Chapter 49
"After that, don't mention it again."

Seeing that Zhou Liqian only gave a warning and stopped entangled in this matter, Zhao Mo also knew that what he said just now probably violated a taboo, and it is more appropriate to stay in peace.

I don't know what my friends are struggling with?Isn't it good to arrange it by your side?Forget it, anyway, Shen Zhixin is now an artist in his hands, so there is no need to worry too much, he will take good care of his friends.

The bodyguard got the order, and the efficiency of the work can be seen. The things Xiao Yuting took from the dormitory were quickly delivered to Zhou Liqian.

"what is this?"

Seeing the bodyguard put down his things and stood quietly aside, Zhao Mo leaned over and stared at the things on the table with puzzled eyes, wondering what this thing was? "Didn't you say you want fingerprints? Isn't this just fingerprints?"

Seeing the evidence placed on the table, Zhou Liqian was in a good mood, and when he heard Zhao Mo's question, he patiently explained a few more words.


Seeing the so-called evidence in front of him, Zhao Mo was puzzled, and he didn't understand where the fingerprints came from.

Finding that his friend didn't understand the key to this, Zhou Liqian directly talked about the cooperation between him and Xiao Yuting.

Zhao Mo finally knew that the things Xiao Yuting left behind when she was packing her luggage were in the dormitory, and when she went back this time, she was able to find a way to steal Lin Meiling's fingerprints.

"Should I sigh a word of God's favor?"

Zhao Mo sat back on the chair with a bored face, knowing what was on the table, he naturally lost interest.

It is a certainty that Shen Zhixin is safe and sound, and seeing this evidence, he can feel much more relieved.

"I'll leave it to you to operate when the appraisal results come out."

In terms of controlling public opinion, Zhao Mo, as a professional, naturally has better means.

"Don't worry, when the appraisal result comes out, just give it to me."

After saying this, Zhao Mo got up and prepared to leave.

He waited here all afternoon just to know what the so-called preparation was in Zhou Liqian's mouth, and since he already knew it, there was no need to spend any more time here.

"You pay more attention to variety shows, and you can ask for resources whenever you need them."

Zhao Mo, who had already walked to the door, heard this instruction, but only waved his hand, signaling that he would listen, and then turned and left.

Looking at the handsome back, Zhou Liqian's expression did not fluctuate, but he continued to process the documents with his head down.

He has long been used to Zhao Mo's slutty appearance, so naturally he will not have any reaction, he is never ambiguous in major matters, and Zhou Liqian will not criticize him if he is more casual about small matters.

Zhou Liqian didn't know anything about Shen Zhixin, she was still immersed in the excitement of her friend living with her.

Ever since Xiao Yuting came to the apartment just now, Shen Zhixin looked excited.

"As for being so happy? You welcome me so much!"

Xiao Yuting put her luggage in the guest room and went downstairs to take care of Shen Zhixin.

After analyzing that Lin Meiling administered the medicine through her water glass, Xiao Yuting felt a little sorry in her heart. If it wasn't for her negligence, perhaps Shen Zhixin would not have taken the medicine that hurt her throat.

But she has not obtained accurate evidence yet, so she has kept this apology in her heart and cannot say it.

With a smile, Shen Zhixin picked up the phone and typed a paragraph, and then brought it in front of Xiao Yuting.

"I have never lived with friends before, and I have never been so close. I feel very excited."

Shen Zhixin has always been enthusiastic when facing her friends, her eyes are shining like dazzling sunshine.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuting was suddenly shy.

Shen Zhixin's enthusiasm did make her a little embarrassed, but also a little bit happy.

No one can refuse the enthusiasm given by others, and of course Xiao Yuting is the same.

Ever since she and Shen Zhixin became good friends, Shen Zhixin's enthusiasm has infected her all the time, making her feel that there are some changes in herself.

"Stop talking about this, let's pack up our things together!"

With the company of friends, Shen Zhixin's life is naturally much easier.

Resting leisurely at home without a job, Shen Zhixin's complexion is getting better and better, not as pale and thin as when she participated in the program some time ago.

The identification results came out soon, just as they guessed, apart from the fingerprints of Shen Zhixin and Xiao Yuting, there was a pair of unfamiliar fingerprints left on the water glass, which were Lin Meiling's fingerprints.

Now that the result is determined, Zhou Liqian will naturally not tolerate it.

He handed over this evidence to Zhao Mo, telling Zhao Mo to prepare to do it, and not to leave any chance for that person.

Lin Meiling, who was still in the program group at this time, didn't know, because one of her actions would cause a bloodbath.

After getting the evidence, Zhao Mo and Zhou Liqian decided to stand still after discussing it.

Zhao Mo returned to the studio, ready to discuss the most suitable plan with the publicity planner, and release the evidence in his hand at an appropriate time.

The most important thing is to seek benefits for Shen Zhixin in this bloody storm.

Naturally, making a plan doesn't need to be too troublesome, but because of Shen Zhixin's special status, she should be extra careful when making a plan.

After the plan was made, Zhou Liqian and Zhao Mo waited quietly for the opportunity to prepare to do it, while Shen Zhixin slowly recovered her voice while waiting day by day.

On this day, Zhou Liqian was at work when he suddenly received a call from Shen Zhixin.

He couldn't realize what was going on with the call at first, but when he heard the struggling voice on the other end, Zhou Liqian finally realized who the caller was.

"Your voice is better? Wait a minute, I'll go there now."

After Zhou Liqian said this, he quickly got up, picked up the suit jacket on the side, and walked towards the door.

The secretary walked in with the documents in his arms, and before he could speak, he was interrupted by Zhou Liqian directly.

"Put the unimportant ones here, and let the driver deliver the important ones to the apartment later."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Liqian had disappeared from the office, which was enough to show how anxious he was now.

Zhou Liqian drove directly to the apartment and stood downstairs. He suddenly didn't know how to communicate with Shen Zhixin after going upstairs.

After calming down, Zhou Liqian straightened his clothes in the rearview mirror before going upstairs.

Hearing the doorbell ringing at the door, Shen Zhixin opened the door before Xiao Yuting had time to react.

The person standing at the door was indeed Zhou Liqian.

Passing the bought bouquet to Shen Zhixin, Zhou Liqian walked towards the living room, looking at Shen Zhixin with tenderness hidden in his eyes.

"When you called just now, you said your voice was better, but I heard your voice was still a little hoarse. Has the doctor visited you?"

When Shen Zhixin woke up this morning, she found that her throat seemed to be loose, and by noon, she was able to speak.

As soon as her voice recovered, Shen Zhixin notified Zhou Liqian of the news, so the doctor hadn't diagnosed and treated Shen Zhixin yet.

When he put down to call the doctor, Zhou Liqian breathed a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed a lot.

When Shen Zhixin said that he hadn't had time to call the doctor, Zhou Liqian dialed the number directly, and the promotion should arrive in a while.

"After all, it's a big deal that a good throat is good, so it's better to check it carefully."

Seeing Zhou Liqian's movements so fast, Xiao Yuting unconsciously showed a hint of dodge in his expression.

She felt as if she herself didn't quite fit in here, there was always a feeling of being cut off from the two of them.

Xiao Yuting sighed helplessly, and simply got up and went to the guest room. Anyway, there is nothing going on here, so she can take a good rest when she returns to the guest room.

Seeing Xiao Yuting leaving, Shen Zhixin suddenly became nervous.

Now there are only her and Zhou Liqian left in the living room, they are alone, making Shen Zhixin so nervous that she doesn't know how to continue chatting.

"Don't be nervous."

Zhou Liqian could see Shen Zhixin's current emotional state at a glance, he could only sigh helplessly, and said a few words of comfort, hoping to see her calmer.

Shen Zhixin nodded hesitantly, took a deep breath slowly, hoping to relax.

"Everything is ready for the variety show. Once your voice recovers, you can participate."

Although Shen Zhixin's speech has been unhindered, her voice is still a little hoarse, it's better to take a rest.

At least before the doctor gave a clear judgment, Zhou Liqian didn't want Shen Zhixin to be too tired.

"Okay, follow your arrangements."

Shen Zhixin is not very good at these things, otherwise she wouldn't be so impulsive when she was young.

Now that she has a professional agent and company, she naturally refuses to act impulsively.

"I have one more message to tell you."

As soon as Zhou Liqian said this, Shen Zhixin became serious. She could see that Zhou Liqian must be very serious about this matter.

"The problem with your throat is because someone hurt you on purpose."

Zhou Liqian still spoke in the most usual and concise way, but what he said surprised Shen Zhixin very much.

"You mean, someone did it on purpose?"

Shen Zhixin rubbed her throat with lingering fears. If someone deliberately framed her, she is really lucky to be able to recover now.

"Someone did it on purpose, but don't worry, we already have the evidence."

Seeing the panic and fear in Shen Zhixin's eyes, Zhou Liqian sighed, and quickly comforted the other party to calm Shen Zhixin down.

"who is it?"

Shen Zhixin wants to know the most now, who has such a deep hatred for her, and wants to make her unable to speak for the rest of her life.

Zhou Liqian opened his mouth, but couldn't bear to tell the truth.

Shen Zhixin looked at him with a hint of stubbornness in his fragile eyes, and he didn't know how to describe this feeling.

"You don't need to say, it's Lin Meiling, right?"

After seeing Zhou Liqian's expression, Shen Zhixin quickly guessed who was the instigator? "You... well, it is indeed her."

Zhou Liqian did not deny it, but gave the result after thinking about it.

Shen's inner circle has already guessed the truth, so there's no need to continue to cover it up.

"We have obtained the evidence, and we plan to use this matter to create momentum when your voice recovers and you are ready to participate in the show."

After telling Shen Zhixin about his plan in detail, Zhou Liqian's tone was gentle and patient, unlike the succinct way he usually communicated with Zhao Mo.

After listening to this, Shen Zhixin nodded hesitantly.

"It's better for you to arrange it. I don't know much about these."

Shen Zhixin bit her lower lip, but in the end she didn't reject the other party's kindness.

She knew that she couldn't do anything in this matter, and she was not good at rejecting other people's kindness. Instead of embarrassingly refusing, it would be better to let the company and the agent arrange it. Anyway, such people would not harm her.

Shen Zhixin's wholehearted trust made Zhou Liqian very happy.

Naturally, Shen Zhixin will not be merciful to those who want to harm her, not to mention the grievances between him and Lin Meiling can no longer be explained clearly in a few words. .

Slightly closing her eyes, Shen Zhixin knew that she had no choice.

"Okay, don't worry about this, Zhao Mo will take care of it for you."

Seeing the sadness in Shen Zhixin's expression, Zhou Liqian sighed, and suddenly stretched out his hand, covering the back of Shen Zhixin's hand.

She widened her eyes in surprise, and looked up at Zhou Liqian, only to find that Zhou Liqian looked calm, as if this contact was a very normal thing.

Just then, the doorbell rang again.

Shen Zhixin quickly withdrew her hand, got up and hurriedly opened the door.

The other party's eyes are too serious, it's hard for her to imagine being looked at by such eyes, how should she react?After the doctor came in, he checked Shen Zhixin. His fundamental purpose of coming here was to know the recovery status of Shen Zhixin.

After careful examination, seeing Zhou Liqian's concerned expression, the doctor calmly put away the tools at hand, and then said: "Ms. It takes about three days to return to normal."

The doctor's words surprised Shen Zhixin. She thought it would take a while for her voice to recover, but she didn't expect that it would only take two or three days to recover, just like usual.

"Is it just two or three days?"

Shen Zhixin's tone was full of surprise, and she looked at the other party with joy in her eyes.

"Yes, two or three days will be fine, it won't take too long."

The human body's self-healing ability is inherently strong, and a scar like this without a wound will naturally recover faster.

Shen Zhixin's eyes were full of surprises, and when he looked at Zhou Liqian, he unconsciously put on a bright smile.

Seeing this, the doctor lowered his head, packed up his things and left quickly, while Shen Zhixin only realized his expression when he heard the door being closed with a "click".

It seems that it is indeed a little too enthusiastic.

"Then congratulations, it just so happens that the variety show will start filming next week, so you can participate smoothly."

The variety show that will be filmed next week is a variety show specially selected by Zhou Liqian and Zhao Mo for Shen Zhixin.

But when they selected, they couldn't determine when Shen Zhixin would recover, so they planned to participate when Shen Zhixin could participate, and figured out a way if she couldn't participate. In the end, they didn't expect that Shen Zhixin was so lucky that she would recover her voice before the program was filmed. .

In this way, they no longer need to use remedial measures to recover the contract they made with the program group at the beginning.

"I'll tell Zhao Mo to start working when I get back later, and you should have a good rest."

Zhou Liqian still has things to do, so naturally he can't stay here for too long, he came here just to check on Shen Zhixin's recovery, since he recovered well, it's time for Zhou Liqian to set off to prepare for work.

(End of this chapter)

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