Chapter 30

Bai Su came to his seat and flipped through the unfamiliar yet familiar textbooks on the seat.

This is the first time for her to come into contact with the books here, which describe the theoretical methods of how to control the ability and improve the ability.

After coming to this school, Bai Su felt very inferior and had no time to care about her academic abilities, so her grades could only be regarded as the bottom of the class.

Bai Su flipped through a few pages at random and found that the things in the textbook were quite interesting. Most of them were knowledge she had never been exposed to before, so she slowly began to study on her own.


"Look, the protagonist in this photo seems to be Bai Su from our class!"

"What is but, it is simply!"

"A person like her has a weird temper and poor performance in the ability assessment. She keeps her head buried all day and doesn't wear a new piece of clothes. How can she make friends? If it weren't for the school to control the single ability person , how can such a lowly pariah come to our supernatural school to study?"

"I don't know what kind of bad luck we had, and we became classmates with her."

"Look at that ugly monster, who read books for the first time. Could it be that she thought that she could improve her abilities by just reading books? Hee hee, it's ridiculous. People without talent can't improve their abilities!"

"You said, does she know that her video has become popular in the school's forum?"

"Who knows? Hee hee, let's watch the show silently!"


The students in the class whispered, basically everyone except Bai Su saw her confession post on the forum.

Bai Su didn't care, and was still reading.

It's not that she can't hear the students' discussions, but she ignores them deliberately.

To her, it was just a trivial matter.

During the whole morning self-study, Bai Su did not leave her seat. Occasionally, students from other classes came to look out the window. They were very curious and wanted to see who the "heroine" in the photo was.

It is estimated that the teachers and leaders of the school will know about it soon.

At this moment, with a sudden "bang", someone threw a book on her desk.

"Bai Su, follow me to the office!"

It was Bai Su's head teacher, Teacher Qin, who spoke!

After finishing speaking, Teacher Qin walked out the door and walked out of the classroom in stride.

Bai Su lazily opened his eyelids, hearing Teacher Qin's voice just now, it seemed that he was not here to stand up for her, but to ask for a crime.

She slowly got up and followed.

There was only Teacher Qin in the office, and Bai Su walked in without knocking on the door.

Teacher Qin gave Bai Su a blank look, hum, doesn't this student even understand basic etiquette?
Don't know if you have to knock on the door before entering the office?
Huh, you really have no quality!
Teacher Qin raised his glasses, threw the phone in front of Bai Su, and asked with a straight face, "Bai Su, tell me, what is going on with this post?"

Bai Su glanced at the photo on the phone, and immediately knew what the class teacher wanted her for!

In the morning self-study, the classmates in the class have read it dozens of times, and she is not deaf. On the contrary, her hearing is better than ordinary people.

She almost memorized the confession passage by heart.

Bai Su pursed her lips, and immediately looked aggrieved, "Teacher, didn't you see? Confession letter!"

Mr. Qin clasped his knuckles heavily on the table, and said angrily, "You are still very confident! You are so young, you don't learn well! You are like someone who fell in love early! You are the only one! Youth is just right! In the Mood for Love, Hua! Do you know what a step is? Wrong step? The path of abilities is very dangerous. Your assessment results are already poor, but there is hope to improve your abilities if you work hard. Going out to be a bodyguard in the future is more than enough. Are you wasting yourself?"

The school only held the swearing-in meeting last week, and all students in the school were strictly prohibited from having puppy love. It only took a few days to post a love letter on the school forum. It is true that the school leader does not visit the forum!

(End of this chapter)

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