Chapter 643 Chapter 643: Venus
Ruan Weitong and Xiang Xiangjia are together.

On the day she agreed to Xiang Jia, the young master hugged her in circles until she fell.

Of course, Ruan Weitong was also thrown.

"Are you sure? Ruan Weitong, are you sure you're with me?"

"I won't joke about this kind of thing, but it's just a relationship."

"It's no different from agreeing to get married. I will make you unable to leave me, and I believe you cannot leave me either. After all, I am definitely the best lover in the world."

"Xiangxiang Jia, can you speak well? Also, can you stop being so narcissistic?"

"How can this be called narcissism? This is called self-confidence, you can also supervise me!"



Zhang Yao came to Ruan Weitong once and asked her, "Are you really determined to be with Xiang Jia?"

Ruan Weitong told him with certainty.

Afterwards, Zhang Yao disappeared for a few months, and it is said that he went out to fight.

Later, he sent a letter with only one sentence: Can I still be your brother?

Ruan Weitong replied a long letter.

Finally wrote: You will always be my brother.

There is a reconciliation between the two.

But they didn't meet again for a long time.

There will still be all kinds of men around Ruan Weitong, and there are many excellent ones among them.

But in the end, they were no match for Xiang Jia, the perfect boyfriend.

After being with Ruan Weitong, Xiang Jia matured extremely quickly, took over the family business, and his personality gradually became stable.

At least Ruan Jun looked quite satisfied with this son-in-law.

However, she will not interfere in the relationship between her daughter and the two of them, such as urging marriage or something.

One of them caught Ruan Jun's attention, and this person was Pei Ting from the Pei family in Hainan.

It's just because Pei Ting's father was the meal ticket that the original owner found again after the original owner left Shanghai in the original plot.

In the end, in order to consolidate his status, the original owner sent his daughter to Pei Ting's father's bed.

Ruan Jun felt a little strange, never thought that Pei Ting would fall in love with Ruan Weitong in this life.

And it's the very positive one among them, he can be regarded as Xiang Jia's number one rival in love.

It's just that Ruan Weitong obviously prefers obedient Xiangxiang Jia.

Ruan Jun sometimes thinks that maybe the way he gets along with Fan Sheng has affected his daughter, so he found someone who is similar to Fan Sheng—obedient, treats her well, and always puts her first.

Boys with this kind of personality may only be the second male in many novels.

Two years later, a new country was established, and a lot of waste was waiting to be rebuilt. Many students who studied abroad returned to their motherland.

During the most tense years, Ruan Jun's family and several friends stayed on Hong Kong Island.

However, her three children all stayed in the mainland and played their part in building the motherland.

During this period, both Yan Wan and Yan Fei met their loved ones and formed new families.

After they got married one after another, Ruan Weitong also held a wedding with Xiang Jia.

Ruan Jun did not live with their children, but lived in Hong Kong with Fan Sheng.

Later, Zhang Manman and his wife, Cang Yi also moved to Hong Kong, and they became neighbors.

Ruan Jun regrets that Cang Yi never got married in her whole life.

Anyway, every time she persuaded her, she only had one sentence.

To stay by her side and become the first reader of her new book, she is already very satisfied.

Literally devoted his whole life to fiction.

Ruan Jun has been writing books almost all his life.

She brought many classics from another world to this world.

Those brilliant cultures, in this world, have also become the enlightening stars of the initial efforts of an unknown number of people.

(End of this chapter)

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