Chapter 216 White Lotus

"Su Hua, I didn't expect you to be so shameless. Why, you finally couldn't help but throw your arms around Jiang Yu?"

A voice suddenly sounded in the quiet air, but it was no longer as soft and weak as usual.

Su Xiyan's changed face made Su Hua slightly shocked.

Heh, what trick is this playing?
Finally couldn't take it anymore?

Are you going to reveal your true colors?

Su Hua didn't turn her head in a hurry, but tilted her head and raised her eyebrows to watch her perform.

"Didn't you disdain to talk to Jiang Yu before, and now you can't help but give yourself?"

The pent-up anger in his heart couldn't be released, and finally spewed out at Su Hua.

Since Su Hua came back, this family has changed.

Mom and Dad didn't come to see her anymore, and even Ono started to smile at Su Hua.

Su Xiyan could see everything that happened in the room just now. When she was at Su's house, Su Xiyan had clearly heard Su Hua talking to a dog.

It's just playing with Jiang Yu, she will never like such a cold, arrogant and conceited man.

At this moment, could it be that Jiang Yu is infatuated and has assets of over [-] million?
A frivolous and money-worshiping woman.

What is better than her, Su Xiyan doesn't understand.

Why should one or two be changed because of Su Hua?
"It's not your turn to take care of my affairs." To a green tea Su Hua who always likes to meddle in other people's affairs, he was never polite, and his tone was shockingly cold.

"You don't need me to take care of it?" Su Xiyan almost heard some funny jokes, and couldn't help but sarcastically: "If you don't need me to take care of it, don't come and grab my things."

"Su Hua, if you still want to show some face, go back wherever you came from. This place doesn't belong to you."

Su Hua really admires this man who has occupied the magpie's nest for so long and can speak so confidently. Are most of the human beings like this?

Don't remember your last name for a long time?
"Su Xiyan, I should be the one to tell you this. What are you yourself, have you forgotten?"

"I don't mind helping you recall memories."

Su Hua sat on the bed, crossing her arms leisurely, and looked at Su Xiyan leisurely: "It's reasonable to occupy other people's latrines, just do dirty and nasty things, don't think that I don't care about anything." have no idea."

"Su Xiyan, you are finally showing your true colors."

The coldness of ridicule sent a chill down Su Xiyan's spine.


Su Xiyan was so angry that the gentle image she had maintained all along was instantly shattered.

It's all because of Su Hua.

Her initiative and her confession made Su Xiyan panic.

Originally thought that only by using Jiang Nanjin could he get close to this proud son of heaven, but he didn't expect that his speed was still too slow.

After finally finding an excuse to live in, but having to face such a scene, my heart lost control for a while.

If it wasn't for Su Hua, she wouldn't be what she is today, it's all because of her.

"What face can I have? Su Hua, don't be alarmist. Do you really think that others will believe what you say?"

"Don't forget, you are just a fool, nothing can compare to my fool."

Thinking about her own advantages, Su Hua couldn't surpass them in her entire life.

"As for your last-to-last regular customer, he can't do everything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. What else can you compare to me?" Su Xiyan became more and more excited as she thought about it, proudly raising her chin like a swan, defiant.

As if thinking of something again, she exclaimed: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot, you can dance, and you are only No. 4 in terms of your unremarkable dancing posture. Naturally, it cannot be compared with my champion."

"Grandpa will be happy for me when he finds out, and I'm the only one who is the pride of the Su family. You fool, you better go back and forth, don't embarrass yourself here."

Every word and every word of Su Xiyan, there is always something that makes people can't help but go up and slap her.

Su Hua had never discovered this mouth before, it could be so broken.

It's just a champion of the competition, as if someone is so rare.

Just mentioning the game, I couldn't help but think about it, Su Hua didn't answer, it only made Su Xiyan more arrogant and arrogant: "Why, I know my incompetence, it's still too late, go back earlier, maybe Parents feel sorry for you and will give you more money."

"Competition." Su Hua didn't take Su Xiyan's words, but changed the subject: "I remembered when you mentioned the competition. You are capable of buying the navy to falsify my voting score during my competition. You must You can find a way to get Lan Xinyue, who is stronger than you, injured during the game."

"Su Xiyan, aren't you afraid of thunder when you do this?"

The point of the conversation fell here, Su Xiyan's originally cold and pale face became paler and paler.

What happened that day, Su Xiyan thought that Su Hua didn't know about it. Although she was standing behind her at the time, she didn't act like she knew the inside story.

Must be bombing her.

Yes, it must be.

Su Hua has always been treacherous, this is her method.

"Su Hua, don't be bitten by a mad dog. I don't understand what you're talking about?" Su Xiyan didn't want to admit it. Also, who would admit that she did such a thing in front of her face.

Su Hua was not in a hurry to get the answer, anyway, in her heart, this was all on the bright side.

Su Xiyan refused to admit it, but her skin was thick enough.

"You don't have to rush to admit it. Since I can say such a thing, there must be evidence. Since you don't want to admit it, I have to send this evidence to everyone to see."

"Let them all see what kind of face this gentle and virtuous girl from the Su family has behind her back."

"Didn't you just win the championship of the competition where you showed yourself? The limelight must not have passed. Then I will upload these evidences on the Internet. I think many people will 'support'."

Su Hua said it lightly, but Su Xiyan's face was already too pale.

The round pupils also turned completely black at the same moment, forming an endless abyss.

Once these so-called 'evidences' are spread on the Internet, it must be the biggest blow to Su Xiyan. Maybe she will never be able to turn around in her whole life.

How could Su Xiyan let such a thing happen?

Being threatened to the extreme, cornered will only fight desperately.

"Su Hua, do you really think I will believe what you say?"

"If you have evidence, why didn't you show it earlier to clear yourself of your grievances? It's ridiculous. I didn't do it, so why should I admit it?"

Su Xiyan clenched her teeth and refused to let go.

This kind of thing that pollutes people's innocence and destroys people's reputation is always to be done again and again.

Su Xiyan is a fool like Su Hua, she will never believe that she will really do this.

Seeming to see through Su Xiyan's inner thoughts, Su Hua's faint lips curled up, and she leaned lazily on the bed, comfortably and lazily: "Don't think that I won't do this, if you think so, then You would be wrong."

"Just ask a person who never wants me to have a good time, why should I make her have a good time?"

(End of this chapter)

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