One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 181 One star missing (1 more)

Chapter 181 Missing a Star (Part [-])
Different from Duke and others, Uriel disguised the mobile church as a medium-sized fishing boat, turned on the autopilot, and let the mobile church do whatever he wanted.

He himself stepped into the Kingdom of God.

Just now, there was a change in his mental induction, an unprecedented drastic change - a statue of a holy angel, which used to shine like a road sign, completely severed the spiritual connection with him, and disappeared without a trace in the spiritual induction. .

This kind of change was not what he expected, so he hurried into the Kingdom of God to check carefully.

In the sky of the Kingdom of God, there is a big difference compared to before.

In a corner of the sky, around a big star, there are tens of thousands of stars dotted around, shining around the big star.

That was the new star projected in the Kingdom of God by the Marlan people who had just become believers.

Although they have just appeared, their brightness is no less than those of the past believer stars.

For Uriel, having many more believers is of course a great thing, but at this moment he doesn't care about admiring the joy, and all his thoughts are focused on the missing holy angel statue.

Sure enough, out of a thousand stars, only nine hundred and ninety-nine are left.

One star missing.

"what on earth is it?"

Uriel frowned, puzzled.

The holy angel statue is produced by the system, which is a boutique that transcends the ordinary.The material alone cannot be found in the world. Not only is it extremely strong, but it can also ignore the blows of flames, ice, and even light.

Most energy attacks in the world are as harmless as air to holy angel statues.

For a while, Uriel really couldn't think of any way to completely damage the statue of the holy angel and make it disappear completely.

But regardless of Uriel's thoughts, the disappearance of a holy angel statue is already a fact.Finding out why is Uriel's top priority.

Being able to destroy one statue means being able to destroy the rest of the holy angel statues, which is an obstacle that must be cleared for Uriel to accumulate faith and the great cause of believers.

"Fortunately, there are no traces."

Uriel's eyes were burning, and he searched the sky with bright eyes, and said to himself.

Although the holy angel statue disappeared, the believers gathered by it did not lose so quickly.

Uriel checked all the way in the galaxy, and found a group of stars whose light was rapidly dimming.

"right here."

With a flash in front of his eyes, Uriel locked on those dimmed stars, and even a few stars that were completely dark.

They are the believers accumulated by the vanished images of holy angels.

The completely dark ones represent that the believers corresponding to the stars have died in reality.

The theocracy, the astrology of believers, Uriel immediately devoted himself to connecting with these stars one by one.

Choose the brightest star first.

A scene in front of him began to appear.

A thin girl named A Luolan lay weakly on the bed and asked her mother whose eyes were red and swollen and tears had drained, "Mom, am I going to die?"

The tone is full of childishness and innocence.In her heart, heaven, as her father said, is a playground where she can get rid of the pain of illness.

"Damn. If only there was a doctor!"

Beside the bed, her father punched the wall, his fingers were bloody, and said in pain.

Seeing that his daughter had just a common cold, but because he could not find a doctor, it eventually deteriorated into severe pneumonia, and now she was seriously ill and dying, and the suffocating sense of powerlessness seized his heart.

"It's saved, it's saved, Arolan is saved."

A series of pleasantly surprised shouts accompanied by hurried footsteps reached the ears of the Arolan family of three.

The door of the room was knocked open from the outside, and with the sunshine pouring down from his body, he rushed to the side of A Luolan's bed.

It's the mayor's old man.

A Luolan's father grabbed the old man's arm nervously, and asked anxiously, "Have you found a doctor?"

The old man shook his head, and then, in the loss of heaven and hell, he raised a small statue in front of the three of Arolan.

"Although there is no doctor, this Lord Angel is much more powerful than a doctor!"

The old man said with joy and admiration, his tone full of confidence.

For a moment, A Luolan's parents felt that the old man must have gone crazy.

Sickness needs a doctor, so what's the use of bringing a statue?

The old man ignored the two of them, and grabbed A Luolan's little hand, "Little Roland, you and the mayor's grandfather came to pray to Lord Angel, okay. I wish Lord Angel that your illness will recover soon."

Arolan opened his beautiful eyes, looked at the angel statue and nodded.

It's not because she believes the old man's words, but because she thinks the angel sister in this statue is really beautiful.

The two prayed devoutly to the statue of the angel and made a wish.

Then everyone witnessed the miracle together.

The angel statue radiated light and shone on Arolan's body. Within a minute, the pneumonia that almost killed Arolan's life disappeared like a hallucination, like a nightmare.

Arolan rolled over and got off the bed, hugging the angel statue and bouncing around, healthier than before.

Tears welled up again in my mother's dry eyes, the tears of joy that were always on call.

After Arolan, hundreds of people in the town received the help of the angel statue one after another. With those magical abilities, many injuries, diseases and difficulties were eliminated one by one.

Many people in the town believe that this angel statue is a gift from the gods, and they often go to worship and pray and become angel believers.

Most of the townspeople's wishes that are not excessive are often satisfied by the angel statue.

It just didn't last long.

Just a month ago, a great plague that swept across the entire island affected the town where Arolan was located.

There is no doctor in the town, and the angel statue is the only savior.

Although this strange plague could not be completely eliminated, the ability of the angel statue at least saved the lives of the residents in the town.

Compared with those areas outside the town, it is much better.

In other places, all those who caught the plague died very quickly, which was terrible.

Out of kindness, the mayor took the angel statue and went to other towns on the island to help the infected.

Who knew it would become the beginning of a nightmare.

Many plague-infected patients were brought under control under the power of the angel statue, and the nickname of the mayor's old man "Famous Doctor Angel" spread like wildfire and became louder and louder.

In the eyes of many people, the old man mayor is regarded as a famous doctor with special abilities.

Soon the mayor's reputation and deeds were even heard by the king, and he immediately issued an order.

"My country does not need doctors!"

"Go and arrest the doctor who dared to violate the king's order, I will hang him!"

It is said that the king named Valpo was so angry that he ate most of the main hall of his palace.

The mayor of the old man was arrested, and many residents of the town who had received the favor of the angel statue were also arrested and put into the cells of the palace.

Looking at the dark and damp cell, hiding in her mother's arms, Arolan asked timidly, "Mom, we still have the mayor, will everyone be okay?"

 Thanks to Saki Ye, Big Man, Fantasy, Salted Yuzai, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, Jian @打死小姐 for the recommended tickets.Update sent.


(End of this chapter)

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