Chapter 132 Lu Zeyang Is Missing
Lu Zeyang stepped forward to hug her, Xia Li managed to open his eyes and saw him, and the weight of his whole body was on him: "I'm too tired, let me lean on for a while."

Lu Zeyang was so distressed that he rubbed her head, picked her up, put her firmly in the back seat, fastened the seat belt, and printed a kiss on her forehead: "Go to sleep, I will call you when I get home." you."

His words seemed to have magic power, Xia Li wanted to open his eyes to see him, but he was so tired that he tilted his head and fell asleep after a while.

On the way back, Lu Zeyang drove very steadily. When he arrived at the underground parking lot, he waited for a while before waking Xia Li up: "I'll carry you up."

Hearing this, Xia Li automatically opened his arms, hung on his body like a koala, and hummed twice. Lu Zeyang lowered his head and listened carefully before realizing what she said: "I'm so hungry."

The work in the hospital was so busy that it was unimaginable, not to mention that she didn't have time to eat at night, even at noon, she just took a few bites, and she was sleepy and hungry at the moment.

Lu Zeyang smiled distressedly: "I'll make it for you when I get home."

He is also a doctor. Although Chinese medicine and Western medicine are indeed different, he can understand the busyness of doctors. The only thing he can do is help her cook.

He put her on the bed, took off her shoes and covered the quilt, and said softly: "Wait a while, I'll call you after cooking."

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and there were still some leftovers in the refrigerator. Add water and rice to make a hot rice.

When the hot rice was about to be hot, Lu Zeyang hurriedly carried it to the bedroom, and shook Xia Li lightly: "The rice is ready, let's get up and eat."

Hunger overcame drowsiness, Xia Li yawned and sat up, and subconsciously went to carry the bowl, which made her sober in an instant, pouted her lips, blinked her eyes vigorously, and started to eat voraciously with a spoon.

Lu Zeyang was afraid that the rice would be too hot and hurt her stomach, so he kept saying softly and helplessly: "No one is going to compete with you, so eat slowly."

"I got used to it in the hospital." Xia Li filled his mouth with rice and nodded while eating. It tasted really good.

"By the way, Teacher Yang, I'm going to City B again this weekend, will you go with me?" Xia Li asked, raising his eyes.

"Of course, where are you going and where am I going?" Lu Zeyang said with a smile.

"But we may not have time to play, and we may not even have time to see Zheng Xixue."

"Even if we have time to go, he doesn't necessarily want to see us." Lu Zeyang wiped the residue from the corner of her mouth: "He was still sending me a message just now, saying that he would be transferred back to Jingcheng in the next two days."

Hearing what he said, Xia Li was relieved, and then laughed, Zheng Xixue really didn't want to see them now, he just fell in love, and he wished to stick to each other 24 hours a day, who would want others to bother him.

She still had to sleep, Xia Li didn't eat too much, so she wouldn't be able to fall asleep later, she went to take a bath, thinking that she would not be able to fall asleep after taking a bath, but as soon as she touched the bed, she fell asleep within a minute.

The next few days were extremely busy, and the earliest day when they got off work was after ten o'clock in the evening, and the two of them couldn't even talk much, which made Lu Zeyang a little worried.

Ever since the polygraph incident at the bar, the relationship between the two of them has always been somewhat awkward, and not communicating will only make the situation worse. Lu Zeyang thought that when she was on a business trip, the two of them might have some time to talk.

Although he went to city b several times, he never played it seriously. Lu Zeyang wanted to prepare well this time, so he immediately searched for strategies on the Internet, and finally found Shen Qingyu. He said embarrassedly: "I'm going to play with Lily this weekend Going to city b, does she have any hobbies, so I can prepare in advance."

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but he couldn't think of it after thinking about it for a long time. He was depressed for a while. He felt that he didn't understand Xia Li too well, and he wanted to make up for her even more.

But Shen Qingyu didn't think much about it, and joked, "You're quite caring."

"Lily likes swimming and watching movies, but she doesn't like ghost movies, even slightly scary ones. You must pay attention to this..." Shen Qingyu said a lot, and Lu Zeyang took a small notebook to write it down while listening.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at his notebook, and after a while, an idea came to his mind, the corner of his mouth raised, and he slapped his thigh, that's it!

Today is Friday, Xia Li learned that in order to give her time to pack her luggage, she got off work on time today, she was so excited that she immediately sent a message to Lu Zeyang.

After a while, I received a reply, but it was: "Honey, the clinic is very busy today, so I can't pick you up."

Xia Li was a little disappointed. She originally thought that she could go shopping with him after get off work early, but it didn't seem to work. It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future, she comforted herself.

It was the first time in a week that she got off work in the daytime. She raised her head and closed her eyes, as if she could smell the sun. She was in a good mood. She passed by the dessert shop and bought some delicious food, and walked home happily.

I don't know when Lu Zeyang will come back, Xia Li had an idea, bought vegetables downstairs, ready to show off his strengths, although he can't cook, but who is born with it, learn!The tutorial doesn't look too difficult!
To wash the vegetables and prepare the seasoning, she chose scrambled eggs with tomatoes. After all, this home-cooked dish will not be unpalatable. The next step is to know when Lu Zeyang will arrive home.

Taking out her mobile phone and sitting on the sofa, she was humming a song. She hadn't dialed the phone yet. Looking around, she always felt that something was missing.

On the first night, Lu Zeyang suddenly said that he would pack his luggage in advance, so as not to leave early the next day and it would be too late, so the packed luggage of the two of them was placed in the living room... Xia Li's eyes widened, where is the luggage? !
She searched all over the house but couldn't find the two suitcases. She frowned slightly and called Lu Zeyang to ask about the situation.

The phone didn't answer!She hit a few more and it's the same!

She hurriedly went downstairs to take a taxi to the Chinese medicine clinic, which was closed long ago, and she didn't have a phone number from the clerk, comforting herself that maybe Lu Zeyang was just going back, so she took a taxi back home.

Along the way, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind. If he really came back, he wouldn't stop answering the phone, would he? Turn on mute?But an hour has passed since the first phone call. During this hour, he didn't even look at his phone?How is it possible.

She started to panic inexplicably, took out her mobile phone, and called Zheng Xixue with trembling fingers. Zheng Xixue was going back to Jingcheng tomorrow and was packing up. I haven't seen him in the hospital, he's such a big man, he won't get lost, right?"

"If you can contact him, be sure to ask him to call me and tell him that I am very worried about him." After Xia Li ordered, he leaned back on the chair wearily.

(End of this chapter)

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