A foreigner's journey

Chapter 34 Spider in Action

At 4:22 on September 2, an apartment building on the west side of Youkexin City.

A bloated middle-aged man lay in the living room of a slightly dirty apartment. His neck was twisted at a strange angle and his body temperature became cold.

The refrigerator door was wide open, and the cans of beer stored inside were scattered on the floor, many of which had become empty cans.

The lights in the bedroom were bright, and a blond young vigilante in a suit was sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard, while Wo Jin stood aside, taking a swig of beer while watching the vigilante operate the computer unconsciously.

When he was fighting the [Yin Beast] before, 'leeches' invaded his body through the wound on his shoulder. These leeches would crawl into his kidneys and lay countless eggs within 24 hours and then die. Once the leech eggs hatched, they would be urinated. Expelled together, most people will die from severe pain at this stage. However, hatching requires a stable concentration of ammonia. When the concentration of ammonia in the urine is insufficient, the eggs will not hatch and will be expelled directly without pain.

Therefore, Wojin needs to drink a lot of beer, keep drinking and excreting until the black urine is exhausted and white urine appears, then everything will be fine.

Of course, they can buy beer from the 24-hour convenience store, but most of the members of the Phantom Troupe are perverts with twisted human nature. They feel that only "stealing" and "robbery" are consistent with their identities.

The owner of this apartment is the poor person they randomly selected. Even though they immediately knelt down and begged for life and said they could take whatever they wanted from the apartment, Xia Ke and Wo Jin still killed the poor man without hesitation.

"We found out that the house where you were imprisoned before belongs to Bolio Property, which is a shell company of the Nosla Gang. In addition to that house, there are two other real estate properties, and the members of the Nosla Gang We stayed in three hotels, and here they are."

The knight pointed at the information displayed on the screen, then took a notebook to record the information and handed it to Wo Jin.

Wo Jin excitedly rubbed the knight's blond hair into a mess: "Thank you, I owe you a favor!"

"Don't mess up my hair! I don't want any favors, just give them to me and convert them into money!"

The knight pushed Wo Jin away and recombed his blond hair in frustration: "Okay, I'll take care of the body. You go and do your work."

Wojin nodded and was about to jump out of the window with a large bag of cans of beer when the phone suddenly rang.

The knight took out his unique mobile phone and glanced at the screen: "Eh? Leader? I guess you have something to say, Wo Jin, you can listen to it before leaving."


"Captain, is something wrong?"

[Is Wojin next to you? ] Chrollo's magnetic voice came from the mobile phone.

"Well, he was chained...well, a telepathic person under a gangster took advantage of him and wanted to get back." Ignoring Wojin's frantically waving hands, the knight spoke honestly. He believed that with the group A person with long wisdom will definitely be able to make correct commands.

[Don’t let him act alone. From now on, at least two people must form a team until I give new instructions. 】

"Understood. Captain...what happened?" The knight was a little confused. The captain knew best about Wo Jin's strength in a duel, but he still wanted to act with Wo Jin himself. Something must have happened.

[The gang has hired ‘beaters’, and you may be targeted if you act alone. 】

"Beat the enemy... I understand the leader, I will act together with Wo Jin."

【good. 】


"Did you hear it too, Wo Jin?"

The knight shook the mobile phone in his hand and said to Wo Jin who was standing by the window: "The enemy guest once killed the former No. 8 Luo Luo three years ago. Even the captain could not stop it. Later, he let Xiao Didi takes over as the new No. 8. I don’t need to say more about how powerful this killer family is, right?"

"Luoluo...that's a very annoying guy. Xiaodi is much better than him."

Wo Jin's focus was different. He opened another can of beer and drank it. After finishing it, he wiped his mouth and said, "I know, let's come together, but I still have to kill the chainman first. No problem." Bar?"

The knight smiled and made an OK gesture: "Of course, I can help you find it together, that will be faster."

At this time, among the abandoned buildings on the southern outskirts of Youkexin City, large and small candles were burning in an abandoned hall. The candlelight was dim in the darkness, full of mystery and ritual.

A handsome man wearing a black coat, with his black hair combed back into a meticulous back, and a purple cross tattoo on his forehead, sat on a 'hillside' made of layers of discarded tables and chairs, playing with his hands playfully black mobile phone inside.

He is the founder and leader of the Phantom Troupe, the 'head' of the spiders, Chrollo Rusilu.

Chrollo turned his head and looked at Hisoka who was standing aside, and said in a calm tone: "Hisoka, is the source reliable?"

"I went out to meet a certain friend before. He has an inside source with the Ten Old Man, and the information is very reliable."

Hisoka's playing cards were flying in his hand, and his tone was strange: "...I am also a member of the brigade after all, please have more trust."

Just because it’s you, trust must be compromised! The brigade members present complained in their hearts.

Finks, an eyebrowless man wearing a golden pharaoh's crown, said impatiently: "It doesn't matter even if it's true. Rollo was caught three years ago because he suffered the loss of acting alone, and his ability was not It is completely suitable for actual combat. If the enemy dares to come again, we will join forces and kill him directly!"

"I will peel off his skin piece by piece..." the short Feitan said in a sinister tone.

Liev, a tall man with bandages all over his body, tilted his head: "Speaking of which, what happened to the big-eyed guy you captured?"

"I know! That guy's ability is very rare, so I caught him to see if the leader is interested!" Xiaodi, a beauty with a curvy figure, raised her hand and said.

Franklin, who looks like the android Frankenstein, patted Xiaodi's hair lovingly.

Nobunaga looked at Chrollo with a smile: "Captain, is that guy's ability useful?"

Chrollo nodded: "A very useful and precious ability."

Maggie looked at the [Yin Beast] member 'Xiao' who was tied to a chair and covered in blood. His head was covered in a cloth bag that was also stained with blood. He hung his head feebly, and his thoughts were no longer exposed. He had obviously already The ability to read was taken away by Chrollo.

The ability of 'Owl' is the ability to manifest telekinesis [Convenience Wrap]. As long as you unfold the red convenience wrap that appears, you can wrap things and quickly shrink them, even behemoths like trucks or creatures like humans. It can also be captured. Once captured successfully, no matter how strong the ability is, it cannot be used again. It is a powerful telekinesis ability to capture people alive or transfer materials.

Now, this ability belongs to the leader. The only thing to note is that Xiao Xiao cannot be killed, otherwise the telekinesis ability will disappear from the leader's ability list.

Chrollo looked at Finks: "What's going on with the chainman?"

"A thug from a gang organization. Wojin said that guy has chains wrapped around his hands. He should be a person with the ability to manifest or operate, right?"

Finks scratched his head: "Wo Jin was hit by paralysis poison and couldn't move, and was invaded by leeches. Only then did the opponent seize the opportunity. In a one-on-one confrontation, Wo Jin would definitely be able to break the opponent's bones one by one. Crush the roots."

Chrollo pondered for a while and asked, "Didn't you ask about the other party's specific appearance and characteristics?"

Nobunaga shook his head: "No, he's just a little gangster. If Wojin wants to get angry, just let him go, leader, otherwise the guy will come back holding his breath and yell again."

The blond woman with a devilish figure, Pike Noda, said: "With the knights here, plus the wealth, the intelligence faction and the martial arts faction in the brigade are perfectly combined, so there should be no need to worry."

While everyone was making noise, Chrollo fell into deep thought.

He suddenly took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Yi Mi.

[Is there any news about Zhan Nian Dao? 】

Of course, there was no reply.

It is common sense for a killer not to carry a mobile phone or to mute his mobile phone when performing tasks, and it is normal for him not to reply, but Chrollo still has some concerns, or should I say [intuition].

Chain hand... NianZhan Knife... two completely unrelated people, why do they always think of each other?

"Everyone, be quiet."

Hearing this, everyone immediately calmed down and looked at Chrollo.

Chrollo stood up and his expression became slightly serious:

"Change of plans."

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