I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 78 Distress on the Mountain Road

Chapter 78 Distress on the Mountain Road
Xiao Fan started the car and drove it carefully.

After all, he hadn't touched the steering wheel for several years, his hands were sloppy, Xiao Fan drove more cautiously, he still didn't want to lose face in front of the two sisters Li Ruolan and Li Ruoying.

On the contrary, the two sisters felt very relieved, and sat on the back seat respectively, and began to whisper in their ears.

Xiao Fan looked serious, focusing on his own driving at the moment, trying not to listen or look at the two sisters behind.

Soon, under Xiao Fan's driving, this huge SUV left the Global Trade Center smoothly and drove onto the main road in the city center.

There is a lot of traffic on the road, and the traffic is very congested.

A car squeezed around the Mercedes-Benz SUV driven by Xiao Fan, and the road conditions were very complicated.

Despite the challenging driving environment, Xiao Fan was pleasantly surprised after driving for a few minutes.

He found that he had no pressure to drive these two big cars!
Of course, as high-end models of the Mercedes-Benz brand, these two SUVs have good power and handling.

However, Xiao Fan's driving was not only benefited from this, he soon discovered a surprise!
He felt that he was seeing all directions with his eyes and hearing all directions, and the range of his sight was much wider than he imagined!

In addition, although the sound and image signals of the surrounding environment are extremely complex, they have been continuously accepted by him and processed quickly, and he has been extremely sensitive to give feedback on driving.

The result is that these two SUVs, which are labeled with violent performance, professional off-roading, and tall bodies, actually drive in Xiao Fan's hands like a submissive but amazingly powerful thug in a suit.

Although passing through the traffic flow quickly, the acceleration and deceleration are silky smooth, without any abrupt body shaking and swinging. The two sisters in the back seat feel very good when they are whispering, and there is no feeling that the car is moving fast!
Even Xiao Fan himself couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth proudly.

Driving like this, even in such a congested environment, is a good enjoyment!

The reason, needless to say, is naturally due to Xiao Fan's strong concentration and ability to do two things at once.

Xiao Fan secretly sighed, it turns out that the addition of mental attributes can not only help him improve the ability of simultaneous interpretation, but also in many scenes of daily life, it is also like adding wings to a tiger!

The car passed through the city center smoothly, took the city expressway, and drove in the direction of Shuzhou University.

There have been significantly fewer cars on the road.

They soon entered a ten-kilometer mountainous road and entered a forest west of the city.

Along the way, the environment was quiet and the air was fresher. Xiao Fan was in a good mood.

Not long after driving on the mountain road, Xiao Fan discovered that three of the original four lanes were surrounded by road officials, leaving only one lane for traffic.

The road administration is carrying out construction on this section of the road, and there are potholes dug everywhere on the road.

Fortunately, there were few cars, Xiao Fan only slowed down slightly, and the driving was still easy and smooth.

However, within a few minutes of driving like this, Xiao Fan suddenly found a Land Rover SUV following up from behind through the rearview mirror.

After catching up, the opponent kept a fixed distance from them, and followed them at a distance.

Xiao Fan didn't like the feeling of being followed all the time, so he stepped on the accelerator a little more and accelerated away.

Unexpectedly, the Land Rover at the back accelerated immediately, and followed him at a fixed distance.

Xiao Fan frowned, since he couldn't get rid of it, he simply turned on the right turn signal, temporarily drove the car to the construction lane with some potholes, slowed down the speed, and vacated the original lane.

The meaning is obvious, he is giving way, indicating that the car behind will pass first.

Sure enough, the car behind accelerated and drove up.

But what was strange was that the Land Rover only drove to a position parallel to their car, and then slowed down again.

The two cars go side by side.

Xiao Fan frowned, this car is strange!

He has obviously slowed down, and walking slowly on the uneven repaired road is to give way to the Land Rover behind and let him go first.

But after the Land Rover came up, it didn't want to overtake at all, it just drove shoulder to shoulder with them at a low speed.

Want to make trouble?
Xiao Fan turned his head vigilantly to look at the Land Rover's window, but the other car's glass was covered with dark film, so he couldn't see anything.

It's not a thing to do this all the time, and it's not safe.

Xiao Fan simply kicked the accelerator again, ready to overtake and leave.

Unexpectedly, the Land Rover next to him also accelerated immediately, just to occupy the left lane and prevent Xiao Fan's car from leaving!

Xiao Fan frowned.

He understood, no matter what the reason, this Land Rover is definitely not a good comer!
"There is a problem with the car next to you, be careful and sit down!" Xiao Fan warned.

The two sisters behind also noticed the Land Rover, and Li Ruolan's tone seemed quite calm, "Are you an enemy again?"

Again? !
Xiao Fan was a little sweaty.

But at this tense moment, Xiao Fan didn't have time to ask the ins and outs of this matter.

With the steering wheel in his hands, he must protect the safety of the sisters.

Suddenly, the Land Rover leaned towards Xiao Fan, and the heads of the two cars scratched slightly, making a harsh sound.

The Land Rover actually started to move away!
Xiao Fan responded urgently, controlled the direction and accelerator, and controlled the car steadily to keep it stable.

However, the lane he was in was full of potholes and the opponent was driving in a good lane, which in itself was a huge disadvantage for Xiao Fan.

Although the Mercedes-Benz G-Class SUV he drove was big and heavy, the one next to him was obviously Land Rover's flagship car, the Range Rover, which was on the same level as their Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

Whether it's the weight or power of the car, it doesn't suffer at all compared to their cars.

The Land Rover slammed away again, and the two cars collided again.

Although Xiao Fan tried his best to control the steering wheel, the car was still slightly deflected to the right.

The driveway on the right has been completely excavated, full of various gravel, deep pits, and even some heavy construction machinery parked.

If they are pinned to the right, there will be no road for driving!

The vehicles are still driving at high speed, if they are pinned, they are likely to overturn.

That's what kills!
The tires of the Mercedes-Benz SUV were squealing, and Xiao Fan was trying his best to control the car not to lose control.

However, he was taken advantage of by the other party at first, and now he is very passive!

Li Ruoying grabbed her sister's hand nervously, staring at Xiao Fan in front of her.

And Li Ruolan's face was as cold as ice, and she also realized the critical situation, and was quickly pulling out her mobile phone, ready to call for help.

However, they all know that this Land Rover SUV suddenly appeared on the road under construction in this mountainous area, and it was obviously premeditated to come here and wait to mess with them. !
Call for help now, but no one can come over in time!
The situation is extremely critical!
(End of this chapter)

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