Chapter 1514 Angels and Demons (65)


Hearing what Bai Ci said, the medical staff could only sigh helplessly.After all, it's not her body, if Bai Ci doesn't want to get better, she can't help her.

"Let me help you look at the injury. Try not to train these days to avoid accidentally touching the injury." As the medical staff said, he took out analgesic spray and sprayed it on the injured area for Bai Ci.

When they saw that Bai Ci's injured area was a bruise, the medical staff frowned subconsciously.

In fact, there was one thing that she always found particularly strange.

Having seen so many athletes, the medical staff thought that their level had reached a professional level, but it was the first time she saw a bruise like Bai Ci after an injury.

Logically speaking, when the injury was first triggered, it should be red, but Bai Ci's injury had already turned red and turned purple.

After all, the medical personnel are also angels in white clothes, and Bai Ci is an athlete. No matter how much you think about it, you will never think that Bai Ci made it on purpose.

Even if there is doubt, the thought is fleeting.

After treating the injury, the medical staff let Bai Ci lie down in the infirmary to rest, and then left the infirmary together with the security guards.

"Go and call Hou Fangyu over."

Even the medical staff knew the relationship between Bai Ci and Hou Fangyu.The relationship between the two was not made public at the beginning, and no one knew about it except the people in their own team.The reason why it was made public later was because Bai Ci was injured in the finals of his debut.

It was also because of that competition that the vicious female supporting role, who is now Chi Miaomiao, was ridiculed by the audience and contestants.

"Okay, the player who will appear next is..."

In the observation room, Chi Miaomiao was watching the screen broadcasting the athlete's name and the events he participated in, and based on the athlete's previous competition results, he guessed and analyzed his strengths and weaknesses.

Although Chi Miaomiao couldn't see it, as long as the housekeeper reported a name, that person's information would appear in her mind.

This is something that makes Chi Miaomiao feel very miraculous.

But she was not surprised, because her surprise was already a thing of the past.

When Hou Fangyu and others were locked in the conference room, Chi Miaomiao knew what problems he was about to face.But she didn't panic at all. What she was thinking was that it didn't matter if she really couldn't do it. No matter how angry the sports committee was, they wouldn't dare to take it out on her.

But what Chi Miaomiao didn't expect was that when the entrance music started, information about all the teams would automatically appear in her mind.

Those messages were like bubbles floating in the dark ocean, invisible and colorless, but Chi Miaomiao could feel them clearly.

Chi Miaomiao was naturally surprised when he encountered this situation.But she soon realized that it was Li Xin's credit.It must be that after she successfully made a wish with Li Xin's feather, the wish was upgraded again, so a new power was added.

This is the preciousness of angel feathers.

Unlike the seven-color flowers in fairy tales, each piece can only fulfill one wish, and the fulfillment may not be as beautiful as you imagined.

Angel's Feather is different. Although it can only fulfill one wish, it can upgrade the wish.As long as your inner needs are strong enough, new hopes will be added to your original desires.

Of course, there is only one wish that a feather can help you fulfill.Just like Chi Miaomiao's wish when she used it was to hear more things, so no matter how much she wanted to see and restore her eyesight, the feather would not help her restore her eyesight, but only strengthen her hearing.

That's why there is such a magical thing as word bubbles appearing in my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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