Vault 32

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The cold wind howled, and the fine snowflakes hit the face like ice particles, but it didn't bring the slightest feeling to the skin.Because the cold air almost froze the nerves on his face, Liszt's greatest hope now was to own and wear a warm, thick, standard military leather windbreaker.And when he thought of this, he subconsciously wrapped his combat uniform tightly with his hands. Although there were two layers of woolen sweaters under the thin clothes, it seemed that it didn't have much effect in the face of the cold wind several hundred meters away.

The gunship roared forward in the air, and the rolling mountains covered with white snow and greenery were easily left behind.However, the howling cold wind kept pouring in through the large opening that had not been installed with a side door because of the need of the battle. It was like a draft that made Liszt in the middle feel even colder.Swallowing hard, Liszt couldn't help but shook his head towards Leslie next to him and said, "God, I feel like my legs aren't even my own!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, we're almost there!"

Seeing Liszt's pale face, Major Leslie at the side obviously understood his embarrassment.When the cold wind blows in Alaska, even the strongest brown bears have to hide in tree holes, let alone humans without thick fur?And he thought about it, and then he knocked heavily on the front cab with his hand, and at the same time called the driver in front with the headset on the seat, and said loudly: "Is there anything else? I know you guys must Yes, I can pretend I don’t know!”

"I really regret this mission." Hearing Major Leslie's words, the pilot in front immediately fell silent in his headset for two or three seconds, and then he muttered dissatisfiedly: "At least save some for me, you guys You know, this thing is very expensive." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and took out a dark green thing in his pocket, and threw it directly to Major Leslie, saying, "Let this recruit be careful. , don’t waste it on me if you can’t get used to it.”

"Recruit? Ha, you don't know anything, you bastard."

Leslie caught the dark green thing thrown by the driver, which seemed to be a small kettle, and shook it vigorously by his ear, and the crisp sound of water crashing quietly appeared inside.This made him nodded in satisfaction, reached out and threw the small kettle into Liszt's arms, and laughed loudly: "Alaska is like a cold iceberg girl, and this thing is for us to conquer This lovely iceberg girl!"

Pick up this small kettle, the common military semi-curved design, the dark green looks quite thick.But Liszt looked at the front of this small kettle, the five-pointed star with the hammer head and the sickle intersecting each other, so he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the cold lips, and his breathing became a little short: "Soviet goods ?”

"This is the spoils of war I got after capturing the two Soviet prisoners."

In this gunship as a headset, anyone talking can be heard by everyone else.And Liszt's words were undoubtedly heard by the driver in front, as if he was showing off on purpose, his voice could be heard even through the headset as a kind of complacency: "You know, my driver at the time I only have a semi-automatic pistol in my hand, and I don’t have any extra magazines!” But when his voice changed, he seemed a little annoyed: “If you want to taste it, do it as soon as possible, don’t waste my good stuff!”

"Try it, this thing will let you conquer Alaska!"

Leslie on the side looked at Liszt's hesitant look, but couldn't help raising his eyebrows, obviously he had quite a deep memory of the liquid in this small dark green kettle.However, he still did not forget his own job, patted a follower sitting next to him, and at the same time pressed the headset and said to the driver in front: "The general command post is coming, let the young man next to me replace you, come here Let’s share this too.”

He held down the headset and said, the attendant next to him also walked forward through the gap, greeted the co-pilot, and the driver on the main driver activated the automatic cruise system, and then quickly left himself s position.And as the attendant took control of the main pilot position of the helicopter, the original pilot stepped into the passenger compartment, grabbed the top armrest and looked helplessly at Liszt who was still hesitating, shrugged against the cold wind and said: " Hey, recruit, although I don’t know your name, but you can be summoned by General Buner, it must mean something, don’t hesitate like a bitch!”

"Well, it's not hesitation..."

Liszt unscrewed the small kettle, and subconsciously rubbed the hammer and sickle in the center with his palms, his heart couldn't help beating a little faster.And when a similar five-pointed star appeared in his mind, the throbbing in his heart almost made him unable to hold the kettle in his hand.But he still forcibly suppressed his inner emotions, looked at the dark mouth of the pot, raised his head and took a big gulp, and then took a deep breath: "Vodka?"

Before he finished speaking, a flame-like feeling rose in his stomach instantly, like an exploding arsenal, making Liszt's eyes widen slightly.And the heat that seemed to come from the depths of his soul surged up his esophagus, causing him to open his mouth and gasp heavily, but the hand holding the small kettle tightened even more.Liszt looked at the smiling Leslie and the driver beside him, and couldn't help but nodded and exclaimed, "Well, this feels really good!"

"Of course, this is a special vodka for the Soviets. The price on the black market is six times that of ordinary vodka!"

The slight smell of alcohol had been blown into the air with the cold wind, Leslie had a smile on his face, but his hands reached into his thick windbreaker coat.Although the middle-aged major was smiling, no one could see the slightest smile in his eyes, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.But his hand was gently withdrawn from his bosom, and an M1911 semi-automatic pistol was pointed at the pilot on the edge of the helicopter cabin, and he still smiled and said: "Then your mission is completed."


The crisp gunshot sounded instantly, and a subtle flame burst out from the dark muzzle of the gun, as if a judgment appeared from nowhere.The pilot who was still standing on the edge of the cabin, holding onto the armrest with one hand, already showed some kind of horrified gaze, but he couldn't say anything, because a tiny black hole appeared between his eyebrows, making his exposed There was a bit of bloody ferocity in the horrified eyes.Then his body, which lost control of his brain, completely softened, and he was directly swept by the strong wind outside the cabin and fell into the mountains hundreds of meters high outside.

Liszt's eyes were already widened, but he still kept the same action as before while sitting in the crew compartment.Even his fingers were still pinching the five-pointed star on the jug, and he didn't react at all.He felt that the cold wind in Alaska had froze his thinking. He was stunned for two or three seconds when he saw this scene, and then he looked at Major Leslie and slowly gritted his teeth and asked, "Just now, did you Killed someone?"

"Killing? Oh, of course, it's already planned."

Facing Liszt's shocked appearance, Major Leslie had the same smile on his face as before, but in Liszt's eyes, his taste changed even more.However, Major Leslie remained the same, shrugging with a smile, as if he had no impression of killing someone with his own hands just now: "Don't worry, this is just a Soviet spy." He explained: "We have already investigated Well, you can ask General Bunar yourself later."

But Liszt gritted his teeth tightly. He looked at the current pilot and co-pilot in front of him, as well as another follower of Major Leslie next to him, but found that there was no sadness or shock on their faces. Look, as if already knew that.Trying to calm down his mood, Liszt couldn't help but gulp down a few gulps of the vodka in the jug, and asked in a heavy voice, "Is this vodka not poisoned?"

"Of course not, the taste of this type of vodka is the real thing."

Leslie glanced outside. In the midst of a continuous mountain range, the speed of the helicopter gradually stopped, and it gradually descended, as if it had reached a certain place.Only then did he feel relieved, nodded and smiled at Liszt, who was holding the kettle tightly, and said with a smile: "Although Alaska was infiltrated by the Soviets like a sieve, the things that can be bought on the black market, I have to say it’s really good stuff.”

The helicopter landed slowly, and finally touched the tarmac on the ground. A group of heavily armed U.S. Federal Army quickly walked over to guard the helicopter. When they found that the pilot was not on it, they put away their hands. Quasi-helicopter M4A1 assault rifle.Leslie looked at Liszt who was still sitting on the seat, but couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "The butcher of heaven on the Mexican battlefield, would he feel pity for his death alone?" With a bit of regret: "Could it be that a year of civilian life has turned you into a cute domestic pet?"


Slowly unfastening the seat belt on his body, Liszt couldn't help beating slightly in his heart when he saw the sarcasm and slight mockery on Major Leslie's face, as well as that formulaic smile.He didn't have much affection for this major who almost hid all his inner activities under his smile, and he touched the five-pointed star and sickle hammer on the kettle in his pocket, and couldn't help frowning: "Then let's go quickly." See General Bunar."

PS: First update today, damn it!After get off work, my brother-in-law treats guests, and the whole family gathers together. Well, it will be ten o'clock when I get back. I knelt down, and I still owe one more, and I will make it up tomorrow!I'm really struggling to pick my feet. Well, then I'll go to bed first.
(End of this chapter)

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