A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 113 Shopping

"Daily Prophet" Moon Hill, March 10 News: On the 10th, an award ceremony was held for Bear Grylls, Fleur Delacour, Charles Smith and Seamus Finnigan at the Waggadu School of Magic. In recognition of their outstanding contributions in maintaining regional peace and treating the wounded.

Albus Dumbledore, President of the International Federation of Wizards, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom, Babajid Akinbad, Principal of the Waggadu School of Magic, and other representatives of the Ministry of Magic of various countries and representatives of various magic schools attended the event.

At the award ceremony, Dumbledore first wore the Medal of Extraordinary Courage First Class for the awardees. Dumbledore said that not long ago, you killed the notorious "Butcher" Edie, which ended the frightening era of the "Three Devils" in the African continent, rescued a large number of innocent people, and made great contributions to maintaining peace in the African region. , I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the International Federation of Wizards.

Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, then awarded the recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class. Fudge said that you are not afraid of powerful enemies and sacrifices, and have made outstanding contributions to world peace. You are a model for contemporary young people.


"Brother Yin, how did you feel when you hung the medal on the stage?"

Fang Yan is the only girl who calls Charles that way now.

Charles shivered for a moment, shook his head and replied, "Standing is too tiring, and I'm afraid my clothes will be torn by those medals."

At the awarding ceremony last night, the Ministry of Magic of many countries awarded them medals, and at the same time there were speeches by the leaders, so that they stood on the stage for more than an hour, so tired that they walked off the stage with a clatter ring.

The Potions Tournament won't start until two days later, and today Charles and the others are free to hang out.

Now the old man is taking Moody to a tavern for a drink, and Seamo is bragging to his parents in a teahouse. The voice can be heard walking down the street. Fu Rong takes Gabriel, Valentina, Zhang Jingjing and the others to say... or Fang Yan is the only one who writes girls' whispers, Bell accompanies his wife, and hangs out with Charles.

The two held a bag of dried bananas as a snack, and chatted about plant topics such as iron-toothed cabbage while shopping.

"Now you're going to find Zhang Jingjing." Fang Yan said while eating dried bananas, "Her hometown has been in the 100,000 mountains for two thousand years, and herbal medicine has been planted for generations. She is most familiar with what medicinal materials she is looking for. The iron tree she gave to Sister Furong The toothed cabbage is her family's specialty, and it hurts to bite."

Charles squeezed his chin and said, "Well, I don't know if her family's medicinal materials are exported. If there is a chance, we may cooperate."

Fang Yan said with a smile: "Ask her yourself, she is a little money fanatic, and she should help ask her family."

The little girl was not interested in the topic of business, and suddenly asked Charles mysteriously: "Brother Yi, will you fall in love with Sister Furong in the future?"

Charles had a black line in his hair, and he almost went over with a knife, and asked her, "Why do you ask that?"

"Isn't that normal?" Fang Yan said as a matter of course, "You are a hero who saves the beauty, and she is so beautiful, why don't you be moved?"

The tendons on Charles' forehead were about to bulge, he shook his head and said, "I'm still young, don't forget that I'm the same age as you, and now I focus on my studies."

Fang Yan pouted and said, "It's boring, I thought you even thought about the child's name."

Charles said seriously: "I really want to knock your head off."

The two of them chatted one after another, and when they walked to a shop selling handicrafts, Fang Yan said that he wanted to buy some souvenirs to go home.

"The wood carvings here are pretty good."

When Charles walked into the store, he felt like he had come to a zoo. Wooden animal sculptures moved on the shelves, taking two steps from time to time, or shaking their heads.

There is a giraffe wood carving that attracts Charles the most. The giraffe is as high as his wrist to the elbow, and there is a wood carving tree next to it. The leaves on the tree grow back quickly after being eaten by the wood giraffe.

He asked the boss to pack it, and then he realized that it didn't seem very good for such decorations to be placed at No. 3 Privet Drive.

Charles thought of Ruby again, and thought that in the Three Caves of the Rabbit, he should buy a new house, as a place to live a wizard's life isolated from ordinary people.

Many countries have offered rewards for Edie, and they have shared a few points of the money. He calculated that it would be no problem for him to buy a house in the wizarding society. He thought that if he had time these two days, he would ask Fudge to see what wizards should do. How to buy a house.

Putting the house aside in advance, Charles then picked out some palm-sized small wood carvings, and prepared to take them back to Harry and the others.

After picking, he saw Fang Yan was in a dilemma, looking at the rhinoceros on the left and the antelope on the right, worrying about which one to choose.

In the end, Fang Yan bought a rhinoceros carved from black wood. Her budget was not large, so she bought some thumb-sized wood carvings with the remaining money.

After leaving the store, Fang Yan said to Charles: "It's so convenient to go shopping with you, without having to carry big and small bags."

Charles smirked and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll take everything away?"

Fang Yan turned his head and pouted at this guy, as if evaluating the possibility.

The two chatted and walked to the end of the commercial street.

Along the way, I gritted my teeth and bought a wallet made of the skin of an unknown animal for my father. The owner would bite the wallet when he opened it. He also bought a small drum made of zebra skin that was as big as a bowl for eating. Mosquitoes would run away when it was knocked. Lose.

Charles also bought a decorative lamp carved with hollowed out ostrich eggs. When the light is turned on, the hollowed out ostrich pattern will run.

When he walked to the last store, Fang Yan was a little embarrassed, and finally sighed helplessly.

Charles asked her, "Shall I lend you some money?"

Fang Yan looked at the bottles of fine wine in the window, hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can borrow some from the teacher."

Charles didn't say much when he heard her say that.

There are many street stalls at the end of the commercial street, all of which sell strange things. Charles and Fang Yan agree that the most real thing among them is the cloth that those people padded.

"Brother Yin, come quickly!" Fang Yan seemed to have something to do, so he yelled in a hurry.

Charles put down the flip flops that were said to have been worn by Cleopatra on the stall, and when he got up, he found Fang Yan waving not far away, with an old man and a wooden cart beside him.

There were several large wine barrels on the wooden cart, but the wheel was broken, and the barrels rolled aside.

Fang Yan can lift a hundred-jin barrel, but he can't repair the wheel, so he can only ask Charles for help.

Charles went to help fix the wheel, and Fang Yan carried the barrel back to the car.

After tidying up, Fang Yan pulled Charles' sleeve and said, "Brother Yi, let's take this old man home. I think the wheel is too rotten, and it might have broken after a long journey."

Charles nodded, and told the old man who pulled the cart, and the old man nodded his thanks repeatedly with joy.

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