Chapter 166 Luthier 7
The princess ignored her and sat on the stool, looking at the lake view, in fact buying time for the system.

The new favorite didn't know what to say, and the two were relatively speechless.

After a while, I heard her carefully ask, "When did you come to this world? How did you come here?"

Very curious.

She came after she died, I don't know if this is the princess.

The princess glanced at her.

did not speak.

The gesture is noble.

Asked back, "When did you come?"

The new favorite pursed her lips, unhappy, obviously she was the one who asked first.

But this person doesn't seem to be easy to get along with, and finally met a fellow in a strange world.

The new favorite still said, "I came here not long ago. I accidentally fell off the stage during the catwalk, and I was here when I woke up."

Lowering her eyes, being a model is her dream all along.

However, not everyone can be a model.

She is short, fat, has bad skin, and loves to eat. She is destined not to be a model.

But here no one knows.

What she is wearing is someone else's skin.

The princess really didn't know.

After all, they are only mortals, and they cannot see the soul.

Instead, he took a serious look at the new favorite.

Kind of incredible.

The new favorite was very satisfied with her expression, leaned over, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Hey, what did you do before?"

The princess did not refuse her.

The system said, to buy time, maybe it's better to be closer.

Seeing this, the new favorite sat down next to the princess.

The two are very close.

The princess lowered her eyes, what did she do before?

"Actually, it's nothing, just walk around when you have nothing to do."

Oh, the new favorite.

Said I understand.

But I was complaining in my heart, heh, it turned out that it was not much better, he was a jobless vagrant.

The two chatted casually.

Until the system beeped, the princess stood up, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he left.

New favorite:…

The princess left quickly.

As I walked, I asked in my heart how the system was doing.

The system looks very tired.

It is said that after absorbing part of it, it is up to you to sleep for a while.

There was no sound.


So angry.

The benefits are all yours.

She will carry all the blame.

Take a deep breath, forget it, as long as you can increase your favorability to [-], you will be successful.

It is not far from success now.

Just forgot to ask how long the system will sleep.

The new favorite didn't realize that there was something wrong with his system, but he just found it a bit strange that the princess left suddenly.

But nothing to worry about.

Who hasn't lost their temper yet, let alone a princess.

until a few days later.

After attending the ceremony, he and the emperor enjoyed the afterglow in bed.

The emperor suddenly said, "It seems that I have gained a little weight recently."

The feel is not as good as before.

New favorite:…

Eyes wide open in disbelief.

how is this possible.

This is the small waist produced by the system, the kind that won't get fat no matter how much you eat.

So, Your Majesty, are you kidding me?

He secretly squeezed the flesh on his waist, and immediately despaired.

Really fat.

The emperor was amused by her expression.

Pinching Baozi's face, "Don't worry, even if you are fat, I still like you."

After all, this superb body cannot be found in the entire harem.

Every time can be hearty and delightful.

There is no need to consider being plotted.

The new favorite comes from a remote small county, she is the daughter of the county magistrate, she can do anything.

The new favorite nodded.

Lying in the emperor's arms is very cute.

But a few days later, she was no longer so calm.

Not only fat.

He also has pimples on his face.

It's not scientific.

The nurse next to her hinted that she should go on a diet and eat something that would beautify her skin.

New favorite:…

as a foodie.

Even if he comes back to life in someone else's body, he can't change his special foodie habit.

What's more, there is everything in the palace.

Also a chef.

With the system in place, I don’t have to worry about gaining weight or getting my skin worse.

It must be delicious.

Mammy didn't say it before, because she didn't have the above symptoms, so forget it.

Well now.


If you don't exercise restraint, you will fall out of favor.

Very serious.

The new favorite quickly calls the system.


Looking helpless.

Ask her what she is doing.

New favorite:…

Why don't you know?

Pointing at myself, gaining weight and having acne, what the hell is going on.

The system let out an oh.

Said, "Maybe the energy can no longer support it."

After all, it is just a wild system, and many limitations were abandoned because of flaws.

Even so, for humans, bugs still exist and are invincible.

New favorite:…

I didn't understand a little bit.

What does energy mean.

Doesn't it mean that you can get props as long as you successfully complete a mission?

The system sneered.

How could it be that simple.

Can you buy a mobile phone that can be used without charging?

New favorite:…


This metaphor is so apt.

Really can't.

Frowning, "Then what should I do?"

The system pondered for a while before saying, "Although the emperor is the son of luck, it is still too little to get energy from him. He is not the only person with luck in this world. In this way, you can go to capture a few more, Although luck is not as good as his, but it is worse than nothing."

The new favorite opened his eyes wide.

"You mean, let me attack others?"

Pointing at himself, can't believe what he heard.

System: Hmm.

New favorite:…

"No, do you mean what I understand by the strategy? But I am the emperor's concubine, how can I be with other men, that's all."

The system sneered.

"You don't want to? You can, just wait until you become fat and ugly."

The new favorite stopped talking.

She is used to being beautiful now, and when she sees her previous face again, she will vomit.

pursed lips.

Forget it, isn't it a man?

Since he is lucky, he must be a good man.

In modern love, I haven't talked about a single one, so I will make up for myself by playing a few more here.

The most important thing is that if you don't conquer it, you will become ugly.

But, "I don't know who is lucky."

The system said so.

Well, I'll give you a hint when the time comes.

The new favorite system didn't realize its energy was being stolen.

Compared with 0527.

It doesn't have too many flaws.

0527 absorbed a lot of energy and fell into a deep sleep.

Without the system, the princess did not relax, and spared no effort to gain the emperor's favor.

Very annoying.

The last bit can't be brushed up.

Is it really necessary to lose your virginity?
The system is asleep, and there is not even a negotiable one.

I was annoyed by it before, but now that I am alone, I am a little dazed and dependent.

At this time, something happened in the palace.


One of the emperor's concubines was caught having an affair.

Everyone: ...

Just stunned.

Moreover, there are so many imperial guards in the palace, how did they get in? They still entered the harem.

But your majesty is very low, you can't even look down on your own concubine.


Who told you to pretend to be cool and pure.

As an emperor, you have to shoulder your responsibilities.

The concubine couldn't be satisfied.

It also made people take great risks to find them from the outside.

It's all right now, it's time to wear a cuckold.

There are so many beauties, but you just ignore them.

Soon someone spread the news.


With so many concubines in the harem, the one who cuckolded him was actually a favorite concubine.

So, what happened to you, Your Majesty.

Beloved concubine.

Uniquely favored.

Could it be that you really can't do it?

high possibility.

No wonder they haven't even had a prince or daughter for so many years.

No way.

If this is the case, then your throne can only be replaced by someone else.

Anyway, decades later, they will be selected from other people's heirs.

This was a big deal.

Many people know it.

Who doesn't have much eyeliner in the palace?

The emperor monopolizes power, but the harem is dominated by women.

Unspeakable things happened in the private meeting of the new favorite male, and many people were watching the emperor's joke.

The emperor was cruel and authoritarian.

The interests of many people have been damaged.

There are also princes who have been staring at him and still have not given up on seizing power.

The princess was also taken aback.

Simply incredible.

That's a fool.

Heh, I still want to report on her, so stupid, now it's all right, I've made myself stupid to death.

The emperor was in the imperial study with a gloomy expression on his face.

Although someone has been sent to arrest the new favorite and put him in a dungeon, the hatred in his heart is still hard to get rid of.

don't understand why.

He is so good to his new favorite, he goes to her palace every night.

Although there is no child.

But, there will always be.

When the time comes, he will naturally allow the birth.


The emperor opened his eyes wide and understood instantly.

Could it be that she was impatient because she had no children, and wanted to find someone to give birth to, and pretend to be of royal blood?
The emperor thought he had guessed the reason.

Immediately my eyes are tearing apart.


He patted the table, "Come here."

A eunuch came in and lowered his head.

The emperor looked sinister.

"Go to the trial and find out the adulterer."

Although the new favorite caught.

But the adulterer ran away.

He is a man of martial arts.


It is impossible for ordinary people to sneak into the harem.

The whole city is under martial law.

The Royal Forest Army searched everywhere and arrested anyone they saw suspected.

Many people complained incessantly.

It's their fault they don't look like a nice guy.

The new favorite was beaten and bruised, and finally confessed.

He is a man in the rivers and lakes.

Once, when someone was chasing him, he accidentally ran into her palace, and then the relationship developed later.


Who told the emperor that you are not humorous, you only talk about your body and not your feelings.

Women are meant to be coaxed.

The face value of this Demon Cult Leader is no worse than yours, Your Majesty. Women are irresistible to handsome men.

Someone showed the confession to the emperor.


I was so angry that I didn't know what to say.



Even people in the rivers and lakes hooked up.

Martial law was ordered.

Gotta grab that guy.

The rivers and lakes have always been beyond the control of the court.

There is a feeling that well water does not violate river water.

Now there is an excuse.

The emperor must fulfill his ambition.

This time-traveling girl was supposed to be the love of his life, and she would never give up, but due to various reasons, she ran aground.

There are obstacles and love that cannot be together is called sadomasochism.

The heroines are ill-fated.

The leader launched a surprise attack in the middle of the night and rescued the new favorite.

The process is not easy.

But the result is good.

The new favorite was covered in bruises and beatings, and the leader felt very distressed.

Run all the way.

He also had to evade the pursuit of the imperial court.

Not at all to relax.

Let alone do anything else.

Besides, the new favorite was injured.

When he finally reached a safe place, the leader breathed a sigh of relief.

Take a look at the new favorite.

All dumbfounded.


Who the hell is this.

big fat man.

Where is the beloved woman?

No wonder it's getting heavier and heavier on my shoulders these days.

I thought it was too tired.


In the end, such a big fat man would weigh hundreds of catties, at least. Can he not be heavy?

With a cold face.

"who are you?"

New favorite:…

Keep your eyes open.

You ask me who I am.


just tell him.

But the leader didn't believe it. He pointed at her face and sneered, "Oh, don't you look like a pig and pretend to be her? Tell me, who sent you, do you want to kill me?"

New favorite:…

All confused.

I want to cry without tears.

Explain, it's really her, not someone else.

There is no mirror outside, she can't see the changes in herself at all.

If you can see.

There will definitely be a strange familiarity.

That face was exactly the same as her modern one.

Even the voice has changed.

The leader feels he has been deceived.

What's even more distressing is that he doesn't know when the person was changed.

After coming out of the palace, the two have been together.

When exactly?

But the most important thing now is to get people back.

very urgent.

Looking at the new favorite coldly, he turned and left.

Can't tell why she wasn't killed.

There was an inexplicable reluctance in my heart.

The priest is gone.

Leave the new favorite alone in the woods.

She was frightened by the eyes of the leader just now, and she didn't dare to move at all, and she didn't dare to call her.

He is still a modern man at heart.


I don't understand why the leader said she was not her.

Could it be that he was going to abandon her too.

So made an excuse.

I hate it.

Akimbo wants to scold.

I touched two layers of thick swimming rings.

New favorite:…

His eyes were bulging out, full of terror.

No, no way.

Touching his face again made him even more desperate.


I have to escape for my life along the way, I can't eat well and sleep well, I should lose weight, how can I still gain weight.

There is only one explanation.

The new favorite called the system in a panic.

long after.

Only then did the faint sound of the system be heard.

But she couldn't care less.

Ask why this is so.

The system is also hopeless.

Intermittent explanations.

Oh, it's because you haven't been able to collect energy recently, so the props can't hold up anymore.

New favorite:…

But it's not right.

This is not my body. Even if the props cannot support it, it should still be the way this body is.


Don't think too much.

He fell into a deep sleep.

If there is no follow-up energy support, even the system will die.

There is nothing the new favorite can do.

The journey of energy collection begins.

But now she is fat and ugly, and her skin is as creamy as cherry and her little mouth is gone.

Can't find anything good.

No matter in which era, the face is very important.

No face.

Maybe I will lose the world.

Can only find some rural peasants.

Definitely not as good as the Emperor's leader.

But is there any way.

Good people look down on her.

Everyone has to learn to accept themselves.

Advantages Disadvantages.

But when something becomes an obsession, it's not so easy.

The new favorite did not end well.

She wanted to return to the palace, but it was no longer possible.

On a relatively good-looking morning, I walked into Yihongyuan.

Spent a lifetime in it.

It is too hard to find a man by myself.

Why not let a man come to her.

(End of this chapter)

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