I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 12 Finally Returning to School

Chapter 12 Finally Returning to School
"Oddly... tsk tsk tsk..."

"The fracture surface has fully grown!"

"how is this possible……"

Yang Chengyi pressed Xiao Fan on the table, checked it over and over again.

It's not because he has special tastes, it's because Xiao Fan's situation is unprecedented, and it has completely surpassed the medical common sense and experience he has accumulated over the past few decades!
"The wounds of other muscles and tendons have also healed!"

Yang Chengyi was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, he stared at Xiao Fan as if he was looking at a monster.

While Yang Chengyi was in a daze, Xiao Fan quickly seized the opportunity to climb down from the examination table.

Pulled up the clothes to cover the belly, with an innocent expression...


Yang Chengyi pointed at Xiao Fan, "What did you do? Or... what did you eat?"

"No no..." But he also denied his own question, "Impossible!"

Yang Chengyi felt that he had suffered a serious blow, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

Maybe, no matter how Xiao Fan answered, he couldn't solve his doubts.

This was because his extremely rigorous medical thinking was whipping him hard.

As a doctor, he shouldn't ask such mysterious questions just now.

According to his belief, there is no magic medicine in the world...

On Xiao Fan's side, it actually hurts a bit.

It's like it's impossible for him to say that he can stop time.

It is also impossible for him to say that he bought an awesome blue potion from the system.

So, overnight, he was healed...

"I don't know, I slept very deeply last night..."

Finally, Xiao Fan decided to play a fool to the end.

Yang Chengyi was completely dumbfounded.

Xiao Fan performed the surgery himself.

Several large fractures on his body were reset and casted by him himself.

After practicing medicine for so long, no matter from experience or theory, there is only one answer. Fractures cannot heal overnight!

But this person in front of him!
He's really getting better!

Yang Chengyi's mind was raging like a storm, and he was frantically fighting mentally.

I do not believe!I do not believe!
However, this person...

Doesn't seem like an ordinary person...

Yang Chengyi remembered the last time Xiao Fan was admitted to the hospital.

Even if the plane crashes, people can be basically uninjured.

Then this time, what is impossible? !
Yang Chengyi held his head in his hands in pain, and seemed to have found an explanation again.

Could it be that he was actually injured last time, but he healed soon?

The same for the other three people?
Not so evil, is it?

The more he thought about it, the more complicated it became, and Yang Chengyi began to disbelieve in science.

At any rate, he is still young and will binge-watch dramas when he gets home from get off work.

I just watched a series about urban abilities two days ago.

Uh... Could it be that the story in the TV series came true?
As a young man who is not too old, Yang Chengyi really dare not say everything too absolutely.

For the objective world, he still retains a respectful and open attitude.

Xiao Fan blinked his eyes, stretched out his hand and poked Yang Chengyi.

"Um, Doctor Yang... can I be discharged from the hospital again?"

Xiao Fan didn't know what to think, but his "again" deeply hurt Yang Chengyi.

Yang Chengyi seemed to wake up from a dream, and looked at Xiao Fan with disgust.

He really wanted to curse on the spot.

What is "again"?
Are you still "again" out of the hospital?
Do you think hospitals are tourist attractions?
Come in in a row, and then just pat your ass in a blink of an eye?

What is this?

The medical resources in Shuzhou Province are very tight, okay?
Moreover, we are Shuzhou Provincial People's Hospital, which is the strongest tertiary hospital in the province.

You just have the heart to play us like this? !

The more Yang Chengyi thought about it, the more wronged he became, tears almost fell down...

Xiao Fan looked at Yang Chengyi's watery eyes in surprise, and couldn't sit still.

"Oh, Doctor Yang, you are..."

"Did I make you angry?"

"Actually, I don't want to get hurt, I always trouble you..."

"I will definitely be more careful in the future..."

Yang Chengyi's face turned pale when he heard it.

Why does Xiao Fan's apology sound a bit wrong? ?


Yang Chengyi shook his head, his eyes softened a little.

"It's okay...Xiao Fan, you...be more careful and avoid accidents, wouldn't it be better?"

He called Xiao Hua to come over, and patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder.

"Discharge from the hospital...As I said before, come back for regular check-ups."

"Okay, got it!"

"Well, go ahead and go through the formalities with Xiaohua. I still have a lot of patients here, so I won't chat with you..."

Yang Chengyi waved his hand, and walked away as if fleeing, with a look of unbearable looking back.


When he came to the front desk of the inpatient department, Xiao Fan felt a little melancholy.

Others are family members who come to make bills and pay, but he is the only one who comes.

But who told him that there was no injury all over his body and he was alive and kicking?

zzz, zzz...

The bill machine buzzed and printed out detailed lists of various expenses.

Everyone is a long strip.


Xiao Fan sighed deeply.

I don't know if the money in my card is enough.

Even if it is enough, what to eat this month...


Just when Xiao Fan was so anxious that his forehead was sweating, Xiao Hua came with a long list of expenses with a smile on his face.

"Hey, just take it, you don't need to queue up to pay the fee."

"Huh? No need?" Xiao Fan was puzzled.

"Haha, someone has already paid for it."

"Someone paid, who?"

Xiaohua pouted and looked at him with a bit of disgust.

"Who else? Li Ruoying. When she left yesterday, she settled your expenses first."


Xiao Fan was speechless, staring blankly at a large pile of expense receipts flying in the air in his hand.

There are a lot of emotions in my heart.

You must find a chance to pay back this money.


Shuzhou University.

After many setbacks, Xiao Fan finally returned to school.

As soon as I opened the door of the research group's office, I found that all the brothers and sisters in the same group had arrived.

Xiao Fan's research group is fairly thriving in the Department of Engineering Thermophysics.

Counting only graduate students, there are a total of 8 master’s students and doctoral students, 6 men and 2 women.

Xiao Fan was the latest to join the group and the most junior among them.

In the group, he is the only one who is a first-year researcher, and the others are all master's and doctoral students with higher qualifications.

"Hello everyone!"

"Hello, brother!"

"Hello, Sister!"

"Xiao Fan is back!"

Xiao Fan said hello to his brothers and sisters, but in the end he found that there was one more person in the office.

A cute little girl!


Xiao Fan only felt that the little girl was looking at him with a smile, which made him feel embarrassed.

He looked at the little girl unnaturally, and quickly looked away.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Under the gaze of the little girl, Xiao Fan's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and he began to feel a little nervous.

Come on, divert your attention and look elsewhere!

Don't blush again!
Xiao Fan was in a hurry.

He knew that although he didn't blush yet, he was already on the verge of ruining his achievements at any time.

He must be very careful, or he will capsize.

It would be embarrassing to blush at that time, and it was still in front of the brothers and sisters of the entire research group.

Calm, calm, don't look at her...

Xiao Fan struggled to control his "inner demon", carefully feeling the blood flow on his face.

Secretly praying, don't blush!

Seeing him standing there in a daze, the little girl stood up and walked towards him.

What are you doing?
Xiao Fan's heart was pounding, the closer the little girl got, the more nervous he became.

"You must be brother Xiao Fan, right? Hello, brother!"

The little girl greeted him with a sweet voice.

Oops, so cute!

Xiao Fan's heart melted when he heard it...

But, she actually called me Senior Brother?
When did the research group get a junior sister?
New recruit?
But isn't it the summer semester now? How could there be a junior sister who came halfway?

Besides, why don't I just study one?I'm the youngest junior.

Xiao Fan couldn't figure out why he still had a junior sister.

He was only in his first year at Shuzhou University, so he hadn't thought about such a good thing for the time being.

However, the little girl in front of her is really cute, so cute!

Big eyes, delicate lips, two small hands that are white and soft, neither tall nor short, pleated skirt, black knee socks, double ponytails...

Xiao Fan felt a little short of breath. This... was too lethal!


Junior Sister tilted her head and blinked at Xiao Fan.

Oops!To break the merits!

"Yes, this is Xiao Fan, he is your youngest brother."

At the critical moment, Tian Yuan, the senior brother Yan Er who is most familiar with Xiao Fan, came over to introduce him.

Xiao Fan let out a breath.

Tianyuan has relieved him.

Hey, what a loser.

Xiao Fan felt a little regretful, even though this was his real self, he was still very frustrated to be so embarrassed in front of such a cute little girl.

When can I change it?

I really want to, even if it's a normal way to talk to a girl...

Xiao Fan was helpless.

Tian Yuan pointed to the little girl, "Didn't the school start assigning tutors to undergraduates, Nuo, this is Zhong Ling, who just joined our group."

"Well, hello, brother. I'm a freshman in our department. Well, I just joined the research group and don't understand anything. Brother, please help me a lot."

Zhong Ling had an innocent and romantic smile all over her face, and when she was talking, her two ponytails were like flower buds in the spring breeze, lively and lovely.

"Hmm...no problem..."

Xiao Fan managed to hold back a few words for a long time.


"Everyone is here!"

Teacher Lei came in at some point and greeted everyone.

Lei Liye is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Engineering Thermophysics of Shuzhou University, and he leads 8 graduate students in Xiao Fan's research group.

"Mr. Lei, I'm sorry, I'm late..."

Xiao Fan hurriedly greeted his instructor.

He went to the hospital twice before, and was delayed for some time. He reported back to the research team a day later than originally planned.

Teacher Lei laughed, but he didn't care.

He came over and patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder, and looked at Xiao Fan with concern.

"If you have difficulties at home, tell the teacher at any time."

Lei Liye already knew about Xiao Fan's father's illness, but he was very considerate. Although he wouldn't keep mentioning it in front of everyone, he always remembered to help Xiao Fan more.

Xiao Fan is still very grateful for Lei Liye's concern and care.

"Well! Thank you, Teacher Lei."

Lei Liye nodded, walked to the middle of the office, and scanned around.

"Well, everyone just came back from the holidays, and the work of the research group can be carried out slowly. Well, today, all members of the research group have dinner together! My treat!"


"Long live Teacher Lei!"

Everyone applauded.

"Everyone thinks about what to eat first. Oh, by the way, Anna and the other three are also here!"


The big guys are all mobilized, put aside the research at hand, and get down to business first-find a delicious restaurant!
Zhong Ling tugged at Xiao Fan's sleeve, "Brother, who is Anna?"

"Oh," Xiao Fan scratched his head, "I'm also a student of Teacher Lei, but she has stayed in the department to teach, she can be regarded as our senior sister. Now I also take care of my master's students."


Zhong Ling nodded her head cutely, her well-behaved appearance was especially endearing.

At this time, a female voice full of intellectual beauty came from far and near.

The voice came first before anyone entered the door.

"Hey wait, dinner tonight, right? You don't have to look for a restaurant! Go to my house!"

With the sound of footsteps, a person rushed into the door in a hurry.

It was Miss Anna.

(End of this chapter)

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