In the Hogwarts cafeteria, students above the second grade were waiting for this year's sorting ceremony and opening dinner, chattering.

"Harry and Ron aren't with you?!" Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, "I didn't see you on the train, I thought you ran to the roof!"

"And got knocked down when going through the tunnel?" Charles replied, "I used Floo powder to come over early to see how the garden was doing."

He never mentioned that doing so was in violation of school rules, so he was locked up for an afternoon, otherwise he would not be able to clean his ears today.

Hermione said worriedly, "Where did Harry and Ron go?"

"Who knows," said Charles. "Maybe they were knocked down by the mouth of the tunnel."

As he spoke, he glanced at the professor's seat and found that Snape was leaving, and then nodded to the new professor.

Then the twins came.

Fred asked Charles, "Where did you go on vacation?"

George said, "We went to you twice and wanted to invite you to our house, but you weren't here."

Charles asked them: "I am at home a lot, when did you come?"

After some communication, Charles was speechless, and said, "I was at the new house when you first came, and I went to Germany the second time."

Simo, who was sitting across from him, asked him, "What are you going to do in Germany? Isn't it France?"

Charles just said, "Go and do a friend a favor."

He didn't want to talk too much about Germany, so he changed the subject and chatted with others.

Until the sorting ceremony was about to start, neither Harry nor Ron showed up, and everyone discussed for a while.

After a while, Gryffindor ushered in this year's newcomer.

When the red-haired girl Ginny Weasley came to the long table, there was a burst of cheers from the Weasleys present.

This girl is very cheerful and generous. When the twin brothers took her to meet acquaintances, they happily said to Charles: "Ah, you are Charles, thank you!"

The people around her were quite puzzled by her thanking Charles. Charles understood what was going on when he saw her delicate, well-cut, and obviously not cheap robe, and said with a smile: "You don't need to thank me, that's all. It's all thanks to your brothers."

Ginny said, "That's because you gave them a chance."

Seeing that the two of them were about to continue chatting standing up, Neville, who was originally sitting on the other side of Charles, gave up his seat.

After thanking Neville, Ginny sat down and said to Charles, "Mum was frightened when we went to Diagon Alley that day, and I was frightened too."

"Fred and George said to take me shopping for school, and at first I thought it was a second-hand robe store, a thrift store, but they took me to Outfits! At Partridge's Cauldron, They even bought me a silver cauldron!"

"After buying the stationery at the stationery store, they asked me if I wanted to buy a broom next to me! They said, Harry and you got your own broomsticks in the first grade, I must be fine, and then they gave I also bought the best Nimbus 2001."

Charles smiled as he listened to the little girl's story about her magical shopping trip in Diagon Alley, and he sighed that the collusion between government and businessmen was the most profitable.

It's just that he calculated the price of these things, which seemed to exceed the income of the twin brothers selling rockets.

Sure enough, Ginny went on to say, "But after they bought Nimbus 2001, they didn't have much money left. They can only buy second-hand textbooks. It doesn't matter, anyway, the textbooks are only used for one year."

"Mum burst into tears when she saw what they bought. She thought Fred and George did something bad to get so much money, and they were about to be captured by the Aurors and taken to Azkaban."

Charles had such an expression on his face, he turned his eyes to Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall after listening to Snape whisper a few words and then left, thinking that Harry and Ron, two idiots, should have been caught. Ginny said, "It's okay, I know the dementors in Azkaban, and I can arrange the two of them in the same room."

The people around thought he was joking and laughed.

At this time, the dinner jumped out, and many students exclaimed.

There are more dumplings than usual in today's dinner, which is Charles' masterpiece.

But this was just a small episode, and everyone quickly ate.

Ginny asked Charles while eating, "I heard from Ron that you are good at making desserts, aren't you?"

It was Seamus who answered her: "That's right, Charles is a good cook. When we were in Africa in the spring, he was the one who cooked!"

Charles smiled and said, "What do you want to eat?"

Ginny's painting style changed suddenly, her face blushed slightly, and she asked him a little embarrassedly, "Can you teach me?"

Charles thought about it and agreed.

At this time, there was another exclamation in the cafeteria, mainly from the first-year freshmen.

A... It should be a phoenix like a ruby ​​feather flew in and landed in front of Professor McGonagall.

Ruby handed a letter to Professor McGonagall who had just returned, and then ran all the way behind Charles, putting his head on his shoulder.

"Several times!" Charles flicked its head, "You're getting fat again!"

Ruby let out a few triumphant calls.

Ginny next to him asked Charles in surprise, "Is this your phoenix?"

Charles said in a deep voice, "You are mistaken. This is not a phoenix, but a fat goose with red hair and sharp beak."

Ruby pecked the back of his head, then continued to put her neck on Charles' shoulders and howl twice.

Ginny looked forward to asking Charles, "It seems hungry, can I feed it?"

Charles said seriously: "You can only feed vegetables."

Ginny thought that Fenghuang only ate vegetables, so she asked for a plate of salad, forked a piece of carrot and handed it over.

Charles didn't have time to care about Ruby, because Professor McGonagall looked at him strangely after reading the letter, wondering if the old man sold himself for writing the letter for an excuse.

At this time, the ghosts came to say hello to the first-year freshmen, and Nick, who was almost headless, brought a shocking news to Gryffindor: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were driving a car. The flying car goes to school and crashes a precious tree on the campus.

The long table of Gryffindor became lively in an instant, and everyone talked about it.

Hermione's hands were shaking as she was cutting the steak, and she said in disbelief, " could they do this!"

Ginny looked up and asked Nick, "Is Harry all right?"

Charles frowned slightly, thinking that Dobby might be playing tricks. It seems that Dumbledore's written evidence didn't work, and he still went his own way.

The only variable this year is Voldemort's Horcrux notebook. I don't know if it is in Ginny's place, so I will make a side note when I have time.

After the dinner, Dumbledore introduced the new professor and announced a few things. The students talked a lot, and Charles found several eyes on the professor's seat looking at him.

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