Chapter 132
Chapter 132: His heart can be punished
"It actually broke through as soon as it came into contact with the breath of the fairy eye spirit spring."

"The young people of the Four Seas Trading Company seem to be quite talented."

"Hmph, it's just a mere Concentration state. If the old man only has his strength, I'm afraid it won't be a problem even to jump two levels."

Stepping under the Immortal Eye Spiritual Spring, the momentum suddenly increased, and all kinds of sounds suddenly sounded from all around.

When Xiao Xinshen arrived at Xuankong Mountain, the jade plaque she received from the Immortal Wanbao on the mountainside was numbered [-].

In other words, she is the 7800th treasure donor.

At this moment, more than half of the cultivators who have shown various Pokémon on stage have already felt the benefits of the ethereal breath leaked from the Immortal Eye Lingquan.

Among the displayed items, there are already five items that are enough to be listed on the list of Myriad Treasures.

Those are the mortal treasures that the immortals will eventually carry.

In the previous Wanbao Conference, if there were three treasures on the list, we have successfully completed the task.

Unexpectedly, this year, it can reach such a level!

The presiding officer next to him, Guang Chengzi's morbid expression was still full of high-level demeanor, but the joy in his eyes could be seen on his brows.

The immortals in the upper realm never care about those mortal treasures that cannot be listed.

Even if there are hundreds of millions of natural and earthly treasures, as long as they don't like them, then this Wanbao Conference will be considered a failure.

Unexpectedly, this time, the mortal ascetics have five harvests before they have finished showing them. If there is another one that is enough to be on the list of immortals, it will be perfect~
Yes, although these half-immortal bodies are all following the orders of the immortals in the upper world to hold the Wanbao Conference, the results are closely related to them.

In a Wanbao Conference, if there are more than one item and less than three items that are enough to be listed on the immortal list, then each of them will get a pill to increase their lifespan.

If there are more than three pieces and reach six pieces, then the immortal rewards will be doubled directly.

This is a positive incentive for the immortals in the upper realm to them, the workers.

But treasures that can catch the eyes of immortals are so rare in the world.

Anyway, Guang Chengzi has also participated in more than ten Wanbao conferences before and after, but because he failed too much, he didn't even get one of the guarantees, and when the immortal directly refused to give the pill, he never had the experience of doubling the reward.

The six celestial treasures on the list are two pills, which made him unhappy.

If I can find another one, at least I will wait for the next Wanbao Conference, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, I don’t need to panic.

Especially for some Wanbao immortals who couldn't survive for 3000 years, this is simply a chance to save their lives.

Although he lives in the Xuankong Mountain, Guang Chengzi is not ignorant of the situation in the mortal world.

The girl dressed up as a tomboy is from the Four Seas Trading Company. They invited the Four Seas Trading Company once 3000 years ago, but at that time they didn't even want to shake her off.

The real powerful forces in the world are unwilling to come to Hanging Mountain.

As for the most important treasures in the mortal world, it is often those powerful forces that can occupy them.

The Four Seas Commercial Firm has business all over Dongzhou. Even though it has been established for a short time, there must be good things.

In other words, in Yunzhou, a corner of Dongzhou, the Hongyun Trading Company, which was overwhelmed by the Four Seas Trading Company, can take out a treasure to be ranked on the immortal list. They must at least be better than the Fortune Trading Company.

The reward of the double elixir is only one step away.

The Four Seas Trading Company is the kind with a lot of background.

So I have great expectations for Xiao Xinshen and Guang Chengzi.

When she stepped under the Immortal Eye Spirit Spring and her aura rose to break through, the old man did not urge her, but waited quietly for a few seconds to stabilize her state.

"Hey, what the hell are you trying to get out of the treasure, you're wasting my time waiting."

"You don't know, this Sihai Trading Company is actually not that good."

"I think this guy, who is neither male nor female, is just stalling for time and bathing in the immortal energy."

Because Guang Chengzi was excited, he gave Xiao Xinshen a little more time, and the tens of thousands of ascetics who participated in the Wanbao Conference were immediately unhappy.

People who have finished offering the treasure know its magic, and are naturally extremely jealous of being able to stay there for a little longer.

Ascetics who have not presented treasures, they are looking forward to it when they see that they are promoted just by walking in.

Especially the boss of Fortune Trading Company, jumping up and down and shouting loudly, he almost didn't ask the Wanbao immortals to argue.

Nima, why.

She can stay a few seconds longer than me before presenting the treasure.

Although the treasures he brought had already been listed on the Myriad Treasures Immortal Ranking, he had gained 10 minutes more time to comprehend them.

However, the Sihai Commercial Bank, which was robbing business, could take a second longer, which he found unacceptable.

It would be best if he didn't have any treasures at all, and was beaten to death on the spot by these Myriad Treasure Immortals!
There was a lot of noise.

Xiao Xinxin also knew that she could no longer remain unmoved.

Before Guang Chengzi reminded, the storage ring shone brightly, and a mundane picture scroll without any aura fluctuations appeared in his hand.

That's it?

The crowd fell silent for a moment, everyone was stunned by the 'treasure' presented by this tomboy from Sihai Commercial Bank.

Nima, which of the treasures on display at the scene didn't have all kinds of magical things as soon as they were taken out.

Even those treasures that can't be listed at all, just by their breath can make everyone feel extraordinary.

Now someone suddenly took out a volume of secular paintings, and even the aura of heaven and earth has nothing to do with it, can completely ordinary things be displayed in front of the immortals in the upper realm?
That painting is a mundane thing, and to a monk, it is no different from a tree branch picked up by the side of the road.

Someone actually used it to participate in the Wanbao Conference.

Can you still play like that?
"The thief kills the talent, she doesn't have any treasures at all, she just pretends to show off the name of the treasures, and defrauds the opportunity to bathe in the breath of the fairy."

"No wonder Ya took the time for a few seconds after he came on the field."

"His heart can be punished!"

The suddenly enlightened voice naturally came from the boss of Fortune Trading Company.

In fact, just now he had the idea of ​​wishing Xiao Xinxin bad luck, and when he saw the so-called treasure she showed, it turned out to be like this, it was just right in his arms.

Although your Four Seas Trading Company is indeed awesome, it is only a four-star power.

This is Hanging Mountain, and the Wanbao Conference carefully organized by many semi-immortal bodies is still under the eyes of the immortals.

Stupid and lacking in the Four Seas Trading Company, they dared to play tricks on the immortals in the upper world. Are they pretending to be Mi Tiangong in their minds?
The immortals were furious, all the immortals of all treasures came out together, and a hundred Universal Trading Firms were not enough to die.

Developed, developed, the spring of our Hongyun Trading Company is coming.

The silence lasted only half a second, and the quiet and clear fairy eye spirit spring burst out with a terrifying aura...

(End of this chapter)

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