""Su Bai!"

The three ship girls rushed up excitedly. They hadn't seen the commander for a week, and they all missed this mean guy.

When Su Bai saw the three of them, his mood immediately became very good.

The three ship girls changed into casual clothes today. Hood wore an A-line skirt, Glory wore a dress, and Enterprise wore casual clothes.

The three beauties were carefully dressed up, which made Su Bai almost stunned. After holding back for a week, Su Bai took the three ship girls to the best restaurant in the city, found a private room, sat down and ordered a lot of delicious food, and chatted casually about what they encountered during training.

Su Bai suddenly thought of a question,"I remembered one thing. Every commander may have Hood and Enterprise under his command. So what will happen if you meet other Hoods and Enterprises during training?"

Hood, Glory and Enterprise looked at each other and laughed,"Su Bai, you still don't know enough about this world."

"Every commander has a battlecruiser Hood, but every Hood is not the same person!"

"Let me give you an example. My full name is Hood Constantine; other people's Hoods may be called Hood Green. You can even see a Hood with yellow skin and black eyes. If it is a non-African, you can even see a Hood with shiny dark skin. Do you understand now?"

Su Bai thought of the black Hood and felt a chill. It was too terrible. I don't want to be a non-African! He nodded,"I understand, just like I am the commander, but my name is Su Bai. Hood is just a battleship assigned to the commander. What kind of ship girl is on this battleship is random?"

"That's right! The commander is very smart. If I retire, I will no longer be called Hood. I will restore my original name, Constantine."

"Enterprise, what is your real name?"

"Enterprise Alice"

"What a great name!"Su Bai secretly complained in his heart. Alice is such a cute name, and it doesn't match the powerful prefix of the enterprise at all.

"My full name is Guanghui Andrea."

I was too careless. Irene had said a long time ago that her full name was Irene Celia, but he never paid attention to it.

After finishing the meal, Su Bai continued to go shopping with the three ship girls. Unknowingly, they came to the special area where high-end luxury goods were located.

If he hadn't accompanied the three girls, Su Bai would have wanted to leave now, because he saw that annoying woman again, looking at him provocatively.

Sure enough, what you fear will come true. Alanis came over, and next to her was a tall and handsome man. The man was about twenty years old and didn't look like a playboy, but a real strong man.

""Hey, isn't this Lord Blood Demon?"

Alanis took the initiative to greet him, but her tone was a little unfriendly.

The handsome man walked up with a smile,"Su Bai, hello!"

"Hello, excuse me, may I know your name?"

"Hey, this is my brother! The first commander of the South Pacific Governorate, Eamon���My brother is not like you who relies on luck. He is the recognized first commander of the entire alliance."

Su Bai certainly won't bother with this woman. Speaking of which, except for her sometimes bad attitude, there is no unsolvable contradiction between this Alanis. Let's forgive her.

In this strange world, don't make enemies casually.

"Hello, Mr. Eamon, I have heard of your name, the first baron in the South Pacific region, I admire you!"

"It's nothing. Aren't you the first baron of the North Pacific?"


Su Bai didn't have any bad feelings towards Amon, and the two chatted for a few words before leaving.

Before leaving, Alanis made a provocative gesture of clenching her fist towards Su Bai, but Su Bai could see that she was just a stubborn girl who liked to show off her temper.

You can do whatever you want as long as you don't get in my way.

There are hundreds of commanders in the several major governorates of the Azure Alliance, and there will be competition among these people.

After Su Bai saw Amon, he put away his gradually inflated mood in the past few days. The world is so big, and he has only seen the tip of the iceberg. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. The second week of training continues.

The first lesson is the test of magic aptitude and martial arts aptitude.

The commanders came forward to take the test in order of military rank from low to high. The method of testing magic aptitude is to touch the crystal ball, which has not changed for thousands of years.

"Mental strength, 5 times, magic affinity is up to 3 times of water. Magical qualification: mediocre!"

With the cold voice of the referee, a little fat man withdrew from the stage.

The elf Aimeier walked onto the stage, his hand pressed on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball emitted a soft green light.

"Mental strength, 10 times, magic affinity is highest for wind, 15 times. Magic aptitude: excellent!"

This is the first excellent result in the test. Naturally, this guy was very happy and walked down complacently.

The magic aptitude of the demons, blood races, and elves is generally good, while the magic aptitude of the dragon people and minotaurs is ridiculously poor. Humans are uneven, ranging from the worst to the best.

Finally, it was Su Bai's turn. He walked up with some trepidation. God knew what the result of his test would be. After all, he came from the technological world. It would be embarrassing if he was the worst.

Others would say that the baron was a waste!

No matter what, it is a blessing in disguise. If it is a disaster, it cannot be avoided. Go!

Su Bai slapped the crystal ball with one hand, and a dazzling light shot up into the sky! It was a light purple. What the hell is purple? What kind of attribute is it?

The referee's eyes almost fell out, purple represents pure energy, and high energy affinity means that all kinds of magic can be practiced! Moreover, this strong light that almost blinded people and dogs was too terrible.

The referee trembled and said,"The mental power is thirty times, and the magic affinity is up to fifteen times the energy. Magic aptitude: super!"


All the commanders were talking about it. Although they didn't know what the super level was, everyone knew that Su Bai's magic talent was very high.���Su Bai was also confused.

Am I a magic genius? Hahahaha!

After the test, Nimitz, who got the news, called Su Bai directly into the Governor's Mansion.

"Su Bai, your test results have already alarmed the top management. You don't need to participate in this training. Your score will be given an excellent grade. The temple will soon arrange a special magic teacher to teach you."

The temple acted very quickly. That afternoon, a great magician appeared from the teleportation array and came to the headquarters. When

Su Bai saw this great magician with white hair and beard, he really felt a bit like Gandalf.

"Hello, teacher! I am Su Bai"

"I am the great magician Antonidas. I don't have anything special to teach you. How to cast magic is all in magic books and videos. I only want to teach you a way to improve your mental strength. Are you willing to learn it?"

"Of course I am willing, please teach me!"Su Bai was very happy. You know, mental power is the foundation of a magician. If mental power can be improved, then the magic power will be improved comprehensively. Is there any more important method than improving mental power? No.

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