Chapter 47 The Chubby Revolution 13
Giggle is not a second to blame (room management): (òó) I haven't seen you for a few days, you are very coquettish.

Cats don't eat fish: Haha, talented.

It falls down as soon as the saw is pulled: Yushu: Who can withstand this!

Yushu Linfeng: Come visit us!Yushu seemed to be choking on Chubby's coquettish anger.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

Zihua asked with concern.

"It's okay, I've started the game, you can help me form a team!"

Hearing his usual gentle voice, she said hello.

As long as it's okay, it means you can continue to bully him.

She feigned a clear cough to hide the evil thoughts in her heart, pulled Yushu into her team, and started the regular mode in the game, but instead of waiting with him for the game preparation time, she said calmly, "I forgot to go to the bathroom." , I'll go to the bathroom first."

There are so many things.

The corners of Yushu's mouth twitched in front of the computer. For some reason, hearing her casual tone, he felt inexplicably annoyed, feeling like he was being played.

The game preparation time was 1 minute. When Zihua came back, the game had already started for 1 minute.

She looked at the dangerous area she was in and couldn't help complaining: "Oh! If I had known better, I wouldn't have washed my hands. Where was my brush?"

The casual tone was still the same, but this time Yushu seemed afraid of what she would say, and didn't know whether to respond to the fans or to her, and said very quickly: "No, hands must be washed, and you must wash your hands after going to the toilet. Remember to wash your hands after going to the toilet and be civilized, you know?"

Yushu Linfeng: Why do I feel that Yushu seems to be molested?Is it an illusion?

Yushu Bulinfeng: I think so too, Pangdu probably got caught by a playwright.

Hello everyone: Chubby's tone is so flat

The audience was right, Zihua was indeed molesting Yushu.But now she is being chased by the butcher, and she has no time to say anything to him after she just said this sentence, all she said was to the butcher.


"Come on! Little brother, chase me!... You should just chase me, good boy, you are so good. If you catch me, I will betroth Yushu to you."

When Yushu heard what she said, he immediately retaliated, "Pangdu, if you continue to be such a slut, I will never save you if you get on the stakes later."

"Yushu, are you in love with Laidong? You actually want me to betroth you to him. Think about it, I'm still reluctant."

Wrap yourself in.

Yushu's face was a little red, she coughed, and blew up the stereo by the way.

When repairing the stereo, there will occasionally be a calibration bar. When the player does not press it correctly, the stereo will spark like a short circuit, making a small explosion, and the progress of the repair will also be set back a little.

The sound of the corundum tree blowing up the stereo undoubtedly reached Zihua's ears. While she and Laidong were playing games in the board area, she joked: "What's going on! Baldhead, why did the stereo blow up?"

Yushu used Laihu in this game, the oldest of the ten characters.Because of his bald head, he can win the sympathy of the butcher and delay the speed of being buried in the soil after being tied to a stake.

Because of this characteristic, Dawn players jokingly call Laihu Baldhead, and this title also extends to Light and Shadow.

Here, Zihua accidentally got stabbed, and Yushu took the opportunity to fight back, "What's going on! Double ponytails, I agreed in advance that I'm going to put you on the stake, and I won't save you."

Zihua snorted haughtily.

She won't be on the pile.

She used Lesa in this round, continuing the beauty in the light and shadow. Except for the noodles in clear soup tied into double ponytails, her figure has not changed, and she is still uneven.

Like all female survivors, Lysa's movement speed is 10% slower than that of male characters. She can only fall after three attacks. She can take one more stab than male characters. Her actions such as climbing through windows and placing boards are also 5% slower than those of men.

However, she doesn't think this character is difficult to restrain the butcher. She can be stabbed three times and looks good. The point is that she can seduce the butcher with beauty. After being carried by the butcher on the ground, she can slow down the butcher's movement speed. At this time, teammates come to scratch After a wave of disturbance, she struggled down and became a hero again.

So after Lesa was stabbed, Zihua didn't panic at all. Instead, he became even more reckless and tried to lure out blood.

It is worth mentioning that the blood in Dawn is purple for fear that the game will be too bloody.After losing blood, the butcher can find her not only by footprints, but also by blood.

Purple footprints are blooming in the aisles of the cemetery, adding a bit of weird romance to the game's eerie atmosphere.

She glanced at the butcher's nickname.

It turned out to be Little Tutu.

How coquettish!

"Little Tutu, where am I? Come and chase me!"

She deliberately didn't flip the board and hid behind it.

The little Tutu opposite was holding an ax and chopping, just using his sword with all his strength.

The ax knife is short of breath and has a wide range. She has a board to block her so she is not afraid of being chopped. Besides, this little butcher seems to be very afraid of being hit by a board.

After he passed the board, Zihua changed the board to play with him again, and each time he had the illusion that he had hit her, but he only got nothing.

After spending so much time, when the three speakers were being repaired on the field, Xiao Tutu finally came online, gave up on her, and went looking for other people with a big axe in hand.

Zihua took advantage of him to find someone else, and opened a treasure chest to test his luck today.

Survivors don't have any equipment that can make the butcher character stiff except their own skills at the beginning. If they want to get something, they have to rely on the treasure chest on the field.The treasure chest is a benefit for survivors, and some small props can be opened to remind the butcher who has become a zombie to recall the past, so as to make him freeze for ten seconds.

For example, Laian is dried fish, Laidong is a wood carving, Leo is a wolf skin, and Levin is a whetstone, all of which are related to the profession of zombies that bit them.

It's just that this setting is destined to have nothing to do with Zihua, she is still the anchor full of anger, she didn't offer wood carving products, but got a piece of dried fish.

Fans began to mock mercilessly.

Cats don’t eat fish: Haha, smoked small dried fish, something I don’t even eat.

Lesa is my wife: I'm sorry, but my wife is so wrong.

Lesa is my wife's gift to the anchor x 100
Giggle is not the second Daoguai to give to the anchor coffee shop × 2
It's a tug-of-war: It's really a bad anchor. I still remember the last time Pangdu played with Laitian for ten games and didn't draw a good thing.

Levin doesn't save people: Really?I remember Lai Tian's setting has an 80% chance of drawing props that counter the butcher on the field, haha, why is it so wrong.

Levine gave the host a heart-piercing knife if he didn’t save others×1010
Giggle is not the second Daoguai gave the anchor knife x 100
You look at me, I look at you: The non-qi anchor who can't even be stopped by the official settings is paying attention!
You look at me, I look at you as a milk salt cake for the anchor × 10
Being chubby, I gave the anchor a heart-piercing knife × 200

Zihua looked at the screen with a look of resentment, really heartbroken.

Yushu over there seems to have received her non-qi report from the fans. Instead of comforting her, she followed the fans and said: "This is what happened to Emperor Pi. If you can't get any good stuff, I will call you Pi. Come to Sanban and fix the sound with me. Don't be a jerk."

"Shuangxiu with you? Okay! I'll go right away, wait for me, Xiaoshushu."

The sweet female voice is as soft as a feather, if there is nothing to tantalize people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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