A foreigner's journey

Chapter 804 Spirit Wave Fist

The three Hollows slowly turned around and looked at the human behind them.

Heather was still wearing the boy's school uniform with an empty seat and a height. The ordinary school uniform was worn by him to look like a fashion model. At this time, he was pacing towards Inoue Orihime and the three Hollows.

"Can you see us?" "He can see us." "Eat him too!"

One of the three Hollows, one that looked like a goat, turned around and strode towards Heather, making the ground tremble slightly with every step he took.

"Brother Heather... no, you are not allowed to hurt him!"

Orihime had no strength at first, but when she saw that Brother Haise, whom she secretly loved in her heart, was in danger, she didn't know where the spiritual power and strength came from and she summoned the shield Shun Rikka again:

"Chun Gui! Gu Tian slashes the shield, I refuse...ah!"

Before Orihime could call Chuuki to attack the Kyon who was walking towards Heather, Orihime was grabbed by the bear-shaped Kyon who was closest to her and pushed to the ground.

"We all watched the whole thing when you fought with this idiot octopus, Stearius. How could we possibly give you a chance to call on the Word Spirit? Huh-huh!"

The giant bear-like Xu grabbed Orihime and raised it to his eyes, sniffed his nose and said, "Well, the smell of psychics is so delicious. As long as we eat you, we can continue to evolve to a higher level!"

"That man seems to be a psychic too, let's share the food with them both, haha!" Another monkey-shaped virtual clapped his hands.

Bang——! !

A sudden loud noise interrupted the two virtual dreams.

They all looked in the direction of the sound, and found that the goat-shaped Xu that had just gone to catch Heather no longer existed. Its body had been blown into pieces and scattered into countless bone fragments from the sky, leaving only two facing each other. Half of the hoof, which was still intact, was thrown away by the blast.

The two virtual faces looked at each other, and could only smell the smell of burnt flesh and blood filled with spiritual beings in the air, as well as the violent movement after the explosion of ultra-high concentration of spiritual pressure compressed to the limit.

Was... bombed to death? Are all humans this fierce today?

Heather stretched out her left arm and pointed her left hand at the two remaining Hollows like a pistol. She smiled gently and said, "Please take your dirty hands away from my sister."

The monkey-shaped Xu let out a sharp roar: "Pretend to be a ghost!! I want to eat——"

Bang——! !

The bear-shaped virtual giant claws grabbed Orihime and looked to the side blankly. A huge crater had been blown out where Monkey Xu was originally. This time, it couldn't even keep its legs, and its entire body was blown into pieces.

Xiong Xingxu swallowed hard, and this time he finally saw clearly what was going on.

The black-haired human male just made a shooting gesture like a child joking, but his fingertips condensed enough terrifying spiritual pressure to level the entire street, and instantly condensed it into a super-condensed spiritual pressure ball the size of a glass ball, and then Fired from his fingertips like real bullets.

This super-concentrated spiritual pressure ball hit Monkey Xu's chest at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and then exploded suddenly!

Monkey Xu couldn't even leave a last word, and was so miserable that he was blown into pieces by countless souls. He couldn't even go to the Soul Society to die, which was a true [death].

Heather moved her fingertips in front of her face and blew the 'muzzle' gently, then pointed at Xiong Xingxu again:

"For the last time, let go of my sister."

Xiong Xingxu was frightened, and the severe fear stimulated its IQ. He saw it lifting Orihime as a shield in front of him, and the ugly face with a bone mask roared:

"Asshole! If you dare to take action, blow it up together with your sister!"

It didn't believe that this human dared to continue taking action. With the power of the explosion just now, if he wanted to kill him, he would definitely implicate this woman. Humans are all emotional animals, and it is absolutely impossible for him to kill his sister with his own hands.

Hahaha, as long as there are hostages in hand, I have nothing to be afraid of. Just like what I did when I was still a human, I used the hostages to make the strong throw a rat weapon or even kneel down to beg for mercy. In the end, I killed all the hostages and rescuers. This way That's fun.

"Hey, you kid, if you want to save this woman, kneel down and blow up your legs with the reiatsu ball!"

Xiong Xingxu raised his sharp claws with white bone spurs and pressed against Orihime's head: "Otherwise, I will have to make a hole in this beautiful face?"

"Brother Heather! Leave me alone!"

Orihime struggled desperately, she would not let herself become a hostage that would drag down Brother Heather! Thinking of this, Orihime opened her mouth and was about to bite off her tongue. If he died, Brother Heather wouldn't be restrained, right?

Heather suddenly asked: "Orihime, do you believe me?"

"I, I..." Orihime was so anxious that tears flowed out.

"Believe me, just close your eyes, hold your breath and don't move."

Heather showed a reassuring and warm smile: "It will be over soon."

Believe in Heather... Orihime literally closed her eyes, held her breath and remained motionless out of her absolute trust in Heather.

For some reason, Xiong Xingxu felt something was wrong and hurriedly shouted:

"What do you want to do? Don't you want this woman to live? I will really kill her! Wait, do you want to use that trick on us just now? If you kill me, this woman will also be blown up to death. , do you want to kill your sister with your own hands? Be cold, calm down..."

Heather maintained her shooting posture, her fingertips locked on Xiong Xingxu: "If I can't control the explosion effect, then what's the point of practicing this trick? Go to hell and repent, you stupid bastard."


A spiritual pressure ball condensed to the limit instantly crossed the battlefield like a real bullet, accurately shooting through Xiong Xingxu's forehead.

The spiritual pressure ball did not come out through the skull, but stayed in Xiong Xingxu's head, triggering a very small explosion, immediately cutting off all its vitality.

Xiong Xingxu's huge body shook, and then fell heavily to the ground. Orihime, who was originally holding on, was also thrown into the air by inertia.

Orihime only felt her body flying in the air, and then being caught firmly. She smelled a familiar smell in her nose that made her blush and her heart beat.

A gentle voice sounded in my ears: "You can open your eyes now, Orihime."

Orihime opened her eyes and saw Heather holding Orihime in her arms in a princess hug. That handsome face shone like the sun, making Orihime a little dazzled. It took her a few seconds to come to her senses, and she quickly jumped back to the ground from Heather's arms with a blushing face.

Feeling her cheeks burning red, she quickly changed the subject: "Hai, Brother Haise, why have you suddenly become so powerful? Not only can you see the void, but you can also shoot light waves with your fingers!"

As she spoke, she gestured to Heather's posture just now and muttered the words "PIU", "PIU" and "PIU".

Heather raised her eyebrows: "Huh? Haven't I told you before?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I've always been a psychic."

Heather showed the shooting gesture just now and smiled:

"Re-introduction, my name is Heather, genre——

[Aura Wave Fist]. "

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