Master of Shu Mountain

Chapter 28 Innate Spirit Ghosts and Gods Chapter Template

Chapter 28 Innate Spirit Ghost Myth Template
Everyone has the possibility to activate their potential when their life is threatened, so that they have a power far beyond normal in an instant. Most people can't activate this power, let alone actively activate this power. Ye Qing is now trying to actively stimulate this power with the help of the threat of death. this force.

Fortunately, he succeeded, and it can also be said that he failed.

Under the threat of death, his spirit was concentrated like never before, but he still could not reach the standard of complete union with God. However, the aura in his soul sensed the threat he faced and took the initiative to unite with him. A ray of light came from him. The soul flew out, sweeping away the dead energy in the sea of ​​consciousness like a tide.

If someone here can see a clear light appearing from Ye Qing's forehead and spread rapidly, sweeping across the whole body in less than a second, he can control his body in an instant.

With a thought, a layer of clear light covered the whole body, and he slapped the back of the head with his backhand. A flaming knife burning with raging flames rose from the top of his head and quickly expanded. He grabbed the handle of the knife and slashed at the woman behind him.


The woman let out a scream, and flew lightly against the fire blade to the wall and disappeared.

Immediately after the clear light he was protecting swayed, a woman in a red gauze dress appeared out of thin air behind him. She stretched out her hands, and a red light flashed on her fingertips and pierced the clear light, making a sizzling sound, and a stream of white smoke erupted from the contact point. Rising, just smelling it makes you dizzy.


Ye Qing immediately closed his six senses, and with a thought, a fiery cloud disk rose above his head, turning into a huge red roulette, stretched out his finger, and a burst of flames gushed out like a tide, instantly covering the entire room.

There was an ear-piercing scream from the flames, the flames split into two, a red shadow leaped out from the flames, and hit him heavily, the cloud and water cover shattered on the spot, and the red shadow hit him with undiminished momentum. His body was like a piece of ice hitting him, the biting cold choked his movements, and his whole body was frozen in mid-air.

"Bang!" a hard tie fell on the bed, Ye Qing cursed inwardly, and immediately mobilized clear light to disperse the chill.

The red shadow had already pounced on him, and before his frozen body had recovered, he could already see the woman's pale palms and long nails stabbing his chest.

"You're going to die, fight!"

Seeing that there was no way he could escape, his heart froze, and instead of retreating, he opened his mouth and greeted him with a ray of divine light.


Blood spurted out, Ye Qing and the red figure fell on the bed at the same time.

"It's over!"

Feeling the palm deeply inserted into his frozen heart, he smiled wryly, his consciousness gradually blurred.

Vaguely, Ye Qing seemed to see the red woman suddenly raised her head to the sky and screamed, her terrifying aura extinguished the burning flames in the room, countless white pillars of air rushed out of her body, and a twisted figure with teeth and claws slowly rose from above her head, Constant struggle.

Ye Qing felt like he had a dream, the dream was very real, in the dream he married a beautiful woman who likes to wear red clothes, the two lived a loving life, doing certain indescribable things every day

Ye Qing woke up suddenly, his first reaction was to reach out and touch his chest, it's all right.


At this time, a cold hand behind him pressed on his shoulder, and he shivered violently, then turned around and saw a beautiful woman who was completely naked.

He jumped up subconsciously, and prepared to chop off with his two fingers together, but the girl's shy call made him freeze in place:

"What's the matter with you, my husband?"

After she finished speaking, she stood up, her long blue hair hanging down, she didn't care about her body being seen by him, she stretched out her hand to gently touch his forehead, some familiar tenderness made him stunned for a moment.

"How is this going?"

Ye Qing was a little confused, although his attitude had changed drastically, he was sure that this woman was the unknown woman just now, but that strange feeling had disappeared at some point.

"and many more!"

He suddenly remembered something, opened the prompt panel, and a series of prompts on it solved his doubts.

As he guessed, he did enter the supernatural plot mentioned by the players before, and the prompt panel displayed the unknown time and space, and then a series of question marks. Come out, until the end shows that he came out of an unknown time and space, and brought a person out.

Well, to be precise, it is a ghost, and the stunning woman in front of him is his reward for passing this supernatural plot.

Red Girl (mythical level) level [-], congenital spirit ghost.

That's right, she is an innate spirit ghost with a mythical template, and now she is his maid, similar to a follower of a spiritual pet.

Of course, because of the plot, Ye Qing is her husband in her eyes, well, it's a cool setting, he likes it very much.

After figuring out the current situation, turning off the prompt panel, Ye Qing looked at the woman called Hong Nu in front of him, and suddenly reached out to caress her smooth face.

"It's cold and cold, it's indeed a spirit ghost."

Unknowingly, his hand slowly slipped down, and he pushed her down on the bed, and jumped on her, and soon there was a sound that was not suitable for children in the room.

[-] words are omitted below
"Husband, I will change your clothes for you!"

Ye Qing stood in front of the bed and stretched out his hands, Hong Nu was putting on his clothes, feeling the cold hands groping around his body, Ye Qing smacked his lips and said:

"Not bad, really good. I didn't expect to have such good luck. With the innate spirit ghost based on the mythical template, our luck is also amazing."

He was very satisfied with the female ghost in red in front of him, and he couldn't be dissatisfied with the mythical template.

In The Other Side, all NPCs use levels and templates to measure their strength. From low to high, they are: useless, ordinary, elite, terrifying, legendary, and mythical.

It can be seen from the name "waste material" that it generally refers to cannon fodder. Most of them are like the imps and fierce ghosts that Ye Qing encountered in the ancient battlefield. They have pitifully low IQs and have no other function except to provide players with training points.

The ordinary template refers to most ordinary spirits or ordinary people, with normal IQ, but not much smarter. Most of the spirits in the other side are of this type. This type of spirit is as ordinary as its name, and can be dealt with by ordinary players.

Elite template, elite elite, the elite of the same kind, with extremely high IQ, much stronger than the same kind, if it is a spirit monster, it can have one or two skills, if it is a human NPC, most of them are good at Taoism, and ordinary players can't beat it single-handedly.

If elite-level monsters are captured as spirit pets, they will already have extremely high cultivation value. In fact, the spirit pet mounts of ordinary players are all ordinary templates, and there are very few elites.

Elite and above are horror templates, basically boss-specific templates, and all of them are boss-level existences. If they are human NPCs, their IQs are higher than ordinary players. If they are spirit monsters, all of them are big boss-level, like Jiaolong , Xuangui, Ghost General, Bronze Armored Corpse and other famous monsters are mostly horror templates.

The horror template ghosts are very valuable to cultivate. The ghosts or NPCs of this template are super talented and have the potential to be promoted to Jindan level earth immortal or demon king. Any player who gets this kind of spiritual pet will cultivate it well.

Further up is the legendary template, which is extremely rare in number, and generally refers to real dragons, phoenixes, golden-winged rocs, golden armored corpses, ghost kings, etc. Legends exist. If a player gets the initial legendary template ghost, there are eight There is a [-]% chance of growing into a Jindan-level demon king and a ghost-level existence. If it is cultivated well and with some luck, there is a very small chance that it will be advanced to a primordial spirit-level demon god.

In the Manshan Islands, there are only two or three known legend templates. One is the elder of the Manshan Sect, the largest sect in the Manshan Islands. The other is the main peak of the Manshan Mountains in the center of the Manshan Islands. Level 230 legendary demon king.

It is said that in the empty sea to the north of the Manshan Islands, there is a dragon king who is about to transform into a dragon, which is also a legend template.

Apart from these, Ye Qing doesn't know where the legendary template exists in the Manshan Islands. Even the body of the red-haired ghost king's remnant soul hidden in the Ghost King Token is not the legendary template, but a ghost king with a terrifying template. He was not strong enough and was divided into pieces by five horses. , only a trace of the remnant soul was destroyed by him.

The legend template is already so good, let alone the myth template. I only know that there has never been a myth template in the entire Manshan Islands. Even in the vast mainland of China, there are only a handful of myth templates.

In the other shore, only the mythological template has a certain chance of becoming a primordial spirit. The red girl is an innate spirit ghost. If she grows up step by step, she is likely to break through the limit and become a primordial spirit.

Now in the other shore, Shinhwa Mohua either already exists at the primordial spirit level, or is on the way to this step, and is definitely the most powerful in the same level.

Just like Red Girl, she is only level [-], but Ye Qing still can't beat her, which means that if it is changed to a template, he is not enough for a mythical template, probably not even a legendary template, and a horror template is enough.

Ye Qing has already made up his mind to cultivate such a baby with full loyalty, so that it will be more face-saving to bring out a soul-level maid in the future.

Opening the stone gate, I immediately saw Xiaoxiangzi and Qiuxin squatting in the corner, seeing him coming out, they immediately stood up to meet him, Xiaoxiangzi looked him up and down, and asked in a low voice:
"Have you passed the supernatural plot?"


There is nothing to hide, Ye Qing admitted directly.

The two gasped, with envy on their faces:
"Then what's the reward you got? Let's see, it's the first time I've seen someone safely pass a supernatural plot. I've always heard people say that the reward is incredible. I haven't seen how good it is."

Ye Qing nodded, and lightly clapped his palms, a red figure slowly emerged behind him, the red girl was dragged on the ground in a long red dress, holding a red oiled paper umbrella, only a small section was exposed With a smooth and clean minibus, a slight chill spread from her body, and the two of them immediately felt a bone-piercing chill.

"Is this a reward?"

Xiaoxiangzi and Qiuxin opened their mouths wide open for a long while before closing them.

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(End of this chapter)

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