System Fairy Road

Chapter 11 Time Flies

Chapter 11 Time Flies

Zhou Wei is a dead house, but no matter how dead the house is, occasionally he has to go out to refresh his weak sense of existence.

This emperor always said whether it was big or not, or whether it was small or not.Zhou Wei goes out occasionally, and the ones who can be called companions are senior brother Tian Yu's child, and the other is Ah Chu.

Ah Chu's father was a regimental commander in the imperial capital, and his current position is a general.

In the imperial capital, military divisions, brigades, regiments and battalions are arranged in shifts. This rank is somewhat similar to a title, which can be exchanged for military merit.The position is the job and ability.For example, if a person has made great contributions and then exchanged military service for a title, even if he does not work, he can still enjoy various privileges and salaries.However, this kind of person with a title but no job has slightly less rights than those who are in office.

Ah Chu's father and eldest brother are both on the border of the Land of Green, leaving only his mother in the imperial capital.Alone and deserted, the General's Mansion adopted the Second Young Master Ah Chu.

Ah Chu is a very healthy child.Unlike Zhou Wei, a weak young Miao, Ah Chu transformed early and has strong physical fitness. In addition, he is sunny, handsome and loves to laugh.He walked the route of a samurai, and he can be said to be outstanding in ability.

Whenever Zhou Wei and Ah Chu stand together, Zhou Wei will deeply feel the sunshine of the purebred pea boy, which brings out his incompatibility through the old and dead house. This is really a huge tragedy.

Shrouded in the halo of cups, now they meet again and share the same dormitory!

Ah Chu and another student also saw Si Che behind Zhou Wei, and immediately came over obediently and bowed: "Hi, Teacher Si!"

"Well," Si Che nodded, of course he knew Zhou Wei's little friend: "It's Ah Chu, since we know each other, you should get along better in the future. Are you the eldest son of the British army commander's family?"

"Yes!" The young man, who was obviously a few years older than Ah Chu, replied with a smile.

"Are you the senior leader of their dormitory?" Seeing the other party nodding, Si Che said: "Our Xiaowei is young, not in good health, and was brought up by me. Mr. Ying will take care of you in the future, Si Che Thank you Che in advance."

"Don't do it, don't do it!" How could Ying Yuan dare to be thanked by Si Che: "Xiao Wei is young, and he will be my younger brother in the future! I will take good care of him!" Ying Yuan promised, while lamenting Si Che in his heart Chong loved his little son as much as the rumors said.To be ashamed to say that Zhou Wei is young, completely ignoring another Ah Chu of the same age!

At this time, Si Che, like all fathers, had worries and expectations. He knelt down and told Zhou Wei: "Xiao Wei, when you enter the academy, you must study hard, grow up well, and get along well with your classmates. You must listen to the teachers. Father is going back first. During the break, father will come to pick you up and take you home. If you need anything, just ask this Young Master, you know? He is your leading senior, and you can let him teach you anything."

"En." Zhou Wei obediently responded.

Zhou Wei is not a little kid. He is not afraid of leaving his father.Besides, after the college started, there would be eight days of school and two days of rest. The college was not far from their home, and there were people he knew here, so he said goodbye to his father calmly.

This made Ying Yuan, who was watching from the side, glance at him in surprise.

As soon as his father left, Zhou Wei immediately started bombarding Yingyuan with a hundred thousand "whys".

"Why are you older than us and still share the same dormitory and class with us?"

"What is the leader of the team?"

"How do you choose elective courses?"


While answering Zhou Wei's common-sense questions with a smile, Yingyuan thought silently: The rumors are still unbelievable!Don't they all say that the children of Mr. Si's family are reticent and don't like to go out?Where did this chatter come from?
Zhou Wei doesn't care what Yingyuan thinks.He devoted his limited time to unlimited cultivation. It's a pity that he didn't practice during this time, and didn't use it to supplement his common sense!It turned out that Yingyuan was only [-] years older than him, and the seniors who lead the team are a bit like the assistant counselors in universities. Usually, the senior seniors who are older are responsible for guiding and teaching the first-year teenagers various problems.The senior who leads the team is in the same dormitory as them, but not in the same class. His class schedule is completely different from theirs.

The presence of the senior team leader made Zhou Wei take it for granted. After all, they were only eight years old!But the choice of the senior student to lead the team was a dilemma for Zhou Wei!
Ni and Ma, it turned out that Yingyuan had failed too many subjects, so he stayed a grade. Now he is in the third grade again, and retaking the third grade courses is more leisurely than others, so he is the senior leader of the team!
Zhou Wei expressed extreme shock at this!He looked at Yingyuan from top to bottom many times, but he couldn't tell that he had failed the class and retaken his studies to be the senior student leading the team.This person has no sense of frustration at all about rebuilding!Is this how every senior leader is selected?Isn't the college afraid of leading the team and leading the juniors and juniors to learn to do it together?
"Can I come in?" Zhou Weizheng was confused by the academy system when he heard a voice at the door.

It was a thin figure, slightly taller than Ah Chu, and he was dressed in simple clothes, which was clearly different from the other three young masters in the dormitory.The young man's face was dark, but his eyes were bright and piercing, as if his entire body was focused on those eyes.He was a little nervous, but he was not shy and inferior at all. Seeing no one answered, he pursed his lips and raised his volume: "Can I come in?"

"Of course!" Yingyuan jumped over Zhou Wei and pulled the boy in, slammed the door shut, and said cheerfully, "Okay! The four heroes in our dormitory [-] in Building [-] have successfully joined forces! Haha! Let Your big brother Ying will lead you to a bright and sunny tomorrow!"

Zhou Wei suddenly felt that there was nothing abnormal about Yingyuan failing the exam, this guy was still quite unruly and unreliable!Not an obedient look!

"I, Yingyuan" Yingyuan pointed to himself, motioning for everyone to introduce himself!
"My name is Ah Chu!"

"I'm Zhou Wei."

The young man was a little uncomfortable with Yingyuan's nonchalant appearance, but he still followed the crowd and introduced himself: "My name is Lidong!"


After school starts.

Young Yingyuan said that he was very busy. He spent one-third of his time retaking courses, one-third of his time taking care of Little Pea's brothers, and one-third of his time watching the beautiful juniors who had just entered the school. sister!Not enough time!
Lidong boy said that he is very busy, studying!study!study!He firmly believes that where there is a will, there will be success!He must be able to achieve full marks in every course!For the goal, struggle!
Zhou Wei said that he is very busy, so he can practice secretly in class!The course is unfamiliar, but this kind of course for children should not be too simple!As an adult, if you understand it, don't waste your time!Can I practice secretly at night, time waits for no one!Get things done quickly during the day, and then shangchuang early at night, practice, practice, practice!
Ah Chu expressed his bewilderment!Why is everyone in such a hurry!It doesn't matter, I follow Zhou Wei anyway, and I will do whatever he does.I just can't sleep at night, so let's play sword!This newly emerging toy in recent years is the most fun!In other words, why must three people sit at a table in the classroom!I'll just follow Zhou Wei!Why does that flower girl doll at the same table always follow me!I am a good brother who came out of the same nutrition field as Zhou Wei, and I have already decided to play with him for the rest of my life!Why does that weak flower girl doll keep following me?We are not from the same field!Forget it!This flower girl doll always looks pitiful!Ah Chu wants to be a great warrior, so let's play with her!

In dormitory [-], the four children who are busy but carefree grow up rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, [-] years have passed!The little boys turned into handsome boys in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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