A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 Outdoor Course

In the Gryffindor common room, the students were still talking about the Chamber of Secrets.

There were two people lying on the table limply, one was Charles and the other was Ginny.

Ginny's eyes were lost. Ron thought she was frightened by what happened to Mrs. Norris, and he kept comforting him: "You don't know Mrs. Norris, it's bad, and now we are all happy."

"This kind of thing is not common in Hogwarts, and it will not happen once in a few years."

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore is so powerful, he will definitely catch the prisoner and send him to Azkaban, preferably after petrifying Filch."

His words were full of resentment towards Filch, and he didn't notice that his sister's face was getting paler and her hands began to tremble.

On the other side, Harry asked Charles in surprise: "You actually want to take such a long vacation?!"

Charles nodded, then looked at Hermione.

Hermione pointed to herself inexplicably and asked him, "Is it related to me?"

Charles shook his head and sighed deeply.

Alas, Hermione will become a cat girl at the end of December, which happens to be between two full moons, and she is not at Hogwarts, unfortunately, the catnip is all ready.

At this time, Harry was smart and said to Hermione: "Charles must want you to help me write down the homework during that time, so that he can make up for it when he comes back!"

Charles curled his lips, and then Harry got a weird present this Christmas.

Today is still November 1st, and there is still a whole month before the vacation, so let’s talk about these things later, and he still needs to write a letter to tell Gabriel that he originally wanted to visit her to play during this Christmas holiday.

The topic of the Chamber of Secrets has been going on for a long time, but the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first week of November diverted the attention of the students.

Last week, Bell told everyone that this class should change into clothes that are easy to move, and the students quickly thought of going to the Forbidden Forest.

This afternoon's class started earlier at 1:30. After lunch, Charles and the others came to the grassland where the flight class and live minesweeping were, looking at the Forbidden Forest with full expectation.

Bell appeared in front of everyone on time, took out the roster and called names.

The students soon discovered that there was a string of green letters floating one meter above their heads after clicking. These letters were half a meter high, and they were their own names.

"A little charm that allows people to see where you are." Bell said with a smile, "It is said that once when the professors were exploring in the Forbidden Forest, our beloved Albus Percival Woolfrey Professor C. Brian Dumbledore stands by the river, and his name goes across the river."

After the students finished laughing, Bell continued: "It rained for a long time last month, and now there are many autumn mushrooms in the Forbidden Forest. What we have to do today is to learn how to pick mushrooms."

"Mushrooms can be eaten, and they can also be used to refine potions. But they are very dangerous, and the biggest danger comes from the poison!"

"Can anyone tell me how to tell if a mushroom is poisonous?"

Harry actually raised his hand earlier than Hermione today.

"Mr. Potter," Bell nodded to him, "please speak."

Harry said solemnly: "If you encounter a mushroom you don't know, you can give Charles a small piece first, and then observe whether he is poisoned."

Now it's not just other students, even Bell laughed.

"Barely correct," Bell said after everyone had finished laughing, "but it would be better to replace Charles with another animal, preferably a monkey."

Then he said very seriously: "The Forbidden Forest is full of dangers, we will not go too far today, you must move within the designated range."

"If anyone violates the discipline, no matter who they are or what honors they have had, the rest of the outdoor courses of this semester for all students in grades 1 to 7 of Gryffindor College will be cancelled!"

All the students got serious right away, it's fine that they couldn't attend class, if it harmed the whole college, they would have to live in a cold abandoned classroom for the next few days.

Bell gave each student a thumb-sized glass bottle containing a tiny broomstick.

He said: "Inside is the broomstick you used in flying lessons. If you encounter danger or emergency, pour out the broomstick or break it, and ride it back to the castle."

Then came the helmet, dragonhide gloves, dragonhide leggings and goggles. After the students were all put on, they began to walk into the Forbidden Forest along the river.

The journey was not fast. Charles found that there were some dangerous plants in many places along the river that hadn't been seen before. No matter how they looked, they seemed to have been planted not long ago.

Bell kept explaining all the way, which is much more intuitive for students than just reading books.

Everyone walked a kilometer and felt that they learned more than in a whole year.

Bell led everyone through a rope fence and into a damp and dark woodland.

It is not yet three o'clock in the afternoon. Although the leaves on many trees are about to fall off, the tall trees still cover a lot of sunlight.

Bell first told the students where mushrooms usually appear, what kind of dangers these places will have, and how to eliminate and deal with the dangers.

Then there is free time, a group of three to five people, looking for and collecting mushrooms in the fence.

The students talked loudly and started looking for mushrooms in the shade.

Talking loudly is what Bell asked, because there are still some snakes here that don't hibernate, and loud noises can scare them away.

"Does it really work?" Ron was a little skeptical of this method.

He stopped, stepped on a stone with his right foot, and tightened the dragonhide leggings.

These leggings protect students below the knees from being bitten by snakes or lizards.

Harry said in a deep voice, "I think it will work."

Pointing to a black shadow that was leaving quickly on the ground, he said, "It just wanted to sleep, but it was about to leave because of the noise."

Just as he finished speaking, Harry heard a scream, and a spell hit the snake.

Charles used the flying spell to catch the snake back, and happily said to the Indian girl in his team: "It's delicious to make soup with snake meat."

Parvati said she doesn't care about eating snakes, which are also eaten in India, but she still has a different opinion: "I think it tastes better roasted."

Dean Thomas on the side felt that either the two of them were crazy or the world was crazy.


Lavender Brown's screams startled everyone, and Bell hurried over to find a lizard biting her little finger tightly.

This colorful lizard guarding mushrooms looks poisonous.

Fortunately, Lavender wore dragon leather gloves as required, so he was just scared.

A small flame rose from the tip of Bell's wand and caught the lizard's tail, which immediately snapped off and fled.

Soon after, a group of people made a fuss, chasing and intercepting a big mushroom with long legs that could run.

This big mushroom is gray, and the part under the umbrella looks like the root of a mandrake. It moves very flexibly. With the help of complex terrain, it avoided several spells and gave Charles a flying kick on the forehead, before disappearing in the Forbidden Forest. .

Bell was amazed at the side, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful walking mushroom.

At 4:30, Bell summoned all the students and found that there was not one missing.

Everyone put the mushrooms they picked together, and he began to select and explain which mushrooms were edible, which were medicinal, and which were poisonous, and piled them up in categories.

"Who would like to have dinner here?"

Bell's suggestion took everyone by surprise.

But this group of fearless students asked excitedly: "Is it really possible?"

Bell replied with a smile: "Of course, but only mushrooms, snakes and lizards, you can learn how to fill your stomach in the wild."

Seamus was the first to say: "That's the best! Anyway, if you don't have enough to eat, there will be desserts made by Charles tonight!"

Charles looked at the others with a black line and nodded in unison.

"All behind me!"

Bell yelled suddenly.

The students didn't know what was going on, but they did it anyway.

Bell whispered to the students, "Get ready, if I let you go, you'll go on broomsticks."

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