A foreigner's journey

Chapter 40 Start investigation

September 3rd, 10:42 am, the temporary base of the Phantom Troupe in the southern suburbs of Youkexin City.

The members of the Phantom Troupe stood in the dark hall with serious faces.

Wo Jin and Xiake haven't come back yet, something must have happened.

"Didn't I say that my opponent was a gangster's thug? The knight and Wo Jin acted together, how could they still fall into trouble!"

Finks, the burly man with no eyebrows and a fierce look on his face, roared.

"What are you arguing about? Didn't you read the text message sent back by the knight? The Zhan Nian Dao probably worked with the chain hand to ambush the knight and Wo Jin." The short Feitan's voice was still sinister.


The door opened, and a voluptuous blonde woman named Pike Notan and a tall and thin man about two meters tall walked in, carrying a package in their hands.

Franklin, who was sitting in the corner, asked aloud: "How's it going, Pike, is there any news?"

Pike Nuotan's face was ugly, and he slowly said: "Wojin... was killed."

"What!?" Although everyone vaguely guessed it, they still couldn't accept it.

Captain Chrollo was relatively calm: "Tell me in detail."

The body surface of the tall and thin man next to Pikenotan suddenly surged with mental energy, and then transformed into a strange man with a very thin and long body covered with bandages, peeling off Lev.

This is one of the applied skills of his embodied telekinesis ability [Combat Performing Martial Arts], [Transformation]. As long as someone helps provide detailed information and data, he can transform into any human form at will through telekinesis, which is an excellent skill for sneaking and sneak attacks.

Peeling Lev's voice was as strange as his appearance: "Pike and I went to Youkexin City to get information. Around 7:10 in the morning, news came from the gang that the murderer who attacked the underground auction had been caught. one."

"Pike and I immediately went to investigate and found that the gang had recorded the entire process of dismembering Wo Jin's body and posted it on the website, and also distributed many video tapes. Parker and I watched the video, and it was most likely that it was Wo Jin himself. corpse."

"Where's the tape?"

"I brought it back. In the bag, we also bought a video recorder."

There happened to be a TV set in the base, so everyone quickly connected the video recorder and started playing the video tape.

The content of the video can be called cruel. A group of gangsters who did not hide their faces first showed the whole body of Wo Jin, and then dissected the body step by step, insulting and sarcastic while dissecting, and finally cut up Wo Jin's body into pieces. Only the head is left intact.

Not only that, the gangsters in the video even threatened to dig out this group of daring gangsters who attacked the auction by checking DNA, dental molds, fingerprints, medical records and all personal information. Even if they are close family members, they will not let anyone go. They will catch them all and slowly torture them and finally kill them.

Click, after the video was played, Pike Notan turned off the TV.

The atmosphere in the base hall was solemn.

"Haha...family? What is that?" Feitan smiled sadly.

boom! Nobunaga, who had the best relationship with Wojin, kicked away the old tables and chairs in front of him and shouted: "I want to kill them! I want them to pay with their lives!!"

"Don't be anxious, just follow the leader's arrangements." Maggie calmly calmed everyone down.

Everyone looked at the leader Chrollo. The Phantom Troupe calls itself [Spider]. The twelve members are the spider's siblings, and the leader is the indispensable head. All actions must follow the instructions of the leader. This is the iron rule of the Phantom Troupe.

Chrollo folded his arms in front of him and fell into deep thought. After a while, he asked, "How is the situation in the city?"

"Photos of the seven gang members who attacked the auction house were released, and police were searching the streets for anyone suspicious and every car was being searched," said Peellev.

"Police?" Finks was a little confused.

"Sixty percent of the current Youkexin Mayor Kidunoda's election funds are secret donations from gangs, and it is not difficult at all for the mayor to ask the police chief who was directly promoted by him to arrange roadside inspections."

Parker Notan explained:

"And the one kilometer radius of the 'Cemetery Building', the venue for tonight's auction, has become a lawless place."

Don’t wonder why Pike Notan can know such secret information. Her special telepathy ability is called [Memory Bullet]. As long as she touches the target, she can read the target’s memory information, and she can convert the memory into ready-made bullets and put them into the same In the manifested revolver. If a bullet is put into the head of another person, memory sharing can be achieved. If the bullet is put back into the head of the person whose memory was extracted, the person will lose his memory and become like a baby.

She used this ability to contact several top gangsters, and after reading their memories, she erased their memories without leaving any traces.

Chrollo asked again: "Is there any news about the hiding place of the Nosla Gang?"

Pike Notan shook his head: "No, the Nosla gang has been keeping a low profile since they came to Youkexin City. We only know that their leader Nosla has only risen to power in recent years, relying on the [Prophecy] for those big shots. .The only known hiding place for the Nosla Gang is the Summer Flower Hotel."

Maggie explained: "It's the hotel where we rescued Wo Jin before."

Chrollo nodded, thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Did you find out who handed over the money to the gang?"

Pike Notan recalled: "A free bounty hunter named Explosive Mountain."

Hisoka suddenly said: "I know this person. He is somewhat famous in the industry, but he can never be Wo Jin's opponent."

"According to your logic, how many points?" Maggie knew Hisoka very well.

"55 points~ By the way, do you want to know how many points you have in my heart?" Hisoka replied with a smile, a perverted smile on his face.

Maggie stopped paying attention to him and turned to look at the group leader.

Pike Notan put his hand on his chin, frowned and muttered: "The only knight who can enter the hunter's private network is not here, so it is difficult to find out Bakuzan's recent employment status."


Everyone was silent for a while. Kubi, who had long hair hanging in front of his face like a leprechaun, suddenly said: "... Hisoka is also a professional hunter, right?"


Everyone turned to look at Hisoka again. This guy was usually too transparent and had almost forgotten that he was also a professional hunter.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes and raised his hands: "I understand, but I need to find a computer with Internet access."

He was about to get up, but Chrollo raised his hand to stop him: "There is a laptop in room 2, Finks, go get it."

"Okay." Phinks nodded, got up and left the hall.

After Finks left, Chrollo was still sitting on the pile of old tables and chairs in the hall. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and sent a text message to Ilmi——

[Where is the Zhan Nian Dao? 】

Thanks to Erhuo Danqing for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Nebula Dengfeng for the 1,000 starting coins

Thanks to Sfirebob and Fenrirbook for the Qidian coins.

PS: I was scolded by the editor, saying that my pitiful amount of updates was not just embarrassing but borderline criminal. Tsk...Okay, then I will try two updates. I can only say that I will try my best. I cannot guarantee two updates every day. After all, I have to go to work every day and it is almost 8 o'clock when I get home. There is not much time left for writing novels. . Let’s temporarily change the update time. Today’s first update is at 0:00, and the second update is at 12:00 noon. After that, the first update will be at 12 noon every day, and if there is a second update, it will be at 5 p.m.

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