A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 106 Emergency Rescue

The wizards have magic spells to prevent inhalation of poisonous gas, but some wizards are not capable. The poisonous gas of the venom leopard is too strong, and the people who are still alive here are more or less poisoned.

Beauxbaton's students had a thinner bottle of Phoenix Tears given by Charles, each containing a drop of the active ingredient.

Now these medicines are used on the most seriously poisoned people after being diluted again. Although they can't completely detoxify, they can still save their lives.

After seeing the poisoned people all over the floor, Ruby ran to the food place here, brought a bowl in her mouth, and cried out tears to save people.

On the other side, Charles carefully inquired about the direction where Fleur left and the situation of the poison leopard.

Bell could understand French, and suddenly exclaimed: "The tail of the poison leopard is only half?"

Beauxbaton's student replied with certainty: "Yes, I can see clearly."

Bell's expression turned gloomy instantly, and Charles asked him, "Is there something wrong with that poison leopard?"

"There is a theory." Bell said to Charles in a deep voice, "That poisonous leopard is controlled by a wizard."

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Charles immediately said: "I'm going to find Furong now, and Ruby will heal the wounded and send the letter back later."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to jump on the broomstick and leave again. The most urgent task now is to find Furong back, and we will talk about other things later.

Bell also followed, and when he was in the sky, he said to Charles: "If there is really a wizard who controls the poison leopard, you rescue that lady, and I will hold the wizard."

Charles thought for a while, handed him a silver bottle, and said, "This is the tear of the phoenix. I'm not afraid of wasting it when necessary. I still have some here."

Now that the situation is urgent, Bell is not polite. After taking it, he said, "Phoenix Tears can continue to take effect. I suggest drinking some precautions first."

Charles asked him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Bell replied with a smile: "I know Fox quite well."

Charles was speechless, and accelerated towards the south. The flames emitted by the broomstick were like a bolide.

At this time, Furong was lying on the ground, the bright starry sky was gradually dimming, the strength of her body was passing away rapidly, and she lost the strength to move her fingers. Fewer and fewer.

The cloud of death hangs over the fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl. Furong sees the revolving door of memories, and the family members keep passing by in front of her eyes.

Charles has been lingering in his ears since Christmas, and he met for the first time after coming to Ouagadou, and Charles, who was talking to him after drinking two glasses of wine, also had two frames flashed.

Valentina's vibrant face also appeared.

Furong thought with her last strength, why did she lure away the poisonous leopard? If she escaped with everyone, she would not die, but at that time, she did what she wanted to do, and was it worth the price of her life?

The last thing that appeared in front of Furong was a blurred face of a beast, and it seemed that someone said "Let's have a good meal" next to her ear.

The bloody mouth of the sac leopard was getting closer and closer, and there was a circle of bloody teeth marks around the nose, which were bitten out of the iron-toothed cabbage that Zhang Jingjing gave him not long ago.

Although these cabbages are only the size of a fist, the teeth on them are made of iron and have a strong bite. If a magic spell hadn't been shot from nowhere and crushed, the nose of the poison leopard would have been bitten off.

Furong suddenly felt a shock in her chest, and she had the idea of ​​looking in a certain direction, but she had no strength to do it. The skin on her neck felt the strength of the sharp teeth getting stronger and stronger. She wondered, is it time to end now? .


The poison leopard suddenly let out a cry.

Furong heard the sound as if it was far away in the sky, and felt herself flying up again after a while, with the sound of teeth grinding in her ears, wondering if she was flying to heaven?

She was wondering if she would see an angel?

The next moment she felt that she was wrapped in someone's arms, the arms seemed to be very warm and reassuring, just like when she was three years old and dreamed in the Veela Secret Realm.

Fleur vaguely saw that the angel had a face that was very similar to Charles, and felt puzzled.

Before she had any thoughts, she found that her mouth was roughly pinched open, and then a bottle of salty liquid was poured in.

After Charles rescued Fleur with the Flying Curse, he found the bloodstains on her neck. The dark green blood vessels on her snow-white skin were frightening. Her body was almost so cold that she was in a hurry and choked on her while feeding the medicine. .

After Furong drank the pure phoenix tears, she felt a burst of coolness all over her body, all the discomfort in her body disappeared instantly, and her physical strength also recovered a little.

Her eyesight and hearing also recovered, and she could see who the anxious face in front of her was, and she couldn't help asking, "Charles?"

"It's me." Charles replied softly, "Don't worry, I will take you back safely."

Fu Rong nodded slightly, turned her head to look in the direction of the venomous leopard's cry, and saw that it was circling around its half of its tail, with a huge Chinese biting cabbage hanging from the tip of its tail, and at the same time There is a huge orange-red kale pounced on it.

The situation is still grim now. More than a dozen extra-large Chinese biting cabbages and poisonous leopards are circling around. They are not afraid of poisonous gas, and they will pounce on them from time to time, leaving a bloodstain.

But the leopard's skin is very tough and its movements are very flexible. The cabbage couldn't bite off a piece of meat and couldn't destroy it in a short time.

The wizard in the dark made a move, cast a spell and crushed two cabbage, at this time Bell fell from the sky, and as soon as he hit the ground, it looked like a neon light was lit there.

The wizard, hiding himself under a black robe, held a plain wand in one hand and a long staff in the other that tipped what appeared to be the other half of the tail of a venomous leopard.

Charles hugged Fleur tightly and looked around. There were many stones on the ground. Apart from anything else, he used the Flying Curse and the Throwing Curse, and then added a Disillusionment Curse to the stones.

The venomous leopard has great strength. With a slap, it can slap the Chinese cabbage flying all over the place. When it was caught off guard, it was staggered by an invisible stone, and it was instantly submerged in the cabbage.

But the poison leopard is not so easy to deal with. Its huge body rolled on the ground a few times and crushed half of the cabbage bitten on its body, and smashed several claws one after another.

At this time, the wizard who manipulated it blocked one of Bell's spells, and brandished a wooden stick with the tail of the leopard, and the leopard immediately ran to help.

Charles cast a floating spell on the poison leopard, causing it to float for more than two meters, and then hit it hard on the ground with a throwing spell, making a cracking sound.

Several ribs of the sac leopard were broken, and the severe pain made it let out a roar. After getting up, it took a deep breath, and the neck instantly swelled into a big ball, and it sprayed dark green poisonous gas towards Charles and the others. .

Charles instantly turned his back to the poisonous leopard, preventing the poisonous gas from directly spraying Hibiscus.

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