A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 294 Can this explode?

On the first day of the new term, some people thought that Harry being stunned by a dementor on the train yesterday was something worthy of ridicule.

When the students went to breakfast, Malfoy waited for Harry in the hall, immediately looked frightened, and then struggled until he collapsed.

His two followers laughed happily and resisted Harry's attack.

Harry picked up his wand from a distance and waved it casually, like chasing away insects, frightening Malfoy and the others.

But nothing seemed to happen, no light appeared on the tip of the wand, and Harry walked towards the mess hall without looking back.

Malfoy thought he was afraid of him and smiled brightly.


A scream scared the students and professors inside and outside the cafeteria, thinking that Black was coming. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Malfoy was jumping with his feet by the door. He had kicked the door shut with his little toe when he entered.



A new first-year student from Slytherin House was about to sit down, but Malfoy kicked the chair away with his little toe and fell to the ground.

"Malfoy!" Someone on the seventh grade student side immediately stood up, "He is my brother. If you have any dissatisfaction with us, you can tell us."

Malfoy said hurriedly: "I was not careful!"

"Bang!" Just after he finished speaking, he took two steps and kicked off an empty chair with his little toe, hitting Pansy Parkinson's calf, causing her to cry.

The seventh-grade student said with a sullen face: "It seems you have a strong opinion on me?"

At the Gryffindor table, Harry watched Malfoy's embarrassment triumphantly, thinking that the charm he had obtained from Charles during the summer vacation to help with homework was working.

Charles didn't mind other people's business. He took the course schedule handed over by George Weasley and studied it. He found that the courses were quite full. Compared with the first and second years, the history of magic class was compressed and became a class for four colleges. The time was Leave it to alchemy class.

His elective courses are the Muggle Studies class, which is about fishing, and the Ancient Runes class, which he has to take seriously. The former is the first class this morning, before the Transfiguration class, and the latter is the first class in the afternoon, and the first Alchemy class is tomorrow. First session in the morning.

Next to him, Ron discovered that Hermione's class schedule was very strange, and she actually had to take three classes at the same time.

Hermione looked irritated when asked how she could attend so many classes and didn't want to answer.

After breakfast, as everyone was preparing to leave the table, Charles handed Hermione a bag of chocolates.

Hermione looked at Charles warily. This guy usually didn't give himself sweets, so there might be some conspiracy behind giving him a bag of chocolates for no reason.

Charles said: "Going to class will consume a lot of energy. Eat something to replenish your energy after class, otherwise your head will be dizzy."

Hermione took the chocolate and put it into her heavy schoolbag, asking him with her eyes if he knew anything.

Charles just smiled, got up and went to class.

The Muggle Studies classroom is on the second floor. There are TVs, washing machines, hair dryers, etc. on the tables around the classroom. There are also several telephones and a phone book. Traffic signs are hung on the walls, and there are even a handful of weapons from World War I. Drawing of webley revolver.

Those who use electricity cannot be used here, it is for display only.

Charles found a seat in the corner and sat down, took out his textbook and notebook and prepared to fish.

At the beginning of this school year, the textbooks at Hogwarts are different. They are no longer specified according to the professor's preferences. They have all become the "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Standard Textbook Series" written by the professors. The textbook for the alchemy class even comes with a This exercise booklet.

Last night, Charles flipped through the "Muggle Studies: Family Life" he was going to use today and the "Muggle Studies: Social Etiquette" he was going to use in the future. It must be said that there were some experts who wrote the teaching materials. It is also possible to sell this book in Muggle bookstores.

"Family Life" mainly talks about clothing and accessories, the use of home appliances, transportation, home shopping, food and cooking, medical health care, pet raising, life safety, etc. that you will encounter in Muggle family life. If you follow the steps, you can live a normal life. life.

"Social Etiquette" includes etiquette for various situations, events, and occasions that we often face in daily life such as individuals, relationships, workplaces, banquets, life, public places, etc. It can also be taught to young people who are new to society in Muggle society. How people shape their personal image and interact with others.

It can be seen that the person who took the lead in writing the textbook really wanted wizards and Muggles to communicate normally.

Class started, and Professor Bubbaji took the roster and called the names.

"Hermione Granger."

"Hermione Granger?"

"Raise your hand if Miss Granger is not here."

The students in the classroom laughed as jokes passed from Charles to Jack to Professor Bubbaji.

Charles frowned. It didn't make sense. Hermione probably used a time turner to take several classes at the same time, so she wouldn't be late.

When the roll call was about to end, the classroom door was pushed open, and Hermione hurried in, saying nervously: "Sorry, I'm late."

She put her heavy schoolbag on the desk next to the door, took a note to the podium and handed it to Professor Bubaji.

After reading the note, Professor Bubbaji asked Hermione to return to her seat and did not hold her accountable for being late.

Charles noticed something was wrong with Hermione's hair. It was shorter than it was in the cafeteria.

He tore a piece of paper from his notebook, wrote "What happened", folded it into a paper frog, threw it on the ground, and poked it lightly with his wand.

The paper frog scampered all the way to Hermione's feet, then climbed up her legs like a tree frog, and finally jumped onto the table.

Hermione read the note but didn't reply and listened to the class carefully.

Charles thought there must be something wrong with the "future", so she didn't dare to reply, worried that there would be an error in the timeline.


When get out of class was about to end, there was a loud noise outside the classroom. It sounded like it was coming from a higher place to the north, where the divination classroom was.

Hermione seemed to have remembered something terrible, and her body was shaking.

A Ravenclaw boy said: "Could it be Black who broke in?"

The boy next to him shouted in fear: "Blake has blown up a street before!"

There was a panic in the classroom, and Professor Boubaji shouted: "Don't worry, everyone, Professor Dumbledore is in the castle today. Even a hundred Blacks are no match for him."

Dumbledore was a reassurance, and the students immediately fell silent.

At this time, the bell rang, and everyone ran out of the classroom in a rush, with Hermione running the fastest.

The latest news spread rapidly among the students, and Charles inquired. Sure enough, there was an explosion in the divination classroom, and many students were sent to the school doctor's office.

Charles hurried over, but Professor McGonagall got there first. When he saw him coming, he said helplessly: "Everyone is here, why don't we have the next class here."

The second class this morning happens to be the Transfiguration class. Now all the third-year Gryffindor students are here, but everyone is in a mess. Some people's robes are broken, and several people, including Hermione, have messy hair and bulky faces. Mrs. Frey is dispensing potions.

Dumbledore was also helpless.

At this moment, an owl rushed into the ward, with a bright red letter tied to its foot, and landed on the principal's shoulder.

"Yelling letter?!"

Everyone, including Professor McGonagall, was surprised that someone actually sent a shouting letter to Dumbledore?

Dumbledore looked like he had known this would happen, took the letter and left immediately.

Charles was curious and quietly followed him out.

Dumbledore cast a spell to soundproof Madam Pomfrey's office next door and opened the Howler, unaware of Charles slipping in.

An angry woman's voice sounded: "Dumbledore, I need an explanation!"

Dumbledore immediately disapparated and left, still not noticing Charles sneaking in and hearing clearly.

Charles returned to the ward, and everyone, including Professor McGonagall, wanted to know who sent the yelling letter just now.

"The principal cast a spell to isolate the sound." Charles spread his hands, "He left after hearing the letter."

Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey communicated for a while. They couldn't attend the upcoming classes, so they could only assign homework for everyone to preview and teach the next class faster.

Charles sat next to Seamus' hospital bed and asked him with questions in his head: "How did you cause the big explosion in the divination class?"

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