Vault 32

Chapter 71 Talk

Chapter 71 Talk

In this space dug out in the hinterland of the mountain, a huge building has been constructed with a large amount of reinforced concrete and alloy steel, filling the entire space in the hinterland of the mountain.A large number of searchlights and light sources are distributed around the building and on the rock formation on the top, which looks like daytime, and allows Liszt to see this huge space clearly.

A large number of shelves built with alloy steel are filled on both sides of the rock wall, and the elite Anglech regular army armed one by one are guarding on it. The M16-A4 assault rifle with more accurate shooting accuracy is also fully equipped, and the high-magnification scope It has also been installed in the card slot, making their shots more accurate and deadly.

And even the M2HB Browning 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun was equipped with this high-magnification scope.Just when Liszt and Sofitel came into this huge space, a lot of heavy firepower was faintly aimed at them.Liszt even believed that even the small-caliber direct-firing artillery had already targeted himself and the others.

In front of this building made by hollowing out the mountainside is a huge square. The team of heavily armed Anchorage regular army elites lead the way in front, followed by Liszt and Major Leslie, who followed their steps forward. Walking, the intuitive impression is even more shocking.They felt as if they were in front of a giant made of reinforced concrete and alloy steel, especially amidst the countless gazes of this giant, only by maintaining a humble attitude could they avoid conflicts.

As the building got closer, a two-meter-high steel gate slowly opened.A figure quickly walked out of the relatively dim corridor.And Liszt couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, but instead looked at the details and corners of the surrounding buildings. Countless cameras were aimed at him, and Liszt even spotted the steel on the top floor far away. On the rack, several snipers-like figures were standing there looking at them.

"General Bunar is dealing with government affairs, let me inform everyone to please wait in the living room."

The figure that came out of the steel gate slowly turned outwards. It seemed that the strong daylight made him a little uncomfortable. His brows were slightly frowned. He stood still and looked at Liszt and Sofitel. The two came over and nodded, made a gesture of reaching out to invite, and said: "Come with me, the inside is heavily guarded, please don't walk around."

After receiving the reply from the two, he walked forward first, and in the darker corridor, from time to time, teams of Anchorage regular army elites were patrolling past with M16-A4 assault rifles.However, after walking more than 200 meters in the corridor, after turning the corner, it was brightly lit like outside. The guide smiled and turned his head and said: "The road we just walked has already installed an alarm device. Proper dimness can Raise the security level."

"That's really too careful."

Touching the tip of his nose, Liszt replied without pain.The surrounding corridors are equally bright, and the snow-white walls seem to be painted with some kind of leak-proof paint. As expected, they may also be constructed by piercing through the rock formations.He turned his head and looked at the corridor separated from the left and right, which seemed to extend to some other area. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes slowly, and said softly, "I'm afraid it can even defend against nuclear bombs."

"Of course, this is a general command room built according to nuclear warfare standards. It can be said that the command system of the entire Anchorage defense line is located here, which is why the security system is so strict."

The leading officer who was walking in front had a smile on his face, but his tone was also full of pride.They came to an automatic door, and as the two doors opened slightly, a small living room consisting of sofas, tables and chairs appeared in front of them.Reaching out his hand as a gesture of please sit down, he went to the coffee machine to drink some hot coffee, and shrugged at the same time: "Even if a large-yield nuclear bomb directly hits our heads, it will not have much destructive effect on our command room. "

"But what about radiation? How could a nuclear bomb produce a large amount of radiation? I'm afraid even a few meters of rock formations can't completely stop it."

The sofa was not soft, but it was extremely elastic. Liszt sat on it and leaned on the sofa, and the comfortable feeling made him stretch.He patted the wooden table next to him lightly. He seemed to be very novel and stepped on the ground with his feet. He frowned and smiled at the officer who was sipping coffee: "It can't be more than ten meters deep into the middle of the mountain, right?"

Sofitel next to him glanced at Liszt, with a slight smile on his face, but he didn't say anything, just sat quietly on the sofa and listened.And the elite regular army of the Anchorage defense line who followed them stood in the living room for a while, as if they had received some instructions, and left the room.

"Actually, it's not very confidential information. Our general command room is located in the deepest part of this mountain range."

There were three cups of coffee on a tray, and he walked over and handed each of Liszt and Sofitel a cup, and then conveniently put another cup of coffee on the table, it seemed that he didn't want to drink it himself.And he turned his head to look at the smiling face of Sofitel next to him, and he also nodded with a smile, and at the same time pointed to the ceiling above his head and smiled at Liszt: "Above our heads, there is a specially modified whole Even if nuclear wastewater flows down a mountain, it can be discharged to other areas through the sewers constructed of lead plates."

"In that case, it seems really good."

Nodding slowly, Liszt's face was a little dignified, and he looked at the invisible ceiling above his head, but a scene of a majestic mountain covering it appeared in his mind.The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help sighing softly, nodded and said, "Such a safe facility is even safer than those shelters under construction."

"Those shelters? I think it's more of a joke. Why should we be careful about the lies of those politicians?"

A slightly hoarse voice came from outside the door, and at the same time the automatic door opened quickly, and the figure of Old Buner walked in from outside the door, his face was a bit gloomy and embarrassed, but when he saw Liszt, he showed a smile .Walking in slowly, he nodded as he looked at Sofitel, and his solemn face finally relaxed: "But this time I really got good news, at least it's much better than the previous report to me."

"This is the expected result, but what I don't understand is why there are Soviet tanks on the land of the American Federation."

Exhaling a long breath, Liszt didn't continue to ask his own question, but just smiled at Old Buhner, stood up and sighed in pain: "I don't even know how to deal with the casualties of more than twenty boys. Facing their parents." He paused slowly, then raised his head and said, "It's not fair."

"They are all warriors who died for their country."

Old Bunar also had a depressed look on his face, and slowly lowered his eyebrows and sighed, his complexion became even more ugly.He walked into the living room, the officer who led the way nodded and retreated by himself, while the old Buner sat on the sofa, and also motioned for Liszt and Sofitel to sit down, and sat on the sofa with his head raised, sighing. He took a breath and said, "I have already won what I can fight for, and those politicians will never look at our sacrifices. It's really unfair."

As he spoke, he picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip. The fragrant cocoa syrup appeared in his mouth and flowed down his throat. Old Bunar stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, exhaustion taking over again. His eyebrows and eyes intertwined: "The sacrifice and bloodshed of soldiers may be just a bunch of data in the mouths of those politicians."

There was a moment of silence in the living room, but none of the three spoke, as if a certain dull atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts.In fact, this is also the case, but as the commander of the Anchorage defense line, the old Buner was the first to speak. He rubbed his eyebrows and took a sip of coffee. After swallowing the coffee, he said slowly: "I sent a total of ten Reconnaissance, except for the group of Soviets you won, everyone else has suffered more or less losses."


PS: I recommend a good book "The Strongest Player of the End Times" Jiang Li entered a game of the end world, but was surprised to find that it was a real world.

After constantly surviving, he revealed his identity as a "judge", so the killing began.

And he was wandering among the carrion zombies, when someone begged him desperately: "Brother, give me a hand."

He smiled slightly and extended a helping hand without hesitation, however.
"No no! You monster! Ahh~"

The bloody long knife withdrew his arm, and Jiang Li continued to walk forward.He knew that in the last days, the danger was never the enemy's encirclement, but the intrigues of those around him.However, in the face of these, he smiled, raised the corners of his mouth without concealing his killing intent: "Dead? Are you ready?"

This is a game beyond life and death, this is the beginning of a plane collapse, the end of the world is coming, please don't hesitate, because the god of death is staring at you!
The next second, or you will be: gameover.

(End of this chapter)

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