A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 223 A gift package for gifted students

Charles said, let there be light, and there was light.

This is a secret room with no doors or windows, covering an area of ​​about ten square meters and a floor height of about four meters. A nearly two-meter square blank picture frame is hung on the wall. The vents at the foot of the wall are blowing cold wind.

Charles scratched his head. He was trying to apparate in the cafeteria just now, why did he suddenly come to this weird place.

There are no doors or windows here, only fist-sized vents. Do you want to transform into an Animagus and get out?

He suddenly discovered that Animagus was a mollusk, which was pretty good.

But now that I have come, this place looks so weird, and I have no reason to come here for no reason. Maybe there is some treasure waiting for me.

"Peeves, is that you?"

An unidentifiable male or female voice came from the blank portrait on the wall, and then a... stick figure appeared.

This stick figure is quite delicately drawn. The round head looks like it was drawn with a compass, and the straight lines on its torso, hands and feet look like it was drawn with a ruler.

When the stickman saw that the person who came was not Peeves, he said happily: "Finally someone is here. How many years have passed since Joan of Arc rescued Constantinople. The last time Peeves told me that the current king of England is Elizabeth.”

Charles determined that this was a part of the castle where only Peeves had been. He gave a slight salute to the stick figure and said: "Hello, I am Charles Smith, a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is now 1993 AD. 530 years have passed since Joan of Arc rescued Constantinople, and the king of England is still Elizabeth."

The stickman made a gesture of holding his forehead and sighed: "The students at Hogwarts are really bad. It has taken so many years to produce a student who can master Apparition before the age of sixteen."

Charles blinked, and after a moment of silence he said cautiously: "Hogwarts requires that only students over seventeen years old can learn to apparate."

For the next ten minutes or so, he listened to Stickman curse in countless languages.


The stick figure suddenly stopped, pulled a line chair from outside the frame and sat down, making a posture like a thinker.

"Maybe my mother knew this was going to happen," Stickman said, "so I can't explain why she filled my database with so many curse words."

Charles discovered the problem. The term "database" should not have appeared in Joan of Arc's time.

"Who are you?" he asked. "Who is your mother?"

The stickman stood up, waved his hand and the chair turned into a magic wand. When he held it, his hand seemed to be longer, but the line width was smaller.

"I am a gift package left by my mother as a reward for children with space magic talents." The stickman answered, waving his wand. "My mother is Jeanne d'Arc's teacher, but she doesn't like to be in the public eye. You probably don't know that."

Charles scratched his head. He really didn't understand this aspect of history, but Fleur and Gabrielle's grandmother Angelina was a historian, so she might know.

He also thought that he had always heard that there was a powerful and mysterious wizard five hundred years ago. Could it be her?

The stickman suddenly asked a question that caught Charles off guard: "Young man, do you believe there is another world outside this world?"

Charles was stunned for a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he asked in disbelief: "You mean, your mother comes from another world?"

The stickman replied: "There are many different worlds outside our world. They have magnificent scenery and magical treasures that are different from this world. Do you want to see them?"

Charles' eyes widened and he nodded subconsciously. It would be great if he could go to a world with real cat ladies.

"Can you go now?"

Charles was very nervous when he asked this question. If he could travel through time right away, Voldemort wouldn't care. He asked the old man to set off together, but he might tie someone up.

"What a beautiful idea!" Stickman replied disdainfully, "You have just mastered apparation, and your mastery of space magic is not even an entry level, far from it."

"Wait until you can walk through walls like Peeves. That's the beginning."

Charles immediately bowed to the stickman and said: "Teacher, please guide me!"

After the stickman said "Try this spell", many words appeared on the canvas, all in Latin, and it also stepped aside to demonstrate how to use the wand.

Charles could understand Latin and scratched his head after reading it. This was a curse similar to the "Spell", which was used to increase gravity.

"I know similar spells." He finished speaking and demonstrated.

The content on the canvas changed, this time the curse. After reading it, Charles suddenly remembered something.

In less than a month, someone should discover the comet that has been torn apart by gravity. It will hit Jupiter next July.

The function of this spell is to generate a gravitational point, just like Jupiter in the universe, which can interfere with the movement of objects. If it is strong, several gravitational points can tear objects apart through gravity.

"What an amazing curse." Charles sighed after taking out his camera to take a photo, "Is there any more?"

Stickman has shown three space spells. The first one is a simplified version of Apparition, which allows people to teleport to the place where the eyes are within a certain distance; the second spell is more powerful than Avada Kedavra. It's scary. It can transport an object to another place. A small piece of paper can cause brain hemorrhage. The third spell can make people pass through solid objects like Peeves.

"That's all." The stickman said, "These are just the magic spells for getting started. This is all my mother has left with me. When you have learned them, you can go to [a string of garbled characters with unknown meaning] to learn further."

Charles frowned and asked, "Where to study?"

"[A string of garbled characters with unknown meaning]..." The stickman suddenly remembered, "Oh, you haven't learned it yet, so you can't hear it."

Charles had no choice but to wait until later.

Now he has another question: "How should I get out?"

I've been here for a while. If I don't go back, the principal and professors will go crazy.

Unexpectedly, the stickman said: "Figure it out yourself."

After saying that it disappeared, leaving the canvas blank.

Charles had no choice but to transform into an Animagus and get out of the vent.

It's just that this vent has many twists and turns, and there are many side roads along the way, so I got lost after a while.

An hour later, a wet Charles came back from outside the castle. As soon as he walked into the gate, he saw ghosts flying around.

"You're finally back!" Dumbledore rushed over immediately after receiving the ghost report. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Charles, "You're not hurt, are you?"

When the other professors rushed back after receiving the news, Charles was sitting on the stairs, already dry, talking across the hot drink. When he came to his senses, he was lying on the edge of the lake. When he got up, he accidentally fell into the lake. .

After hearing this, Dumbledore said: "Maybe I have added too many defensive spells to the castle recently, and there was interference between the spells, so something went wrong."

"It's okay." Professor McGonagall also breathed a sigh of relief. "The Slytherin monster appeared again just now, in the girls' collective bathroom, and finally escaped into the sewer. Fortunately, no one was injured."

Charles looked surprised, thinking it would be a good idea to put the blame on Slytherin.

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