One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 67 Birds and Cannons

Chapter 67 Birds and Cannons

"Domineering finger gun, five-fold black bird king gun!"

After a collision, Luo Tong and Uriel distanced themselves from each other, stepped on the mid-air with the help of Yuebukong, and sent out a trick that had been cultivated for decades to Uriel, who had fallen back to the deck of the big ship.

Chi la chi la, a few loud sounds.Luo Tong's two arms swelled like balloons.The sleeves of the black suit and the white shirt under the suit were ripped apart by the swelling muscles, and they were broken into pieces like black and white butterflies.

Muscles that were as black as fine steel were intertwined, forming two arms comparable to steel pillars.

He took a horse stance in the air, his right arm shot continuously, like a mechanical lever repeatedly punched, his index finger stretched out straight, and he fired five flying finger guns almost at the same time.

It was different from the finger guns he fired sporadically and individually when he crushed Salor and others.

These five finger guns are very short apart, and merged into one at once, just like five bullets compressed into one when they just came out of the muzzle.

With a crisp cry, the speed of the flying bird formed by domineering and finger guns surpassed the sound, and a large air mass exploded behind him, flying straight towards Uriel's body.

Uriel stared at Luo Tong closely, his every move was clearly reflected in his golden eyes.

At this moment, on the clear golden pupils, the pitch-black flying bird almost just showed its figure, and then it was in front of Uriel, less than three inches away from the heart.

The speed is unbelievable, not only faster than the sound, but also beyond the reach of human thinking.

No one thought Uriel would be able to dodge the blow.

He didn't dodge it, because he didn't dodge at all.

His hand is not faster than the birds, but earlier than the birds.

Before the bird flapped its wings, his right hand had already swung, and before the bird reached the heart, his right hand just hit the bird's body.

Like a fly swatter just right for a fly.

The dark and domineering flying bird also flew away from Uriel's body during this wonderful beat of Uriel, and hit the cliff with strange rocks on the coast in the distance. After rolling into the sea, a crater with a radius of several meters appeared on the cliff.


Luo Tong in the air was obviously very surprised by Uriel's response. Not to mention that he accurately predicted the attack route of the finger gun, the strength alone was enough to fly the finger gun with a domineering bonus, which was beyond his expectation .

"Priest White, Uriel?"

He pondered for a moment, stared at Uriel and said.

"Your story has spread very quickly in this sea area these days, and the old man has heard of it a little bit. Let me think, the man who can escape the whole body of his subordinates in the ghost spider and take advantage of it should be the man in the rumors. evaluate you that way."

Doubt flashed in his eyes, "But right now your strength is not like that little fellow Ghost Spider can handle it."

"It's really interesting, but that's all. Since I met the old man, I don't mind helping that brat Ghost Spider wipe his ass and clean you up for him."

"Sure enough, it's One Piece. The villain's mouth is much stronger than his strength, and everyone is a king of mouth. He doesn't understand the truth of life that the villain dies because of talking too much." Uriel was quite speechless to Luo Tong's arrogant posture and words. Pointing to the sky and extending the middle finger.


After thinking about it, he said again.

"Old idiot!"

"Junior!" The corners of Luo Tong's eyes twitched slightly, and his face became more and more grim.

"That's all. Five-fold black bird king gun, one hundred and eight birds."

He didn't say much, and launched another attack. His arms were raised, and he moved back and forth like a convulsion, like a machine gun equipped with a small electric motor. He fired nearly a thousand finger guns in a few seconds, and his hand speed was comparable to being single for 70 years.

It seemed that Uriel wanted to ask about his relationship status.

When the five fingers overlapped, it was a flying bird formed by one hundred and eighty domineering finger guns, which tore through the sky and surrounded Uriel's body from front to back, left and right.

Luo Tong smiled slightly, no matter how you predict the attack, how can you resist these many birds.

The sharp beak was shining black, and it couldn't wait to peck Uriel into a sieve.

"I'm so scared!"

Facing an attack that was faster than the speed of sound, Uriel didn't feel panicked at all, and he still had room to make a fuss.


Uriel unleashes the advanced divine art.

Countless milky white hexagonal crystalline armor pieces appeared outside Uriel's body in an instant, resisting the attacking birds precisely.

The pure strength and arrogance that Luo Tong had cultivated for 70 years were firmly blocked by a small piece of nails, unable to advance even a single inch.

This is the pious patron saint art after being promoted.At this time, its form is no longer limited to the halo, but can follow Uriel's wishes and transform into any shape at will.

The armor pieces and the birds wrestled with each other, forming a group of crows around Uriel.obscured his vision.

He cast the devout patron saint spell to protect his body, and then released the second divine spell again.

"Sacrifice of holy fire, Vulcan big cylinder!"

He embraced it with both hands and placed it by his side. The blazing holy flame was born out of nothing, filling the space he embraced with both hands, growing inch by inch, and in the blink of an eye, it grew into a thick cannon barrel with condensed flames.

Uriel raised the muzzle and aimed at Luo Tong in the sky, "Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue. You hit me twice, and it's time for me to fight back. Come on, the cannon hits the mosquitoes."

In Luo Tong's horrified eyes, there was a rumbling sound from the thick cannon barrel, like a roar rolling in the throat of a giant beast about to burst out.

Countless holy flames condensed in the cannon barrel, forming a fireball with light shining out of the cannon barrel.


Like a fire dragon roaring, holy fire shells roared out, and a golden fireball twice the size of a basketball broke through the muzzle and shot straight at Luo Tong.

Nothing can stop its power, and the black flying bird standing in front of Uriel has been evaporated into nothingness by the high heat before it comes into contact with the fireball.

The scorching heat, the pressure of the wind, and a trace of fear of devouring and destroying everything firmly suppressed the figure that Luo Tong wanted to dodge.

He seemed to be locked in the air by the holy fire shells, unable to break free.

The billowing fireball ran over the space he was in, went straight up to the sky, and sank into the thick thundercloud.

The whole sky lit up, it was fireballs exploding.

There seemed to be a little vacuum in the sky, and countless thunderclouds rolled rapidly, being sucked in vigorously by the power of the vacuum, without the ability to resist, they were swept away.

Then a trace of flame appeared in the vacuum, and it expanded instantly. The boundless ring of fire swept across the entire sky, devouring everything it touched, including the invisible dust, and sacrificed them all.

The golden ring of fire gradually faded, the sky was blue and blue, and it was unprecedentedly clear and bright, and the sun once again sprinkled the entire sea.

Uriel scattered the cannon barrel in his hand, put one hand on his forehead, like a pergola, and looked at the sky.

"A cannon with 5000 divine power, I don't know if it hit that old ghost," Uriel murmured.

This holy fire cannon seemed simple, but it actually condensed half of his divine power.

Luo Tong is very strong, it is worth half of his divine power to fire this cannon.But the more reason is that he wants to use this cannon to completely vent all the depression and unhappiness he has had since the first battle in Kirizae Island.

 Thanks to Maomao r for the recommendation ticket.Lao Liang asks for recommendations for collection.Third watch.


(End of this chapter)

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