A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 158 How long have you had this symptom

In the Response Room, balls the size of ping-pong balls were constantly flying in the air.

Ruby's wings are very powerful, and a random slap can cause the ball to fly out an afterimage, enough to knock out a bag on Charles' head.

Charles stands blindfolded in the middle of the Requirement Room, as colorful orbs fly in and need to be shot down with different spells.

This is the old man's request, but now he can only use the repelling spell to intercept the flying ball, and by the way, make Harry who is about to sneak attack into a second dimension.

Like the fat lady in the oil painting, Harry turned into a picture on the wall, slapping the wall constantly, as if being locked in a cage.

"It's terrible!" Harry turned pale after being released, "I feel like I've been crushed into a piece of paper."

Charles sat on the ground to rest, took a sip of happy water and said, "Who made you want to sneak attack, knowing that I was blindfolded, and I don't even know who is coming."

Harry couldn't refute, because this week's Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught a detection spell using gestures, and he could only "see" the figures within a few meters, but couldn't tell who was who.

Naturally, Charles would not say that it was because of you that he was dealt with like this. After taking a sip of the happy water, he continued: "If the curse just now is used on people, it is a curse. If I don't let you out, you will starve to death in the living room." Inside, don't talk nonsense."

Harry immediately promised not to, and then asked, "How did you know about the spell?"

Charles said calmly, "There's a book in the Restricted Section that says."

Harry looked at him in surprise and called out, "You sneaked into the Restricted Section?"

Charles didn't confirm or deny it, and didn't want to say that Voldemort got the book from the restricted section to teach himself indirectly.

He just said: "Actually, this charm was originally used to collect things."

As he said that, he took out a large wide cloth from his bag, and after spreading it out, he could see a car drawn on it.

Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe jumped out of Bree and stood there motionless.

"Why is it here with you?!" Harry subconsciously took two steps back.

Charles said, "Mr. Weasley gave it to me, so I paid Percy to take time off and take Ron to buy a new wand."

Harry then understood why Percy suddenly had money to help Ron buy a new wand.

He almost forgot his reason for coming, and turned the topic back: "I want to ask you something, is the white tender meat that I ate at your house before the meat from the legs of the acromantula?"

Charles replied bluntly, "Yes."

He knew that some things couldn't be hidden, so it was better to take Harry into the ditch.

Harry asked him incredulously, "Where did you get it?"

Charles didn't expect that he subconsciously thought he bought it, so he answered along the way: "We are not the only wizards in Little Whinging, there is a bar whose owner was a former Hogwarts student, and many of the guests there are Wizard. Last year when grandpa went drinking, he mentioned me and realized that the boss is a wizard. Now grandpa always asks him to bring me to Diagon Alley.”

He didn't say where he bought the spider's leg meat, he just stated another thing, let Harry think about it, so that he could be convinced of his conclusion.

"So that's how it is." Harry's train of thought was misled, "I thought you'd been to the Forbidden Forest before."

Charles was speechless. He didn't expect him to be more serious.


Harry suddenly turned his head to look at Ruby, who was playing tennis with her wings and walls, and had no time to pay attention to him.

"It talks!" Harry said to Charles, pointing to the ruby. "It can talk?"

Charles looked surprised, shook his head and said, "Impossible, Phoenix can't speak."

Harry said firmly, "But I heard it say it was cleaning something or something just now."

Charles frowned and said, "No, I didn't hear anything just now."

Knowing that Charles had good hearing, Harry began to doubt himself: "It's strange, I often hear voices that others can't hear."

Charles asked seriously, "How long has this been the case?"

Harry looked at the guy gloomily, and he only said that when he thought the other person was a fool.

Charles said to Harry seriously: "I suggest you go to Madam Pomfrey to check it out now, otherwise you will not only be able to hear voices that others cannot hear, but also see people we cannot see .”

Harry shuddered. There was a guy in the boxing club who would talk to his aunt who was invisible to everyone every time he drank too much. This was a local joke, and he didn't want to be like that.

He immediately went to the school infirmary to see if he could be rescued.

Charles sat on the ground and thought for a while, and finally left the basilisk to Harry to earn experience points.

He practiced here for another hour before taking Ruby to the kitchen for a late-night snack.

Unexpectedly, the three fellows Ron, Neville and Seamus were also in the kitchen. They were looking for Slytherin's study just now, and they held a summary meeting here after finding nothing.

Charles has to prepare a few late-night snacks. He first uses the prepared puff pastry dough to make a pizza base, then mixes bacon, eggs, cream, nutmeg, a small amount of salt and pepper and puts it on top Baked, the quiche from France is ready.

This was the recipe mentioned in Furong's reply. Charles didn't expect that the girl would actually discuss how to cook with him.

Tonight was the first time for Charles to make waffles, and he found that it was quite to his taste, so Ron and his three guys originally divided one for three, but in the end they could only divide half.

"Any catch?" Charles asked the treasure hunting trio.

"No." Ron shook his head. "We found a lot of places that looked like doorways, but we couldn't open them."

Neville went on to say, "I think there's another clue, perhaps hidden in other less-read books in the library."

His meaning is very clear. The so-called "books that few people read" are those in the restricted area, and few people really read them.

Charles thought about it, and felt that according to Voldemort's approach, maybe he would really put notes in other books.

But it is impossible for him to be caught in the books that students often borrow, what if someone else takes it away, so these clues are likely to be in other books introducing black magic in the restricted area inside, and then lure himself to learn black magic .

Charles looked at the three guys, Seamus was a little overconfident, Neville wanted to get his parents back, and Ron wanted to prove that he was no worse than others, all of them were likely to be attracted by black magic.

In the end, Charles decided to take a look. If they were really going astray, they could just wake them up with two slaps.

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