The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 3 The Ex-Girlfriend of the Substitution Text 2

Chapter 3 The Ex-Girlfriend of the Substitution Text 2
Su Weijiong, what is the reason for this? Just as she was about to speak up to defend herself, a clear and magnetic voice came from beside her: "excuseme?"

The woman turned her head and glared at him: "I can speak Chinese!"

Mu Yanming froze for a moment, but didn't answer.

Su Wei burst out laughing, and the melodious laughter seemed to bring Mu Yanming back to his senses.

He smiled slightly and explained: "This lady didn't bully your daughter. What I saw was that your daughter fell to the ground, and this lady helped her up, but your daughter seemed to be frightened. Crying all the time."

Su Wei looked at this handsome man who looked like a star, and was a little surprised.

He turned out to be from country C.

The woman was a little embarrassed when she heard what he said, but she apologized to Su Wei heartily.

Su Wei waved her hand and said that she didn't care, but just asked, "Does your daughter understand Chinese?"

The woman took it for granted: "Of course! I am from country C, and his father is a foreigner. I taught her Chinese since she was a child. She can not only understand, but also speak."

Su Wei was stunned, and her face became embarrassed. Then she just spoke a lot of English to this little girl... Damn, I'm mentally retarded, so embarrassing.

Seeing that Su Wei's expression was wrong, the woman asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Su Wei supported her forehead and said helplessly, "It's all right, I'm just a little tired."

The woman didn't think much, seeing that the time was almost up, she hurriedly ran towards the ticket gate, holding the little girl in one hand and carrying a bunch of brands in the other.

Su Wei watched them leave, and only heard a few muffled laughs from her side, and then noticed that Mu Yanming was still standing beside her.

Thinking of the reason for his embarrassment, he must have seen it all, and quickly changed the subject: "That... thank you."

Mu Yanming smiled: "You're welcome."

Su Wei didn't know what to say for a while, when a beautiful female voice sounded on the radio, reminding her that her flight had already started checking in.

Finding an excuse, Su Wei quickly said that she was going to check in. Then she picked up her luggage and turned towards the ticket gate.

Mu Yanming didn't care too much, and packed his luggage slowly.

Su Wei went to the wrong ticket gate, returned it in a hurry, and finally got on the plane at the last moment. She breathed a sigh of relief and sighed secretly why her brain was so bad that she could find the wrong ticket gate.

After finding her place, Su Wei raised her eyebrows in surprise: "What a coincidence?"

Mu Yanming also raised his head, saw her, and nodded politely: "We meet again."

Su Wei laughed and sat next to Mu Yanming. Since it was an international flight, the seat was large, so it didn't seem crowded.

"Are you going to country C too?" Su Wei asked casually after sitting down.

"My home is in country C." Mu Yanming replied softly, with a sense of disappointment in his tone.

Su Wei felt something sensitive, so she stopped talking about this topic, and asked the stewardess for a blindfold. It's a 20-hour flight, so she needs to get enough sleep.

"Hello, sir, do you want coffee, tea or orange juice?" The flight attendant's beautiful voice sounded.

Mu Yanming looked at her with a smile, but his tone was light: "Coffee, thank you."

Su Wei also added: "Please give me a hot cocoa."

Su Wei looked at the bright smile of the flight attendant and guessed something, and muttered: "Handsome men are really a common property of women."

Shaking his head while talking, Mu Yanming sat closest to her, so he naturally heard this sentence, curled the corners of his lips, and didn't say anything.

The stewardess soon came with two cups, handed the cups to Su Wei and Mu Yanming, and kept looking at Mu Yanming's face.

Su Wei also became interested and took off her blindfold without intending to put it back on, just watching.

Sure enough, after a while, the stewardess came again: "Hi sir, do you need any snacks?"

Mu Yanming also patiently refused: "No need."

"Hi sir, do you want ice cream?"


"Hi sir, do you need a blanket?"


"Hi sir, do you need a blindfold?"


Seeing the flight attendant's eyes becoming more and more attentive, and Mu Yanming's face becoming more and more impatient, Su Wei sat aside and watched the show with a smile.

Once again, the stewardess leaned on Mu Yanming's shoulder delicately when the plane encountered some turbulence. Mu Yanming hid from Su Wei, said with a cold face, "I'm already married .”

Pfft, Su Wei almost spit out a mouthful of water, suppressed a smile and swallowed, and almost choked herself.

Regardless of the froze smile on the flight attendant's face, Su Wei smiled unceremoniously: "Hahahahaha."

The stewardess left awkwardly, and Su Wei patted Mu Yanming on the shoulder: "The young man is not bad, he has a future."

Mu Yanming smiled faintly: "Thank you, thank you."

Immediately, the two quieted down, each wearing a blindfold to rest.

When Su Wei saw Mu Yanming for the first time, she felt familiar. It wasn't until she got on the plane and took a closer look that she realized.

In his previous life, he announced that he was a super rich ten years later, worth hundreds of millions, and became the darling of business magazines.

With such a sensational event, it's no wonder that Su Wei found him familiar at a glance.

Thinking of the original owner's greatest wish is not revenge, revenge is only the second, her greatest wish is to live a rich life, to let the Duan family and Yu family flatter her, not that she was hurt, but can only be depressed away from home.

Since you want to live a rich life, relying on others is better than relying on yourself. Only by making a fortune by yourself can you truly live a prosperous life.

It doesn't matter if she goes bankrupt on the surface, she still has [-] million lottery tickets, she can start from scratch, from scratch.

After thinking about it, I fell asleep in a daze. At this time, there were several screams in the plane, accompanied by the flight attendant asking in a panic whether there was a doctor or nurse present.

Su Wei took off the blindfold, and saw an old man lying on the ground with his hands covering his heart, as if he had a heart attack.

It's a pity that after asking several times, there was no doctor or nurse present, not even any personnel related to medical skills. Su Wei was in a hurry, and hurriedly touched Mu Yanming's leg to signal him to let him out.

Under Mu Yanming's surprised eyes, Su Wei came to the old man.

The stewardess asked: "Miss, do you know first aid?"

Su Wei nodded: "Understood a little bit." After speaking, she turned to those who yelled, and said, "Please be quiet and don't shout, so as not to irritate the patient and make his condition worse."

Seeing her serious look, the flight attendant hurriedly reassured other passengers, and then asked: "Do you need to help the old man to his seat?"

Su Wei shook her head: "No, you can't move him at will."

As he said that, he ignored the stewardess, started to loosen the old man's tie and belt, and felt for his pulse.

Su Wei frowned. The old man was unconscious and his pulse was weak.

Su Wei turned to look at Mu Yanming: "Can you help me?"

Mu Yanming approached Su Wei: "Of course."

Su Wei commanded him: "Please help me keep an eye on his pulse."

As she spoke, she began to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the old man, and after several minutes of rescue, Mu Yanming said, "The pulse is getting stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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