Chapter 181
"not good!"

Xiao Fan roared.

Through the thick rain and fog, Xiao Fan saw that huge boulder appeared in the sky diagonally above him like a monster falling from the sky in an instant!

As the boulder rolled, it kept hitting the fragile rock wall, bringing out more large and small rocks with each blow, as if recruiting troops, and the team grew rapidly!
Including Xiao Fan's car, there are a total of 7 cars in the convoy.

Xiao Fan and the others were the second to last one.

But the boulder fell, and the target was directed at Xiao Fan and the others, as well as the cars in front and behind.

As the last three vehicles in the entire convoy, they were all already within the attack range of the boulder.


Qian Kangle was stunned. The shadow of the boulder fell on the car window, and the world seemed to become darker...

"Let's go!!" Qian Kangle finally came to his senses, and stepped on the gas pedal fiercely.

He chose to accelerate quickly and rushed through the bombardment range of the boulder.

However, it's too late!
Torrential rain and floods have flooded the road, and they have no way to rush forward quickly.

At the critical moment, a domineering spatial fluctuation enveloped him.

Time stands still lv10!

This is Xiao Fan's latest upgraded and most advanced skill.

The invisible time-stopping barrier opened to its maximum extent, just covering the three cars that were about to be hit by the boulder!

A magical wall of space appeared.

Xiao Fan was dumbfounded.

All the raindrops falling madly, once they fall into the barrier of static time, they will all stop instantly!

They continue to accumulate at the boundary of the time-stationary enchantment, condensing into a transparent wall of rainwater!
It's getting thicker and tighter.

The dim light of the sky reflects fantastic colors through this magical transparent wall.

Qian Kangle, who was beside him, still kept his hands on the steering wheel. His face was still full of twisted expressions of seeing the crisis coming and fighting for the last glimmer of hope.

Even the white smoke that evaporated from the rainwater hitting the hot hood condensed into a winding posture before Xiao Fan's eyes.

Xiao Fan kicked the car door and jumped to the ground.

The flood kept running under his feet and submerged his ankles in an instant.

He raised his head and saw a huge boulder like Mount Tai, just standing still in the middle of the barrier of time stagnation.


Xiao Fan yelled, bent his feet, and jumped up suddenly.

At this moment, Xiao Fan, like a superman who can fly at high speed, suddenly passed through the raindrops in the air and leaped obliquely above the boulder.

He aimed at the center of the boulder, and kicked it obliquely backward.

"go with!"

Under Xiao Fan's feet, the gigantic boulder is like a piece of plastic!
This is also because of the magical effect produced by the time-still enchantment enchantment!
The huge boulder accelerated silently, squeezed away the raindrops in the air, broke through the magical water wall, rushed out of the barrier of time stagnation, and rushed to the rear of the convoy.

It finally worked!
The boulder regained its gravity, smashed into the ground behind it with a bang, and then sank deeply.

Xiao Fan cheered in his heart and fell back to the ground.

Xiao Fan returned to the passenger seat again, closed the door, and did not forget to fasten his seat belt.

After completing this set of actions, the duration of time stillness also ends.

"Damn it!"

Qian Kangle continued to yell frantically, and slammed on the accelerator.

In his impression, the boulder has already arrived, and he can only fight for this very faint hope.

"Hey! Take it easy, look at the car ahead, look at the road ahead!" Xiao Fan reminded calmly, just like driving normally.

"Huh?" Qian Kangle became even more stupid, thinking that a disaster is imminent, why are you so calm, big brother.

However, when he looked up from the corner of his eye, he was even more shocked.

What about boulders!
where it goes?

Only then did Qian Kangle let go of the gas pedal, but he glanced at Xiao Fan in confusion.

"No? Am I dazzled?" Qian Kangle opened his mouth wide in surprise, as if his world view had been impacted.

"Where's the boulder? Isn't it about to hit us? It disappeared suddenly? Did it hit a ghost?" Qian Kangle couldn't figure it out.

Xiao Fan sighed and explained: "It has fallen to the back."

"Why didn't I see it?!"

"You...maybe you were scared out of your mind?" Xiao Fan couldn't think of how to explain to Qian Kangle.

"I believe in your ghost!" Qian Kangle shouted: "I just blinked and fell behind? This thing doesn't conform to the laws of physics!"

"You may be...too nervous..." Xiao Fan could only pat Qian Kangle's shoulder again, "The time in between may not only be a blink of an eye, but it must be three times."

"Really?" Qian Kangle was full of suspicion, and finally wavered a little.

Are you really scared?

"Drive hard!" Xiao Fan urged again: "Don't think about it, the driving environment is too complicated and dangerous, don't hit the rocks when the time comes, we will drive down the mountain by ourselves..."

"Woo...ok..." Qian Kangle couldn't help it. Now was really not the time to think wildly, he still had to drive to keep up with the large troops ahead.

It was at this time that he realized that the three cars were already far away from the car in front.

"Hey, that's weird. Why did we fall behind all of a sudden..." Qian Kangle shook his head helplessly and quickly increased his speed.

Slowly, the three cars finally caught up with the convoy one after another and returned to the team again.


The convoy continued to move forward quickly, braving the bad weather and dangerous natural environment, and accelerated to catch up.

The disaster-stricken town is very close ahead, and the lives of 20 residents are at stake, and they cannot be delayed for a moment!

And through the convoy broadcast, Xiao Fan heard that the convoy had contacted Zhou Jun and their vanguard.

The two convoys are already very close and will be able to merge soon.

Sure enough, the convoy turned again on a steep and sharp mountain road, and finally saw the blurred lights ahead!
You know what it means to be able to see these lights in this dark and bad weather day in the mountainous area with complicated and changeable road conditions.

It is estimated that it can make desperate people burst into tears in an instant.

Finally, the two convoys converged!
The leading rescue force joined by Zhou Jun in front, and the disaster relief force joined by Yang Chengyi and Xiao Fan who caught up behind, finally joined forces victoriously.

At this moment, the torrential rain is like water splashed down from the sky. There are steep mountain roads sandwiched among the complex mountains. From time to time, large and small stones will roll down from the cliffs, and the road surface will also collapse from time to time. The fastest speed, very close to the disaster area!

Finally, there are only ten kilometers left!

Climb another mountain and you can see the town besieged by the flood!
Although the entire rescue team saw the dawn of success, they still did not dare to take it lightly and insisted on moving forward more cautiously.

Zhou Jun also encouraged everyone through the motorcade broadcast, asking everyone to pay attention to safety and strive to reach the disaster relief site quickly and safely.

(End of this chapter)

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