System Fairy Road

Chapter 106 Ultimate Martial Arts

Chapter 106 Ultimate Martial Arts
Hearing the sound, Zhou Wei turned around.

It's Xia Rong!
Wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of simple gray slacks, Xia Rong is still wearing simple and comfortable clothes.The only difference is that at this moment, Xia Rong is holding a long sword in his hand.

Xia Rong's eyes are always gentle.Even though he was holding a sharp weapon in his hand, there was no sharp feeling on his body.Holding a sword is like holding a stage prop.

"Xia Rong!" Zhou Wei was greatly surprised, didn't he never leave the small courtyard?
Zhou Wei asked, "Why are you here?"

"It was Qing who called me." Xia Rong replied.

Zhou Wei was stunned.


Before Qing fell into a coma, she said "wait" and "delay".I just want to wait for Xia Rong to come over and let her delay as long as possible.She didn't think about it at the time, she just wanted to beat Chen Fang!
Xia Rong took a few steps.He saw that Zhou Wei was still holding Qing's hand.

Talented men and beautiful women are always a good match.

If fate favored him, Xia Rong, he would still be the eldest disciple of the Jiuhua Sect, and he would be free and unrestrained.

Perhaps, he will meet a "Petal Woman" who has just entered the rivers and lakes, and compose a song of tenderness like water.

Unfortunately, he has lost too much.

Maybe, he should really get out of the small courtyard to have a chance to keep those cherished things in his life.

The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, the flowers are falling in the garden, and there are thousands of volumes of ancient books.After all, it is still a toast to drink alone, alone.

In an instant, many thoughts ran through my mind.Xia Rong said: "What's wrong with Qing?"

Zhou Wei let go of Qing's hand, stepped aside, and said, "That's right! I remembered! Xia Rong, you know how to heal! Come and see how Qing is doing now?"

When Xia Rong heard this, he let go of all his thoughts.He walked a few steps quickly, squatted down, and pressed his hand on Qing's pulse.

"How about it?"

A smile appeared on Xia Rong's face: "It's okay. He's slightly injured. I'll give him some medicine and he'll be fine! He's unconscious because he overused his powers and his brain was too tired!"

"That's it, that's good!" Zhou Wei was also relieved.

Xia Rong glanced at the two people lying on the ground, and said in surprise, "Senior Chen Fang!"

Hearing someone calling him, Chen Fang rolled his eyes, but couldn't speak.

Zhou Wei let out a "hum" and said happily: "We will become enemies with them and have a big fight. I won!"

Xia Rong knew how powerful Chen Fang was, and he glanced at Zhou Wei strangely: "Zhou Wei, did you defeat senior Chen Fang by yourself?"

Zhou Wei nodded, with a little pride on his face.

"Haha!" Xia Rong laughed and gave Zhou Wei a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

Zhou Wei smiled: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Xia Rong pointed at the two of them: "Are you going to deal with them like this?"

Zhou Wei pondered for a moment, and said: "They know my secret, and they have vendetta against me. If they are kept, it will be a future trouble, and they will be killed cleanly!"

Hearing this, Chen Fang and Chen Feng's eyes turned red anxiously.

Xia Rong was startled by Zhou Wei's words.

Zhou Wei looked at Xia Rong, and said: "I am no longer the Zhou Wei of the past. The Zhou Wei of the past was a good boy. Now Zhou Wei, walking in the rivers and lakes, safety first!"

Zhou Wei said firmly: "A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!"

Xia Rong sighed, and said: "You are right. Walking in the rivers and lakes, you can live for a long time with this choice. Back then, I didn't want you to enter the rivers and lakes, and I didn't want you to make such a choice."

Xia Rong looked at Zhou Wei tenderly: "A girl who grew up in the hands of her father and brother, and then was protected under the wings of her husband. It is a blessing to live a safe and happy life. But since you have already embarked on this road, you must forget that you are a girl. Girl, forget that you are a kind girl."

Xia Rong stood up, drew out the sword in his hand, and said: "As a man, in this kind of matter, naturally he should stand up, instead of letting girls take action."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Rong's hand shook and the sword left his hand.

Xia Rong lightly hit the hilt of the sword.

The long sword shot straight out like a sharp arrow, passed through Chen Feng's heart with a "poof", and flew back into Xia Rong's hand.

Xia Rong flicked the sword again, and when the sword returned to his hand this time, the two people on the ground had stopped breathing.

In the blink of an eye, two lives were lost.Xia Rong's face was still calm.

Zhou Wei looked at Xia Rong's appearance and felt a little strange.In fact, the Xia Rong she knew was the Xia Rong in that small courtyard.Xia Rong didn't know what it was like to leave the small courtyard and walk into the world.

Now it seems that he may have a gentle and gentle appearance but a firm and decisive temperament.

Zhou Weidao: "I have killed people before, and I don't mind killing two more. Since you killed them, I can only say thank you!"

Xia Rong said: "You're welcome, we are friends. Let's dispose of their bodies!"

Zhou Wei said, "I'll do it!"

Now that the murder has been silenced, it is better to leave as soon as possible.If people know that they killed these two people, it will definitely be another trouble!
The fastest way, of course, is to use magic!
Zhou Wei made a secret with one hand to circulate the spiritual energy in his body.

A small orange flame appeared in front of Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei waved his hand.

A small flame slowly drifted over and landed on a corpse.

The parts of the body that were touched by the flames quickly melted and disappeared.

Just like that, small flames floated over the two corpses.

The corpses disappeared, the bloodstains disappeared, and even the land here lost a shallow layer.

Xia Rong stared blankly, then asked blankly, "Zhou Wei?"

Zhou Weidao: "I will explain to you later. Now take Qing back. Give him treatment!"

Xia Rong cleared his eyes and said, "Not bad."

Xia Rong carried Qing on his back: "Let's go!"

Zhou Wei nodded.

The two went back to Xia Rong's small courtyard with light work all the way.

Xia Rong boiled medicine for Qing and gave Qing some medicine.

Qing was still lying in Xia Rong's room, Xia Rong said to Zhou Wei: "Zhou Wei, you also have injuries, let me show you."

Zhou Wei shook his head and said softly, "It's okay, I don't need to drink medicine!"

Xia Rong thought of Zhou Wei's magical "flame", so he stopped pushing.He said, "Zhou Wei, let's go out and have a chat."


In the middle of the courtyard of Xia Rong's house.

Xia Rong and Zhou Wei stood under the big willow tree.

Xia Rong said: "I practiced martial arts since I was a child. As I got older, my understanding of martial arts gradually deepened. According to legend, when martial arts are practiced to the extreme, one can penetrate the meridians of the whole body and achieve a congenital body. After that, one can transcend an ordinary The category of warriors even transcends the category of mortals. The ancients called this kind of person who has cultivated martial arts to the extreme and is constantly practicing, called a cultivator."

Xia Rong looked at Zhou Wei, his eyes were very hot: "Zhou Wei, have you already surpassed ordinary people?"

Zhou Wei was taken aback.

So in this world, there is a theory of cultivation?

Isn't the cultivator in Xia Rong's mouth the true cultivator!

Zhou Wei shook his head: "I have an innate body. I can practice martial arts with half the effort and make rapid progress. But my martial arts is still far from the ultimate."

"Then how could it be?" That flame is not something humans can do at all!
"I have another adventure!" Zhou Wei said.

Xia Rong took a deep breath.

If he were ten years younger, he would definitely ask Zhou Wei to teach him so that he could also embark on a mysterious path - the path of a cultivator.

But now, he just suppressed his thoughts.

Zhou Wei is his friend.

A very, very important friend!

Are friends important?Or is another life path important?
He cherishes Zhou Wei and this friendship.

Since Zhou Wei was able to use this "magic technique" unscrupulously in front of his eyes, he naturally believed him.

Then, how could he make things difficult for her out of greed!Begging her to impart "magic skills"!
Maybe many years later, he will regret his choice.But at least he has a clear conscience!

Xia Rong didn't mention his thoughts, he said: "Zhou Wei, you'd better not tell others about this. Although I don't know how strong you are, but if you can save a little trouble, you will save a little trouble."

Zhou Wei smiled and nodded: "I rarely use this! I have used it a few times before. Hearing what you say, I will be more careful in the future."

"That's good."

After a while, Xia Rong couldn't help asking: "Zhou Wei, can you move mountains and seas and fly in the sky?"

Zhou Wei looked regretful: "No, that's too far away from me!"

Xia Rong asked again: "Then can you live forever, prolong your life, and stay young?"

"Khan..." Zhou Wei struggled and said, "I can't even do it!"

Nima!The biggest difference between me and ordinary people is probably that I no longer have Yueyue!
Is it necessary to say this?
Don't say anything!

It was the first time that Zhou Wei discovered that Xia Rong had a strong and persistent curiosity about one thing!

Zhou Wei didn't hide it from him, saying: "I am stronger! Very strong! And then, I can heal the wounds a little bit."

Xia Rong thought for a moment: "That's right! You have already diagnosed and treated Qing's injuries! Otherwise, he would not have been so lightly injured in a fight!"

"That's right!" Zhou Wei responded: "Look, in fact, my ability is not a big deal. Even treating minor injuries can only give him some relief."

Xia Rong smiled: "With that little flame, to ordinary people, you are already almost a god!"

Zhou Wei shrugged with disapproval.

Although she is a little different from ordinary people.But she felt that there were many things she couldn't do!
The two chatted.

Most of the time, it was Xia Rong who asked curiously, and Zhou Wei picked something and answered it.

Neither of them noticed that Qing had already woken up.

Qing stood at the door of the room, looking at the two chatting in the courtyard, her lips were tightly pressed.

Qing shouted: "Big brother!"

Xia Rong paused, turned around and saw that Qing was already awake.

Xia Rong said to Zhou Wei: "Qing is awake, you go and see him first."

Xia Rong said to Qing: "Qing, I'll go and show you the medicine first, and bring it to you later."

Qing nodded.

Zhou Wei stepped forward and asked, "Qing, how do you feel? Are you in good health?"

Qing curled her lips and said in a bad tone: "Okay, I'm not dead."

"..." Zhou Wei looked at him: "You're not out of your mind, are you! Get angry for no reason?"

Qing sighed, and said, "What about you? Are you okay! It must be the hero who saved the beauty!"

Zhou Wei glanced at him: "You underestimate me! I had already defeated the enemy before your senior brother showed up!"

Qing was a little surprised, her face returned to her previous expression, and she said, "Really?"

"What are you cheating on!"

Qing naturally knew that Zhou Wei would not lie to him.He was just shocked by Zhou Wei's strength.

Qing calmly concluded: "... you are amazing, a strong woman. I guess no one will be able to marry you."

After finishing speaking, Qingsha nodded seriously.

"I've already said that I am a celibate person, so I don't need you to worry about it, my partner," Zhou Wei smiled: "My partner, I got off to a bad start, do you want to continue investigating this task?"

Qing raised her eyebrows, and said lightly: "Who do you think I am? I will not investigate such a trivial matter? Who is underestimating whom?"


(End of this chapter)

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