Chapter 56 The Chubby Revolution 22
Yushu learned that Zihua was being pursued, and as her only teammate who was blackmailed, instead of cheering her up, Yushu took the opportunity to tease her and asked, "Are you big breasts?"

Hearing him say this in a soft voice, Zihua was slightly stunned, it seemed that Yushu was out of temper by her.

"It's big! It's not like you haven't seen Raisa's breasts before."

Yushu didn't expect that she would fight back so naturally. He blushed instantly and coughed uncomfortably.

Zihua heard it, but she was being chased by the butcher, and Yushu was more sensitive now, if she teased him again, she might capsize, so she just shut up obediently?

of course not.

Yushu can't adjust, but there is also the butcher Ryan who can adjust, and talking to him will help her focus on restraining him, but he can't hear what she says, and what she says can only be used to amuse fans.

This map is a cemetery, and Zihua's current location is next to the tombstone with the word "Lian" engraved on it.

In order for him to discover this detail, she deliberately pointed to the tombstone while he was walking towards this side.

However, Ryan didn't appreciate it, didn't pause at all, just wanted to hammer her with a harpoon.

"This temper is really explosive."

To avoid his attack, she quickly moved to the board area.

This round was rather moldy, the wall in front of the tombstone was refreshed with only one window, and only two boards.

A window is opened in the north wall, and the east and west walls are connected with it, and the south wall is painted with boards at the joints of the east and west walls to form a rectangle.

As a pinch point, to be honest, so-so.

The boss has to save it carefully, as the butcher will step on it and it will be gone. Moreover, this area is not suitable for turning points, and the position is too empty.

Ryan seemed to want to prevent her from entering this rectangular waste wall area, sticking to the model and trying to catch up with her quickly.

However, he can post and she can post, quickly pressed the keyboard, she quickly turned and turned the window to speed up, leaving Ryan behind.

It is impossible to take advantage of the opportunity to escape, even in this round.Ryan was obviously targeting her, and she had a hunch that he only wanted to spend time with her in this round.

Seeing that he was chasing her in no hurry, he knew without a pause that even two of the stereos on the stage had been turned on.

So even though there was a window to speed up, she didn't run anywhere, she just hid behind a board and waited for him, waiting for him to find her, like playing hide and seek.

"I'm waiting for you to come back, I'm waiting for you to come back..."

Carrying Zihua's graceful self-arranged music, Ryan found her in a stinky suit.

However, she was not in a hurry to put the board down, the board was so precious, how could she have dropped it so easily, and he drew the knife five times, seeing that she hadn't put down the board in a panic, he decisively chose to hit the board with his head, and hit the board with a knife.

This operation was unexpected by Zihua, and he couldn't react. Lesa, who was standing still behind the board, was slashed.

This was her mistake, she overestimated Ryan's patience.

I thought he would draw ten knives before passing the board, but I didn't expect that his head was so strong that he was not afraid of her hitting him with a board.

But it doesn't matter, after figuring out his characteristic, she will know how to deal with him in the next match.

Zihua took advantage of the few seconds that Laian was wiping the knife, and quickly ran to another board.

It's just that this time she won't stand stupidly behind the board.

After Ryan slashed her, he seemed to be more confident. He still used the same routine, drawing five knives, passing the board without getting off the board, and then quickly slashing behind the board.

It's just that this time he only hit the air wall, and she had already run to the north corner to observe his operations secretly.

Ryan saw her and followed her closely.

After making sure that he didn't rewind, Zihua quickly opened the window, bringing everything back to the place where the dream started.

In this way, after doing tricks to Ryan a few times behind the board, she brushed the treasure chest next to the north wall. She has almost finished opening it, leaving only a progress bar. She only needs to press the action button to open the chest later, and the treasure chest will be released. It's ready.

As for what the treasure chest can open, she, a non-qi anchor, doesn't look forward to it, she just wants to earn points.

So when Ryan's routine changed to only draw three knives and pass the board, after being knocked unconscious by her throwing the board, when she took out a small dried fish from the treasure chest, she was almost moved.

This is the baby that can make Ryan freeze for ten seconds!

Fans were also very touched when they saw their non-qi anchor finally took back useful items. The comments in the interactive area were all written in European characters.

Over there, after Ryan was hit with a board, his anger index rose straight up, and he walked towards her with steps that no relatives recognized.

Zihua hurriedly dodged, and seeing that there was only one speaker left on the field, he asked, "Yushu, how far away is the last one?"

"There is still a trace, it has been suppressed."

Knowing that the progress bar of the last speaker can be turned on by pressing it for another second, she is not in a hurry to turn over the window in front of her.

Seeing her standing there, Ryan angrily gave her a knife.

Taking advantage of Ryan wiping the knife, she asked Yushu to turn up the last speaker, and there was a burst of joyful music on the field.

Unfortunately, it was time for her to part with Ryan.

"Come on, let me show you a big baby."

She threw the dried fish at Ryan's pale face without a trace of nostalgia. Poor Ryan was frozen in place just after wiping the knife, and in an instant he was as stiff as an ancient zombie.

Zihua guessed that the butcher player on the opposite side was going to explode with anger.

"Ah~ kill me~ kill me~ kill me..."

It's just for these two seconds.

The saw is pulled crookedly: another crazy one

She sang the magical self-composition No. [-], circled around Ryan, and used the skill of turning the window to accelerate in the gift swiping screen. Using Ryan's stiffness and her acceleration, she perfectly disappeared from the butcher's vision. Smoothly come to the north gate and join Yushu.

"Open the door for you to earn!"

Although Yushu doesn't like Zihua molesting him, she has a lot of credit for him being able to climb from the [-]th to the [-]th on the list.

The two cooperated tacitly, and she was considered to be a very good teammate with strong manipulation and awareness, and she relied on her to contain the butcher for most of the rest of the round, so that they could fix the sound with peace of mind.

She has to get the opening points no matter what.

Yushu has always had this thought in his mind, so when Ryan walked aggressively towards the north gate, he stepped forward to meet the harpoon with his bare upper back without hesitation, and while Ryan was wiping the knife, Zihua finally opened the escape door.

The other two teammates on the field had already escaped from the south gate, and Ryan clicked on the skill of opening the escape door to get a one-shot slash. That one-shot skill can wipe out all the survivors' blood bars.

Faced with this situation, Zihua had no choice but to leave Yushu behind and escape from the map alone.

She shed tears and bid farewell to the fallen yushu.


She ran out of the escape door without looking back.

After the game:

Little Tutu: You bastard, I will catch you one day!I swear! ! !
Zihua was drinking milk tea and almost choked after seeing this game.

It turned out to be Xiao Tu Tu, the butcher she met not long after playing the game, the butcher she had pinned down the whole game, but she didn't expect that he would be ranked as high as her now.

She looked through the Tu list curiously, and sure enough, Xiao Tu was firmly at the top of the list, and even became the No. [-] Laian in the national server.

No wonder he has a bad temper and is so irritable.

Chubby Revolution: Brother, don’t chase me, I am the one you will never be able to chase in your life.

After Zihua typed this sentence very domineeringly, he withdrew from the post-match chat area.

And at this moment, Shuguang rewarded her with a star, and she successfully climbed to the top of the person list.

 Thanks to "Xuan'an Yinyan, two rabbits and one cat" for the reward and support.

(End of this chapter)

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