A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1425 Puppet Rumor

Since he had already revealed his ability to fly, Heather didn't care about hiding anymore. He took Annoya across the huge dark abyss and flew to the dynasty ruins in the distance.

The distance from here to the Dark Realm is equivalent to that from Galid to Nimgufu. Coupled with the bottomless dark abyss, it is no wonder that the Knox people in the Eternal City have never found any traces of this place.

As soon as he landed on the hills around the cliffs of the dynasty ruins, Heather noticed that the building ruins here were obviously older than the Eternal City.

"The architectural style here is different from that of the Eternal City. This was not built by the people of Knox."

Annoya walked to a huge crooked stone pillar and carefully identified it:

"It looks more like the Uru Dynasty."

"Uru Dynasty?"

Heather put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and looked at the surrounding buildings.

"I have only heard from the Council of Elders of Eternal City that there was an ancient dynasty that worshipped the 'sun' before the Golden Tree Civilization.

It is said that in that era when the Golden Law did not exist, people worshiped the sun because it brought light and warmth.

The ancient tree of life and the sun god complemented each other and shaded everything.

And there was no barrier to life at that time, let alone heresy."

"Are there any relevant records about the sun god?" Heather was really curious. He had never come across relevant information about the prehistoric mythological era in the game.

"No, with the establishment and rapid expansion of the Golden Law, all records about the Uru Dynasty have been lost in the long river of history.

We only know that the ancient god wore a pointed hat and had a long beard, and always held a stone tablet engraved with the emblem of the tree of life in his arms, and the roots spread out from his clothes."

Hearing Annoya's explanation, Heather was thoughtful.

In other words, the golden tree has always existed in the border area, which is equivalent to the existence of the 'imperial seal'.

Heather has always thought that if this ninth-level world is to produce a life tool, the most likely existence is the 'Elden Ring'.

The Ring is the basis of the Golden Law and represents the operation of the world's rules. If he can get the Elden Ring and subdue it as a life tool, Heather may be able to get a powerful life tool that can change the battlefield environment.

But now according to Annoya, the Golden Tree is a good thing that is more powerful than the Ring.

The Golden Tree has existed in the border area since ancient times. Whether it is the Tree of Life as the basis of the Hundred Phases Furnace during the ancient Sun God period, or the Tree of Life and Death during the Eternal Queen Marika period, it is the most core mechanism.

So, how to get the Golden Tree?

Uproot it? ZERO can do it, but what's the point? It is necessary to 'conquer people with virtue'. It is not advisable to forcibly collect life tools, which is very likely to be backfired. The fate of the little prince is ironclad evidence.

Moreover, the golden tree is not a life tool now. Neither Heather nor ZERO can sense the existence of this tree as a life tool.

There must be some opportunity.

Just as Heather was thinking, Annoya suddenly drew out the fluid sword and looked forward vigilantly.

A large number of figures gathered quietly in the darkness.

Heather looked forward and whistled: "Wuhu, the style here is completely different from the Eternal City."

There were a large number of zombie-like beings staggering over. They were different from the members of the Fallen Eagle Corps trapped in the Eternal City. There was no good meat on their bodies. They were all swollen blood tumors of various sizes, and the tumors were constantly expanding and shrinking like breathing.

In addition, there were the Platinum Sons with peeled skin and bloody flesh holding halberds and big trumpets, and the crows of the same type as Gallid with blood tumors... In short, none of the things here looked normal. In comparison, even Gallid's corrupted creatures looked like cute little lambs.

Even Annoya, who was used to seeing those big ants in the Eternal City, couldn't help but frown.

Heather couldn't bear to see her beautiful girl frown, so she comforted her:

"Don't worry, these children just look a little eccentric. You have to understand them. After all, they grow underground and are isolated from the world. Anyway, the golden masters on the ground can't see them. Just grow whatever you want. Who cares about that... Wow!"

Heather shrank back, and Annoya's fluid sword had already blocked him in advance, splitting the boiling plasma with one sword.

The boiling and boiling plasma poured on the ground, immediately burning a large piece of thick smoke and making a hissing sound.

The one who sprayed the burning plasma was a huge crow covered with tumors. The edge of its beak was still dripping with residual plasma, and its eyes were extremely fierce.

Annoya glanced at the fluid sword in his hand and found that the surface of the blade made of liquid metal had shown some signs of corrosion.

At the same time, more and more blood people gathered here, and the humanoid monsters among them kept wailing and whispering.

"Blood... worship..."


"Mongwen's blood dynasty..."


"Mother of the Invisible and the Real, please have mercy on us..."


Annoya retreated vigilantly with the fluid sword in hand, because the number of blood people surrounding them had exceeded 500, and a large number of black shadows could be vaguely seen staggering towards this side in the distance.

Even if she was the chief swordsman of the Maids of the Night, she could not fight against so many blood people.

At this time, Heather's big hand rested on Annoya's shoulder and patted her gently:

"Okay, relax a little. Since you have joined our big family, you must adapt to our battle rhythm as soon as possible.

Let me show it to you today, little cutie. "

At this time, the blood people who were closest could no longer hold back, and their bodies suddenly accelerated, and they roared and rushed towards Heather.

"Master! Please be careful!" Annuoya exclaimed.

But Heather just raised the corners of her mouth slightly, spread the fingers of her hands, and trembled slightly.

The blood people who were about to rush over suddenly froze, then waved their weapons and slashed down their companions mercilessly!

Annuoya was stunned for a moment. Are these people of blood crazy?

Soon, more and more blood people joined the ranks of 'rebellion'. They used violent movements that violated their physiological structure to brandish weapons or bite and attack, without caring that their bodies would be injured or even broken. Broken tendons.

The crow covered in blood tumors opened its huge beak full of fine teeth and bit hard at the giant dog with a large head that was also covered in blood tumors. The latter fought back crazily.

The Sons of Platinum and the Sons of Platinum raised their halberds at each other and stabbed each other, causing blood and flesh to fly.

Even if their hands and feet are broken, the living corpse will crawl on the ground and bite other blood people.

What the hell is going on here? Anoa felt that the silver blood in her body was almost stagnant. She could not understand what was happening to the blood people in front of her.

"Your Lady Qishi didn't want to see me downcast, so she tried her best to help me simulate similar moves using my existing strength by referring to my "ranking list of most wanted moves."

The 'Turtle Style Qigong' that previously defeated General Broken Star used the wave of killing intent to simulate Akuma's Wave Fist, but it was many times more powerful. By the way, Turtle Style Qigong ranks second on my ‘most popular list’.

As for the third-ranked Star Puppet Line, she no longer had the means to obtain it, so she resorted to the next best thing and replaced it with the 'Chakra Puppet Line' from the Naruto world. Of course, my baby thoughtfully helped me make some improvements. "

Heather stretched out her fingers comfortably, and every twitch of her fingers would take away the lives of a large number of blood people:

"[Puppet Ballad], this is the imitation that Qishi helped me improve.

I have to say that I have indeed found the happiness of the ‘Great Puppet’ guy. The Star Puppet Line is really a good move.

...Ah, no more fun. "

While talking, there were almost no survivors left among the blood people present.

Heather hooked her fingers, and a son of platinum who seemed to be relatively sane was pulled off the ground by invisible puppet strings and flew quickly towards Heather. The remaining survivors were torn to pieces by the puppet strings.

After being pulled over, before the platinum son had time to struggle, he heard Heather whispering softly: "Be good and take me to see your boss."

As if trapped in a dream and unable to extricate himself, the platinum son turned around dizzily and walked towards the distance.

Heather snapped her fingers at Anoa, who was still in a daze, and followed the leader.

PS: I have been checking information, but I didn’t expect it to be so late.

The early morning chapter will be moved to tomorrow afternoon, and I will try to finish both chapters at the same time.

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