A foreigner's journey

Chapter 31 Unexpected, Unexpected

September 1, 23:21, somewhere in the Gode Desert.

The surrounding hillsides and ground are full of depressions and cracks.

Heather, whose suit was slightly damaged and dusty, was humming and sitting on a boulder broken into two pieces. Next to her lay Ilmi Pandik, who was covered in injuries, with her right foot and left arm all broken. The cross sword [Absolute Kingship] penetrated his collarbone and nailed him firmly to the boulder.

"Then, if you beat the eldest son of the enemy Hakka, will you surrender or die?"

Heather, who was texting on her phone, said without raising her head: "Don't worry, since you have been training with me for so long, I can let you choose a way to die."

"I surrender."

Ilmi is also neat and tidy. There was no way, not only were the body broken in many places, but the mental nail was also consumed to the last tenths. The most terrible thing was that 99% of the mental energy in the whole body was burned by the cross sword that penetrated the collarbone, leaving no room for resistance or escape. .

Hearing this, Heather raised her head and glanced at Yi Mi, then continued to bury her text message:

"That's pretty straightforward. Okay, I believe you. I see you're not the kind of person who likes to make fun of your own life. Let's talk about how Chrollo came up with the idea. Let's start from the beginning."

Yi Mi just lay motionless on the ground and said in a calm tone:

"First, a rumor spread in the underground world and the black market two months ago that [someone had obtained the legendary Fire Sword]. At first, everyone scoffed, but more and more testimonies pointed to this rumor, and the rumor turned into a legend. , the legend turned into a secret. And Chrollo should have obtained this information at that time."

"Chrollo and I got to know each other six months ago because of a mission. The mission was suspended due to a fight with him. I thought this person was quite interesting, so I added him to my client group. Later, we occasionally had some contacts. , he also entrusted me with a not too difficult task. Two days ago, Chrollo contacted me and said that he wanted to entrust me with a task. Well, this task has nothing to do with you, can you omit it? "


"Okay, he asked me to find the meeting place of the 'Ten Old Men', the leaders of the organizers of the underground auction, and wait for his instructions. Once the next stage of the order is issued, I will kill the Ten Old Men and use the mind needle to control them according to the preset settings. The line announced to his gang organization through a remote video call that the reward was 7 billion ghini."

"you alone?"

"No, because this task is a bit troublesome, so I invited my brother and my great-great-grandfather to help out. I need to pay them 500 million and 3 billion ghats respectively."

"...You are really an honest character who answers all questions."

"I am a prisoner, and I still have some awareness of this. Do you need to continue?"


"Then just eleven hours ago, Chrollo sent me another message, assigning me a temporary task, asking me to look for your traces in Youkexin City, and if possible, capture you alive and bring you to him, especially It is required that your brain and limbs should not be seriously damaged, and the reward is 5 billion ghini. I happened to be in Youkexin City, so I asked my brother and great-grandfather to continue looking for the ten old men, while I acted alone. Looking at it this way, this business is really not cost-effective .”

Heather had finished sending the text message, put her phone back in her pocket, and looked at Yi Mi:

"Why do you think Chrollo wanted to capture me alive?"

"...To steal your telekinesis ability."

Yi Mi said it all without reservation: "Three years ago, my father took over a business for the Assassination Brigade No. 8. According to him, the deal was very uneconomical. During this period, he saw Chrollo's Ability, it is said that as long as strict conditions are met, one can steal the opponent's telekinesis ability, which is very tricky. I think the reason why I came to Chrollo to arrest you is to take away this materialized cross sword. By the way, my telekinesis is about to be destroyed. It's dried out, can it be taken away?"

"Let's burn it for a while longer. Anyway, I won't die for the time being."

Heather held her chin and thought for a while, then said, "If you catch me, how are you going to pay Chrollo?"


Il's big eyes rolled and he said dryly: "I will not turn against my employer. If you force me to help you kill Chrollo, I will give up surrender and choose death."

Heather was happy: "You're quite brave. You and Chrollo have a good relationship."

Yi Mi closed his eyes: "No, this is the bottom line of the killer family. Okay, you go ahead."

Heather pulled up the 'Absolute King', squatted down and patted Ilmi on the head: "Okay, I won't kill you for the time being, nor will I force you to have a life-or-death showdown with Chrollo. Because this is [someone ] request. In fact, [Chrollo is eyeing my telekinesis ability] and [people who beat up the enemy's family may come to assassinate me] were also revealed to me by him. I have an idea to get the best of both worlds, Want to hear it?"


Yi Mi opened her eyes with confusion on her face.


Youkexin City, a certain building, the second underground floor [Interrogation Room].

Looking at Wo Jin who was lying on the operating table, tied up and in a coma, Kurapika's face was clouded.

This guy is one of the members of the Phantom Troupe, the murderer who slaughtered his entire family and poached all the flaming eyes.

Over the past five years, I have rehearsed and rehearsed how to brutally retaliate countless times in my mind, but when I actually saw them, the fire in my heart was still burning brightly, but my mind was in chaos.

Pairo, what should I do...


At this time, Kurapika's phone vibrated, text message? He took out his cell phone from his pocket with some confusion. Who would send him a text message at this time?

【I'll wait for you at the appointed place. 】


Although there was no signature, Kurapika immediately guessed who sent the text message. He fought with Hisoka in the last round of the hunter exam, and the other party used [Spider's Secret] to persuade him to cooperate with him.

It seems it's time.

"Captain, I'm going out for a while."

Kurapika put away his cell phone, said hello to Dazoji, the captain of his Nosla gang bodyguard team, and then went out.

Half an hour later, he arrived at a slum area in the south of the city.

In an abandoned building with no one around, Kurapika met Hisoka, who was just sitting in the dark and empty hall, with no trace of his spiritual energy.

"You came very early."

Hisoka put his hands on his chin and sat lazily on an old bench: "Don't be so alert. You can rest assured, because I don't want to fight you yet."

Kurapika's attitude was very cold: "I don't want to say more, just tell me about you."

"Hehe, okay."

Hisoka laughed strangely: "There are thirteen members in the brigade, and each one has a spider tattoo and a number."

"Members sometimes change. As long as you kill the current member, you can join the group. In addition, if no one replaces the group, the group leader will replenish the members."

"The main activities are robbing, killing and sometimes doing good deeds."

"I replaced No. 4 three years ago. The purpose of joining the group was to fight with the group leader Chrollo, but I was never able to do so. Because he was very guarded, at least two members of the group would be with him at any time, and every day As soon as the mission is over, he will disappear immediately and you will not be able to find him at all."

"So I come to the conclusion that it's difficult for a person to achieve his goals, isn't it?"

"...That's why you came to me and wanted to join forces with me?"

Kurapika's expression remained unchanged: "But, I don't trust you."

"Oh ho~ It's simple and straightforward."

Hisoka smiled indifferently, turned towards the darkness and said, "What about your opinion?"

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps came from the darkness. Kurapika immediately covered his body with mental energy and assumed an attack stance. Did Hisoka bring others? Are you a member of the brigade?

The atmosphere was getting more solemn, but when Kurapika saw Heather walking out of the darkness, his expression froze.

Master, senior brother?

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