One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 306 The Confusing Allied Forces (2 more)

Chapter 306 The Confusing Allied Forces (Part [-])

Staring straight at the blue-and-white flagship flying the navy flag in the coalition's main formation, the hatred in Tina's eyes kept flowing and lingered for a long time.

"As far as I know, the person in the navy who is most eager for quick success and likes to use this method of fighting is none other than the admiral of the navy, Akainu."

Pointing at the little figure under the navy flag, Tina said coldly.

The screen picture responded like this, and the angle of view immediately changed and zoomed in, giving a close-up of the navy flagship.

On the huge warship, several tall figures were clearly visible.Headed by the admiral wearing a great cloak, Akainu Sakaski.

Since he was seriously injured by Uriel and lost an arm on the battlefield of Dressrosa, there has been no news for several years, and he has never been seen in the successive battles between the Miracle God Cult and the World Government. No one would have thought , he will appear here at this time.

"Look at his arm!"

cried Levin, pointing to Sakalsky.

Everyone followed his fingers and looked at Sakaski on the screen.

From the right shoulder down, the admiral's entire right arm, together with the small half of his body, no longer looks like a human being, and has been completely transformed into a mechanical arm.

Metal and pipelines criss-cross on the arm, which is more than three times thicker than the left arm. At the front end of the mechanical arm, the entire metal palm is made into a sharp claw. He gently closed his fingers in front of his lips, and saw that the thick cigar dangling from his mouth was cut out neatly.

Then two fingers touched lightly, sparks splashed, the cigar was lit, Akainu took a deep breath, his old face was more wrinkled than a few years ago, his cheeks were sunken, he sucked on the cigar fiercely, burning out long ash.

Seeing that the navy under him was being massacred by the counterattack of the pirates, Akainu's face was not sad but happy, and Iron Claw pointed and issued an order.

"The second team, go out."

Following his order, more than [-] warships swarmed into the pirate formation along the gap that had been opened.

Under the high-definition close-up, in the Pope's Hall, everyone can see the navies on these warships, just like the navies before, all of them are blood-red, tyrannical and frantic, and have obviously become strengthened and berserk under the influence of banned drugs .

The situation turned upside down again.

The naval crew under Kaido's command was indulging in the carnival of slaughtering those weak marines. They suddenly met the marines who had taken banned drugs, they were no match at all, and they were killed in an instant.

The pirate formation has been torn even wider, and the follow-up forces of the world government's coalition forces can invest more in it.

The navy seems to have gained the upper hand, but the price is that the first navy has been killed and injured, and the second navy is gradually losing its efficacy and becoming weaker and weaker under the side effects.

As Tina said, Akainu seems to be exchanging pieces with each other on a chessboard, using the naval soldiers under him as consumables in exchange for the continuous death of pirates.

"But why can't I see the value of this tactic?"

After watching the two sides of the war go back and forth for several times, Levin couldn't help but speak.

He pointed to the screen, "While killing the enemy, his own soldiers are also dying. And as far as the current situation is concerned, the number of pirates under Kaido's subordinates is not too small compared with the coalition forces of the world government."

"Hmph! Although Akainu has lost the humanity he should have, he is not an idiot. He must have hidden intentions in doing this. Now, we can only continue to read to see what his ultimate purpose is."

Tina watched the changes in the battle situation on the screen intently, watching the changes.

However, under the command of Akainu, the navy subordinates rushed forward one after another, rushing straight to the flesh and blood killing field on the opposite side, filling countless lives like garbage.

All navies have fallen prey to doping.While being stimulated by the forbidden drugs to stimulate his potential and strength, he also lost his reason to resist military orders, and became a beast that only knew how to fight to the death.

The vast fleet of the world's coalition forces has visibly diminished with the naked eye, and the lineup belonging to the navy has shrunk, becoming lonely souls and wreckage in the meat grinder.

The coalition forces that originally attacked Kaido were divided into three formations, and the first formation was naturally a navy that became scarcer with the passage of time.Seeing the warships with blue background and white sails rushing into the enemy's line one after another, after a fierce attack for a while, they were finally damaged and sank. As the leaders, the two generals, Red Dog and Aokiji and Yellow Monkey, remained expressionless and never softened their hearts. hesitate.

The other formation is the government fleet that always hangs the symbol of the world government, but has never entered the battlefield.

Most of the CP agents in black suits on the ship stood neatly around the deck, acting as guards, without any intention of going into the battlefield to support the navy.

And the three generals seem to have no objection to this, which makes people puzzled, unable to understand what the world government coalition forces intend to do.

In addition to the two formations under the banner of the World Government, there is the Qiwuhai Fleet that was secretly ordered by the Five Old Stars to participate in the battle.

As the Qiwuhai under the king, each of them has their own forces, how can anyone not be proud and arrogant?

Even if they came to help the battle at the same time, it would be delusional to want everyone in Qiwuhai to work together. At this moment, the several forces with different banners are like a plate of scattered sand, separated by a long distance from each other. When the navy continued to suffer casualties, many people in the Shichibu Sea had gloating smiles on their faces.

Among them, Empress Hancock and her Amazon female warriors are particularly indifferent to everything on the battlefield.

And Luo's Red Heart Pirates were enclosed in their own submarine, half-floating and half-sinking, hovering on the edge of the battlefield, and it was impossible to see the crew members.

The Shichibukai each occupy one side, and only Edward Weible, who replaced the "Jinbei" Shichibukai, is ready to break into the killing field of the melee.

In the end, the newly promoted Shichibukai, who claimed to be Whitebeard II and was rumored to be the son of Whitebeard, finally suppressed the desire to violently hurt others under the strong restraint of his mother, and waited and watched the navy's battle violently.

But what surprised the other six people the most was Bartholomew Xiong, known as the "tyrant".

This lone Shichibukai, who always carries the Bible with him at all times, does not occupy one side like the other Qibuhai at this time, but wears a bear ear cap, and stands solemnly on the flagship of the World Government fleet, and on the flagship The CP leaders in black suits stood side by side.It caused the rest of the Qibukai to keep looking at him frequently, as if they were wondering when the relationship between Xiong and the World Government became so close.

No matter from the information revealed by Luo before, or the clear formation at the moment, it can be seen that although everyone in Qiwuhai was forced to help in the battle, except for Xiong, all of them undoubtedly made up their minds to work and do nothing.

At this time, the navy fleet was dispatched again, launching a suicide attack on Kaido's side.Everyone in the Pope's Hall had the same thought—after the navy sent out, how would the government coalition forces deal with Kaido?

 Thanks for Dongfang Xiayutian's monthly ticket support.Thank you Dongfang Xia Yutian, Yue Piao Xuelin, Dream has your recommended tickets.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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