System Fairy Road

Chapter 80 Two Waves of Resentment

Chapter 80 The Second Wave of Resentment
Zhou Wei began to meditate according to the method taught by Xia Rong.

Sometimes, while practicing, Zhou Wei always felt that Xia Rong's method was flawed, and the way of exhaling and breathing was too rough.

It seems that Zhou Wei learned another way of breathing without a teacher.

She tried it for a while and found that the effect was good, so she abandoned the method Xia Rong gave.Meditate according to her favorite method.

After Zhou Wei started to meditate, her health gradually improved, and she didn't need to go to the hospital anymore.

Zhou Wei's academic performance went up a little bit, but after that, it didn't continue to go up.

It's not that there is not enough time, nor is it that Zhou Wei is not capable enough.Instead, Zhou Wei discovered that she no longer likes to study, she likes to meditate.

It is obviously very boring to practice meditation, but it doesn't seem to bring her any benefits.But after her body recovered, she continued to meditate.

Zhou Wei's good friend, Zhao Yin, had already recovered at that time and could hear voices like normal people.When she discovered Zhou Wei's strange state, she asked worriedly: "Zhou Wei, aren't you afraid that your grades will drop again? Take a little time every day to meditate there! You don't want to cultivate to become a fairy!"

Zhou Wei said: "It's actually like this. You see, some people like football, some people like basketball, and some people like running. But now, I just like to meditate. I just like it."

Zhao Yin was speechless and just asked: "You don't study. What about the university? You don't go to school anymore?"

Zhou Wei couldn't answer.When she gave up studying and wanted her to pick it up again, she seemed to have no interest in it.Meditation freed her body.She fell in love with meditation, but somehow, she felt that this is what she should love.

There are tens of thousands of people in the world, and some people can't find what they love in their whole life.

Isn't it a kind of fate, a kind of happiness that she can find something she loves?

Even though meditation can't bring her any benefits, Zhou Wei just can't stop.

Sometimes, even during class, she couldn't help but want to meditate.

With such a hobby, she feels that spending a lot of time elsewhere is a waste of life.Including going to school.

But Zhou Wei still lives in the world after all, she doesn't want to live up to her mother's expectations, and she has to explain to her senior year.

With this in mind, Zhou Wei barely got into a key university.Her good friend Zhao Yin flew far away to the capital and became a student of a prestigious university.

In this way, the two can occasionally contact by phone, and rarely meet each other.Fortunately, the friendship remains unchanged.

Sometimes Zhou Wei would bring gifts to visit Xia Rong at the foot of Yangtou Mountain.

He saved her once, and it was he who gave her the beginning of cultivation.

Zhou Wei is grateful to him.The two chatted about the wind and moon, about social life, and gradually became friends.

University study is much easier than high school, and the degree of freedom is also much higher.

Zhou Wei skipped all the classes he could skip, and skipped a lot of classes he couldn't.

To the people around her, Zhou Wei is a strange thing, she is a dead house.Moreover, she actually meditated at home!

I just can’t understand it!
Some students will think that Zhou Wei probably has a family background, and their family believes in this!
There are still many people who think that Zhou Wei's brain is a little bit wrong.

What's more, countless classmates didn't know Zhou Wei's name before graduation photos were taken!

In mid-[-], [-]-year-old Zhou Wei graduated from university and returned to his hometown.

In the past four years, Zhou Wei has failed courses, spent money to retake several courses, and his professional grades are even more messy.

Apart from practicing meditation, her only achievement is to get a bachelor's degree certificate.

But with her grades, she couldn't get into the professional work at all.Zhou Wei finally joined a large sales company as a service worker.

Zhao Yin continued her graduate studies.

Xia Rong continued at the foot of his Yangtou Mountain, accompanied by the breeze and bright moon. Zhou Wei didn't even know what his occupation was.

Zhou Wei is just like any ordinary girl.

Graduation, work, and after that, a blind date.

From the moment she returned home from graduation, the blind date began.

She met a boy.His name is Qian Yihui.He was introduced by a friend of Zhou Wei's father.

Qian Yihui and Zhou Wei graduated from the same high school, but in different classes.University is the same city, different schools.

Now, Qian Yihui is working in another city.It was not easy to settle in that city.Qian Yihui has no power and poor appearance.As soon as he graduated, his mother was eager to go on a blind date for him.

The two are on a blind date.Exchange contact information and chat slowly.

Not long after, Zhou Wei felt that he seemed to be in love with him.

Although he has no power, no money, and only looks like this, Zhou Wei feels that Qian Yihui is a capable person.

After three months of dating, even though it was a long-distance relationship, Zhou Wei felt that he was infatuated with him and couldn't extricate himself.


Suddenly, during the National Day holiday, Qian Yihui returned to Xinyuan City, and said to Zhou Wei that they broke up.

Zhou Wei cried a few times, couldn't bear to find him, called him and asked, "Why?"

Qian Yihui had his own reasons: "Zhou Wei. We have been together for three months! For three months, you never really believed me."

Zhou Weidao: "I didn't believe you because I couldn't see through you."

Qian Yihui said: "Long-distance relationships are not easy. What will happen in the future? Do you come to the city where I work? Or should I come back? I can come back, but it will take a long time. Are you willing to wait?"

Zhou Wei was speechless.

Those in authority are obsessed, those in authority are crazy, and those in authority are stupid.

Zhou Wei told Zhao Yinyi the matter on the phone.

Zhao Yin sneered: "From the beginning of the blind date, I knew it was a long-distance relationship, and now I use it as an excuse, it's fucking disgusting."

Zhou Wei was slightly comforted, and she said, "I feel the same way. I just can't say it."

Zhao Yin said: "Zhou Wei, forget it! Just look for it again."

Zhou Wei whimpered and cried: "I think he is my nemesis. I am just obsessed with him."

Zhao Yin was speechless for a moment, and said: "How can he have such luck! You are so kind to him! What's wrong with him?"

Zhou Weidao: "Probably - he is more capable! That's why I was so foolishly fascinated."

Zhao Yin took his time and said: "Success! Then tell me about your affairs and let me see what he is capable of!"

Zhou Wei relayed the two people's daily speech and behavior to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin was silent for a while and said: "He's so tuneful, he looks a bit like my ex-boyfriend."

"What was your ex-boyfriend like?"

Zhao Yindao: "Since you are an 'ex' boyfriend, you should know the quality."

Zhou Wei said in a low voice, "I just love him."

"If you have to, go and chase him back."

"I think," Zhou Wei said, "it's a bit difficult."

"I think," Zhao Yin said, "it's a bit bloody."

Zhou Weidao: "It's annoying. I'm going to chase after it, it's so difficult. Miss Zhao Yin, tell me, why do you have to find a companion to live with for the rest of your life? If you must have a companion? Why can't it be Zhao Yin, you make money and become big?" Rich woman, come to support me?"

"I think so too. Zhou Wei, hurry up and make money to support me!"

Zhou Wei didn't feel so sad after talking with Zhao Yin like that.

She really loved Qian Yihui, so she really tried to chase him back.

(End of this chapter)

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