Chapter 66
"Brother Shilong, you are right to do this, be careful with the Wannian Ship."

Zero said lightly.

"Master Shilong, when will you call us martial arts?"

At this moment, Kou Zhong's voice sounded.

"Young Master Zhong, you can divide the occasion before speaking, okay?"

Xu Ziling covered Kou Zhong's mouth, preventing him from saying anything more.

"You apprentice, you are really a clever ghost."

Zero glanced at Kou Zhong and said to Shi Long.

"haha, yes."

Shi Long smiled and nodded at Ling, then looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling with a serious face.

"I have no problem teaching you martial arts, but I want to ask you first, why do you learn martial arts?"

Shi Long asked the two people questions, and he would teach them the corresponding martial arts based on their answers.

"I'll say it first."

Kou Zhong broke free from Xu Ziling's hand, and spoke first.

"I want to join the rebel army, make contributions, and live a good life with enough to eat and a wife."

"Well, not a bad idea. Ziling, how about you?"

To Kou Zhong's answer, Shi Long simply praised him, and then looked at Xu Ziling.

"Hmm! I want to assist Kou Zhong and help him achieve success."

Xu Ziling glanced at Kou Zhong, and replied firmly.

"Yes! I understand. You go and wash up first, then find an unoccupied room for the night. Tomorrow, after breakfast, wait for me in the yard outside."

After Shi Long listened to their answers, he asked them to retreat.

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, Master."

When Gao Zhong and Xu Ziling saw Shi Longrang and another person wanting to discuss something, they left cooperatively.

"Brother Simon, what do you think of these two people?"

After Kou Zhong and the two left, Shi Long asked Ling.

"Oh, you want me to give you some advice?"

Zero asked curiously.In fact, Zero doesn't care what changes will happen to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling after he joins the plot.

However, Shilong's inquiry made Ling interested.

"Yes, what I see in Xu Ziling's eyes is that he has no desires and no desires. He is a person who is naturally suitable for cultivating Taoism. But on the contrary, I see ambition in Kou Zhong's eyes. As long as he is given a chance, he can Breaking into a big event. Because of this, I want to hear Brother Ximen's opinion."

Shilong told Ling his thoughts.

"How can a golden lin be a thing in a pond, it will turn into a dragon when it meets the wind and cloud."

Ling chanted lightly, and the mud bodhisattva in Fengyun World gave Xiong Ba his first half life comment.

"Brother Ximen's evaluation of Kou Zhong is very high!"

Shi Long looked at Zero in surprise. In his memory, no one could get such a good comment from Zero.

"Kou Zhong is a brave and resourceful guy, remember how he suddenly called out to teach them martial arts!"

Zero asked.

"I remember. That's how it is, I understand."

Shi Long was puzzled for a moment, and then understood what Ling wanted to say.

Kou Zhong's words just now were spoken out after seeing the right timing and after careful consideration.The purpose is to make Shi Long feel embarrassed in front of others and regret not teaching them martial arts.

"I will teach them the "Sun and Moon Divine Skill" tomorrow."

Shi Long said.

"Hmm! By the way, can brother Shilong guess why the imperial palace guards came to Yangzhou City and stared at you?"

Ling Wei nodded slightly to show that he knew, and then asked Shi Long about today's issues in Yangzhou City.

"If what the old man thinks is correct, they should have come here for the "Secret of Longevity". It should be the news that the old man obtained the "Secret of Longevity" was leaked."

Although Shi Long said it was a guess, he was 100% sure that he had obtained the news of the "Secret of Immortality" and that the current emperor knew about it and now sent someone to get it.

"It should be, but they don't know about the "Secret of Immortality" yet, and now I have it in my hands. So, I have a plan, and I want you to cooperate with it, and it will also help you avoid being harassed in the future and be able to concentrate. Practice."

The zero-feeling plot is about to begin, and it's time to start your own plan.

"Oh! I would like to hear about it."

Shi Long was very curious about Ling Shuo's plan.

"I have an idea, which is to collect everything in the world... (a thousand-word explanation is omitted here)..."

Zero roughly explained his plan.

"I see, then when does Brother Ximen plan to start?"

Shilong agreed to Zero's plan because it could erase all his worries.From now on, I can concentrate on my cultivation and break the void.

"After the great summer, there is still half a month left, enough for you to handle the things you have to deal with."

Zero decided to start the plan in half a month. By then, Ssangyong would definitely be able to memorize the contents of "Sun and Moon Magic" completely. If it goes smoothly, he would be able to sense the essence of the sun and moon and generate the first ray of internal power.

"No problem! I hope time will come."

Shi Long said slightly worried.

"Then as soon as possible, sooner is better than later."

Zero said as he walked towards his room.

"I will as soon as possible."


The next morning, the small courtyard of the manor.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, with unconcealable joy on their faces, stood in front of Shi Long excitedly.

"Okay, today I will fulfill my promise and teach you martial arts."

Shi Long looked at the excited two people in front of him and chuckled.

"However, I want to tell you the actual situation first. You are already in your teens, and you have long missed the best time to practice martial arts. It is almost impossible to make great achievements."

Shilong's words, without any modification, directly told the two of them their current situation.

"We know that too, but we still want to practice martial arts."

Kou Zhong felt very uncomfortable when he heard Shi Long's words, who made them orphans, but his attitude was still very firm.

Now that Shilong can learn one and a half moves, he will join the rebel army in the future and have a better chance of getting ahead.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet! Don't interrupt me."

Shi Long scolded.

"Yes, I'm sorry Master."

"Well! Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for you to have great achievements in martial arts training. However, it happened that half a year ago, I got a copy from Mr. Ximen, a peerless secret book in the pre-Qin period. Talent and aptitude are not harsh at all, as long as you are willing to spend time and thought, becoming a congenital master is not difficult at all. If you are lucky, you can become a master. It is also possible to become a great master if you have an adventure or a sudden epiphany. .”

Shi Long told Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling about the effectiveness of "Sun and Moon Divine Art" and belittled it.

"Your first priority is to memorize the contents of the exercises."

Shi Long took out a copy of "Sun and Moon Divine Art" from his pocket, and handed it to the two of them.

"Yes, Master." 2
The two were elated and said excitedly.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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