Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 393 391: The Arrival of the First Ancestor

Chapter 393 391 The Arrival of the Ancestor
There is no one in the e-sports circle who doesn't know Zuo Wei's ancestor.

But even if they knew, few people kept in touch with her, because she was a cold female doctor who specialized in restraining players, and Miejue Shitai who used AI to end the game, and no one dared to provoke her.

The abbreviation of A-star is not the meaning of All-star All-Star Game, but Alter-Star (change-StarCraft).

The AI ​​technology of A-Star has been applied to StarCraft, and the best record is to win the battle against three SC2 super masters at the same time, which is actually the meaning of the world champion.

Dong Mingyang is most afraid of his perverted ancestor: "I knew how to hack my computer in one day! Just now, she hacked into my microphone again. She can hear all of us talking, so pay attention to me!"

Su Yuan: "!", well, who is the authoritative data consultant of the DT team?

The Great God will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.

"Housekeeper, help me clean her up! This is a super hacker! Invaded my computer firewall, and then violated my privacy!" Dong Mingyang was most afraid of his aunt's investigation, and his data would be exposed at a glance, and then he would appear in Zuo Wei In the paper, which was published on the most authoritative e-sports forum, the left side of his face was peeled off and pasted to the right, which was not enough to beat him.

But my aunt will never blackmail the information of people other than Dong Mingyang. She has a relationship with the senior data analysts of the DT team who do their own things, that is to say, the data analysts of DT will leave her a back door for her. Come and go freely on the platform.

She can take Dong Mingyang's materials by herself.

Crowds of people on the barrage shouted for the ancestors, respectfully invited Zuo God to descend, and Dugu begged for defeat.

Zuo Wei is only a junior in the academic circle, and the rest of the fields are "aunts", so people in the world call her "ancestor".

He is a genius who likes to play games and is particularly competitive, so he won a championship by chance.

Of course, after becoming a talented player, he is not idle. He writes papers every day to discuss how to eliminate talented players, such as deconstructing alpha-go (alpha dog).

Ji Yingduo didn't expect White's appearance to surprise the aunt of their Princess Yangyang: "Look, this is the aunt of our Princess Yangyang."

Dong Mingyang immediately said to stay away from her: "Don't pay attention to her, her existence is to eliminate e-sports, she is full, and all the e-sports staff will starve to death!"

"Don't set a flag, look at the tone of your ancestors who hate iron and steel against you. They are just blatantly despising you for not knowing mathematics. They didn't say that they would design LOL artificial AI to replace the current e-sports market. After all, e-sports is a sports event. " Su Yuan felt that the reason why Dong Mingyang quit the StarCraft training camp was because he was abused by his aunt's AI, but human beings are different from AI after all. Humans have flesh and blood and emotions, but AI does not.

But Interstellar actually tests quick calculation and logical thinking, which is not so manipulative, and it is different from LOL.

"Shut up!" Dong Mingyang was annoyed.

It's not that he hasn't read all kinds of e-sports strategies written by his god ancestors. There is no mathematical proof in them that he can understand, and he is often "harmed". So Su Yuan, who knows the truth, dare to mention it?
Not only that, but his aunt is working on a computer algorithm that restrains all e-sports players, how can he bear it? !
Smash his job!
[SC1-左威v]: @洋洋公主.I promise you that you will not get involved in LOL's artificial battle system for the time being, leaving enough time for you to achieve your own sports dreams.However, I'm here to remind you that the time limit is approaching. If you still can't win the world championship this year, I will start to design an AI for LOL to beat the Koreans.

The bullet screen was boiling: No?Ancestor, don’t be like this, you have to believe that our DT team can win this year!Ancestor, everyone will cry if you do this. Let’s not use AI to defeat others. This is too shameless.Isn’t the significance of e-sports lies in the synergy and participation of each player? Besides, there are 5 people in LOL, so it is much more complicated than A-star, isn’t it?

[]: I deeply doubt it, @初祖 you are a little too confident.I think A-star can work, that is because A-star repeated trial and error to reduce the probability of failure to integrate the optimal algorithm.And the same algorithm can’t make A-Star become an extraordinary master of LOL. There are too many unit variables. This needs to check the optimal solution of the current game process of 5 people in tens of millions of consensus dynamic systems, not just the pass rate. The current computer algorithm cannot solve this kind of problem.

[SC1-Zuo Wei v]: just don't like doing things that aren't challenging.

Dong Mingyang directly turned on the microphone: "Grandma, have you seen it? I don't think you need to threaten me. The time is coming, and you may not be able to develop LOL's extraordinary master AI in 10 years."

[SC1-左威v]: @Everyone live long and prosper. (Live endlessly, multiply and prosper.)
If the strategies written by her could be understood by professional players, then there would be no need for e-sports at all.

Fu Kun also laughed: "Don't say that professional players can't understand, if data analysts can understand her mathematical proof process, what's the use of a doctor?"

Gao Le and Coach Chang laughed wildly.

Fu Kun studied the AI ​​problem of LOL early on, and came to a conclusion: "She can't be allowed to make such an AI, otherwise the extraordinary masters ranked in the system now have no value in existence.

Besides, I agree with Su Tong's point of view. After all, there are many differences between LOL and SC. New heroes are released every year, and there are new hero damage values. It is not just three races like StarCraft, with constant racial damage, so short-term It is certainly impossible to solve the problem of the restraint system of more than 5 people under such a huge hero pool. "

[SC1-Zuo Wei V]: It can be seen that you have won this round, but there is no guarantee for the next round.As an extraordinary master, Kim Min Kwon will continue to absorb the experience of this battle and upgrade the zero-sum game strategy in the Nash equilibrium, so I think it is unwise for you to use such a strategy in the practice game.But I still want to know about @White, how your laning skills are formed, it's really amazing.

[Chong Shao V]: Huh... I can breathe a sigh of relief, dear friends, at least in a short period of time, the extraordinary masters of LOL will not be replaced by AI extraordinary masters hahahaha.

[SC1-左威V]: @冲少V, believe in mathematics, you will never regret the result.

[Chong Shao A]: @SC1-左威V, the ancestor Da Da, I kowtow to you, you must not study the AI ​​of LOL, welcome Da Da to our PPT team as a data analysis consultant.

Dong Mingyang was sweating profusely when he saw Tang Chong and Li Minglang's reply: "Um, Young Master Chong, if you are willing to invite my aunt as a technical consultant, please do so. Anyway, whoever invites you knows..."

A piece of 233333333 flashed across the barrage.

(End of this chapter)

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