Chapter 1635 Angels and Demons (186)

Chi Miaomiao stuttered completely.

She never thought that Li Xin would be such a humble person.

Obviously he is so special. Originally, as an angel, he can live a carefree life, not be troubled by the worldly world of human beings, and not be afraid of death. Li Xin like this actually said "thank you" to her!
Chi Miaomiao was really shocked.

Logically speaking, she should be the one to say "thank you" to him.

If Li Xin doesn't like her, she won't feel Li Xin's existence, and will keep looking for the task object, and this time may not be able to find Li Xin from the beginning of the task until she gets old.

As an angel, Li Xin can show up whenever she wants, everything is according to his wishes, and she can't do anything to him.

Li Xin, who doesn't care about other people's feelings at all, actually said "thank you" to her!
As the former angel, how humble is Li Xin in front of her?Is it possible that all angels are so humble in front of love?

Chi Miaomiao thought it was impossible.

In her book, not all angels live for love and are humble in front of their lovers.Especially an angel with a personality like Li Xin, who always does her own way and is the only one who respects herself, it is impossible for her to bow her head for love.

But Chi Miaomiao felt that he might be wrong.

Li Xin's personality may have changed. He is no longer a cold and cold angel, no longer an angel who does his own thing and only for himself, but an angel who is always based on her, and will say thank you to her for liking of humans.

Being thanked so solemnly, Chi Miaomiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She rubbed her nose, laughed a few times, and said, "Don't be so polite, I'm the one who should say 'thank you'."

Li Xin shook his head, and did not continue to argue with Chi Miaomiao about who should get "thank you".

He silently denied Chi Miaomiao's "thank you". Although he didn't speak, Chi Miaomiao could feel it.

She sighed silently, all her helplessness was silent.
Tang Linyuan really wanted to thank Chi Miaomiao.But the main thing is not to thank her for liking herself.He has not humbled to this extent.

Tang Linyuan's mentality has completely changed since he untied his knot and determined that Chi Miaomiao was the one he liked.

Originally, Tang Linyuan was full of loathing for Chi Miaomiao, who would like a person who would only let himself die?Who would like a person who started out glamorously, but in the end must let her down to wander the streets until she dies?Even though he was just a character in Chi Miaomiao's book at the beginning, to Tang Linyuan, that was his world, the place he lived on.

However, his fate has been settled from the very beginning, no matter how many times he is reborn, no matter what his identity is, no matter where he is born, no matter how powerful he is in other people's mouths, but in the end there is only death.

Death, from the beginning of birth, he knew that he was about to face death, and knew that this was his fate that he could never escape. How painful this must be for Tang Linyuan!
Tang Linyuan didn't know which book Chi Miaomiao wrote when he started to have his own consciousness. It was still vague at that time. The only thing that was clear was that he hated a person named Huo Yanyan.

But during this period, Tang Linyuan didn't have much consciousness. He only knew the emotion of "hate", until he appeared in the mysterious space and finally regained consciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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