going to join in the fun and get to know the commanders of other governor-general districts.

However, there are always annoying flies in this world. Just as Su Bai was chatting with the commanders of other governor-general districts, a guy dressed as a samurai popped up.

"I am the two-sword samurai Yoshihara Saburo, and I have come to challenge Mr. Su Bai. Please accept the challenge."

Su Bai glanced at this guy and sneered,"I don't have time."

"Baka, you have robbed the two prides of our Sakura Empire. You dare to do such a robbery. Don't you have the courage to accept the challenge? Mr. Su Bai, are you a man?"

Su Bai looked at Yoshiwara Saburo coldly,"Are you the admiral of Sakura Empire?"


"Since you want to embarrass yourself, I will help you. Tell me what you want to compare."

"The sword is an extension of a man's arm, so let's compete with swords!"

"Forget it. Swords have no eyes. If I hurt you, I can't explain to Governor Yamamoto."

"Humph, Mr. Su Bai, if you have the guts, you can kill me. I am willing to sign a life and death agreement!"

Su Bai looked at Yoshiwara Saburo with a smile,"Does it have to be a sword?"

"Must compare!"

"You are not strong enough for me to draw my sword. Mai, go outside and pick a willow branch, remember to make it soft."

Akagi left, she knew Su Bai's strength, of course she didn't think he was arrogant.

But Yoshiwara Saburo felt greatly insulted,"Asshole, you are insulting the Bushido of the Sakura Empire, I will not hold back, you will pay the price in blood today!"

"Don't hold back, don't hold back? Okay, I'll fulfill your wish later."

Su Bai's heart was filled with murderous intent. If he didn't use this Yoshiwara Saburo to establish his authority, there would be more such things in the future!

Akagi quickly returned to the hotel lobby and handed a thin willow branch to Su Bai.

Su Bai took the willow branch and gently plucked the leaves from it,"When swordsmanship reaches its peak, even flying flowers and plucking leaves can kill the enemy. For a fellow like you, a willow branch is enough."

Su Bai said to the other commanders,"Please be my witnesses, it was this Yoshiwara Saburo who took the initiative to provoke me."

The other commanders looked at Su Bai and Yoshiwara Saburo in surprise. Yoshiwara Saburo was also an outlier. He had been fascinated by kendo before he traveled through time. After arriving in Sakura Empire, he became a disciple of a famous kendo master and his swordsmanship was amazing. It was too arrogant for the demon king Su Bai to fight the enemy with only a willow branch.

In fact, he was not arrogant at all. When Su Bai picked the willow leaves, he had already infused magic power into the willow branch. As long as the magic power was not exhausted, this willow branch was no different from a steel pipe. What Su Bai wanted was not to defeat Yoshiwara Saburo, but to completely destroy him.

Su Bai shouted,"Go ahead!"

Yoshihara Saburo was furious, but he did not lose the calmness of a swordsman. He circled around Su Bai cautiously, while Su Bai stood in the center, motionless.

Su Bai's commander level has reached level 25, and his basic attributes are extremely high. In the past six months, he has often sparred with Enterprise, Akagi, Kaga, Li Huamei and others. His strength has long been recognized as the second in the port area.

Even Li Huamei is not his opponent. Only Enterprise is slightly stronger than him. But he has never���It's just a chance to perform.

Saburo Yoshiwara, I have to thank you for giving me this stage to perform. Since you don't plan to hold back, then don't hold back.

Clang! Saburo Yoshiwara finally found what he thought was the best opportunity to attack. He drew his sword and made a perfect sword-drawing slash.

Su Bai finally took action. He just took a step back easily and dodged the sword-drawing slash. The sword slashed directly at Su Bai's waist and abdomen, and he was going to kill him.

Su Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and he didn't even want to fight under the pretext of sparring. This guy really wants to kill me.

There are so many people who want my life, who do you think you are? Su Bai was too lazy to play along with him, and the willow branch chopped at Saburo Yoshiwara like a heavy battle axe. Saburo

Yoshiwara confidently swung his sword to block, but a huge force forced him to retreat. Su Bai's power was so terrible!

Of course it was terrible. Su Bai was level 25 and had a strength of 247; Saburo Yoshiwara was only level 11 and had a strength of only 99. This is not an opponent of the same level at all.

Su Bai swung the willow branch three times in a row, breaking the center axis of Yoshihara Saburo, and then hit Yoshihara Saburo's right hand with a heavy blow.

Yoshihara Saburo let out a tragic howl. His right hand was completely useless, with a comminuted fracture. Even if it was reconnected later, he could no longer use force.

He hugged his right hand, cried and fell to the ground, screaming.

Su Bai shrugged,"Yoshihara Saburo, you said you would not hold back. I will meet your request. You don't need to hold back this hand."

Su Bai snapped his fingers,"Waiter, call an ambulance for this gentleman."

The other commanders were dumbfounded. They were also people who had seen big scenes, but they had never seen such a scene!

Legend has it that Donghuang martial arts can kill people by picking flowers and leaves when practiced to the extreme, but those are all legends. I didn't expect that someone could do it in reality.

The eyes of these commanders when looking at Su Bai changed. Some were afraid, some admired, and some were jealous. But no matter who it was, they would never dare to regard Su Bai as a weakling again.

After Su Bai greeted the commanders, he took his ship girl upstairs. He did not notice that in the corner of the crowd, a waiter was staring at him, and the waiter had already filmed everything with a micro camera.

If you hand this video to the Observer, you will definitely get a big reward!

Su Bai defeated Yoshiwara Saburo in two moves with a willow branch in his hand and crippled him. The commander forum had already gone viral.

Supporters said,"Well done! The bastards from the Sakura Empire actually dared to mess with our White Eagle commander. They are really tired of living.""

"The devil is the devil, awesome!"...

Opponents protested against Su Bai's cruel methods. Since winning was enough, why did he have to cripple someone? Of course, these people chose to be blind and turned a blind eye to Yoshiwara Saburo's provocative behavior and preemptive killing.

There were even several admirals of the Sakura Empire who angrily walked into Governor-General Yamamoto's residence and woke up Admiral Yamamoto who was about to rest.

After explaining the whole story, an admiral shouted,"Governor Yamamoto, you have to do this for me.���Be the boss!"

"Kill the American beast and avenge Saburo Yoshiwara."

General Yamamoto slapped the fool in the face, and froze him in place."Get out of here, aren't you ashamed enough?"

Governor General Yamamoto returned to his bedroom angrily. Why are there always some idiots in the country who think they can compete with the United States? The gap in strength between Sakura Empire and the White Eagle Federation is too big, but many people have already lost their minds in the expansion over the years. Alas, how can we stop these idiots?

"My dear husband, you are so mighty!"

"My dear husband, you are so handsome!"

"Well, both of you stop bragging, this world is big, and there are so many powerful people. My ability may be good among the younger generation, but compared with those guys hiding in the dark, it is nothing."

Akagi said with some concern,"My dear husband, you have ruined Yoshiwara Saburo, I am afraid there will be hidden worries. From today on, we must guard you every step of the way, 24 hours a day. Moreover, all food must be tested for poison!"

Kaga also nodded,"Not only that, we also have to beware of the special killer ninjas of Sakura Empire!"

"Uh, in this day and age, are there really ninjas?"

"My dear husband, we are not kidding you. There are even magicians in this world, so what's the problem with having a few ninjas?"

Su Bai thought of his teacher Antonidas, who could destroy a small fleet by himself. It might not be much harder for such a great magician to kill him than to kill a chicken.

Of course, this peak of human force would naturally not compete with a newcomer like him, but other enemies might not be so disciplined.

He underestimated the enemy. Taking away Akagi and Kaga was a national humiliation at best. He really had to be careful with his life. This is not a public sea area. If he died here, he would really be gone.

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