The Great Demon King

Chapter 1 I Didn't Do It On Purpose

Chapter 1 I Didn't Do It On Purpose
Statistics show that about 12 people around the world choke to death every year.

Qian Song was one of them. He choked to death eating purple sweet potatoes. It was just a purple sweet potato the size of a child's fist, and it came from a love bento given to him by his first love girlfriend.

Qian Song, who lived to be 27 years old and fell in love for the first time, never imagined that the stalk of "getting lunch" that people always heard before would happen to him.

Qian Song, who died of love bento, is of course considered an out-and-out unlucky guy. Perhaps to compensate for his misfortune, fate arranged for him to travel through time and be reborn.

Traveled to a world of comprehension, and was reborn as a thriving purple sweet potato.

In the previous life, he was choked to death by a purple sweet potato, and later traveled through time to seize a purple sweet potato, which is considered "revenge".

This purple sweet potato grows on the edge of a cliff, where it is exposed to the sun and rain, the wind is thick and the fog is thick, and the soil is sparse. The reason why it can grow vigorously is because it got lucky and got the best fertilizer to nourish it.

What kind of fertilizer?

The corpse of a big monster.

The cause of death of this big demon is unknown, it just died quietly on the edge of the cliff, the golden demon blood nourished the roots of the purple potato, the rotten flesh melted into the rocks, and the dense demon energy filled the leaves of the purple potato. The huge demon pill automatically absorbs the aura of heaven and earth for the purple potato, and the silent Dao Yun washes the veins of the purple potato's stems and leaves with the aura every day.

Time seems to have lost its meaning on this cliff with no shit. Except for the sunrise and sunset, the scenery here has not changed at all for hundreds of years.

Just desolate.

After many years, finally on a certain day, the purple sweet potato became fine.

As a standard ingredient for becoming an essence, the purple sweet potato essence, also known as Qian Song, is about to usher in its own catastrophe.

If he succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he will be able to transform into a successful form. From then on, he will practice in the human form with nine orifices, and he will be counted on the right path.

"In the Three Realms, only those who have nine orifices can cultivate immortals, and those who practice without nine orifices will be destroyed by heaven and earth."

This sentence came from the memory and common sense of cultivation left in that demon pill, and was absorbed by Qian Song together.

The catastrophe came quickly, and the purple clouds hovered above the high sky like an upside-down vortex, getting lower and lower. The clouds were densely covered with lightning, but there was no sound of thunder.

Of course, even if there was thunder, Qian Song couldn't hear it—he hadn't transformed, had no ears, and had no hearing.

In Qian Song's senses, he couldn't see or hear. He could only sense a coercion like the collapse of the sky, which oppressed his consciousness almost to the point of disappearing.

At this moment, for some reason, apart from fear, Qian Song also felt a sense of relaxation that was about to be released, which was very contradictory and very real.

Whoever becomes a plant that cannot move and has no five senses for a hundred years will be like him, going mad after the initial novelty, calm after a long period of madness, and numb in endless calm, compared to being in a prison. And despair.

Because even if you are in prison, you can talk to your fellow inmates, and you can also experience the feeling of "being alive" by "eating, drinking, and sleeping", instead of being like Qian Song, who can't see, hear, and has no hands and feet, except for soil and spiritual power. , feel nothing.

Therefore, for quite a long time, he only wanted to die quickly.

The thick purple thunder pulp from the lake fell from the sky without a sound. Qian Song, a plant spirit, was rooted on the cliff and had no ability to move at all.

Therefore, the tens of thousands of high cliffs and the majestic mountains on which the cliffs leaned disappeared directly, and replaced them with a vast lake with no bottom. At the beginning, the lake was filled with purple plasma, and the plasma in this abyss After confirming that there could be no more living things, it turned into a thunder dragon, returned to the sky, and burrowed into the clouds.


Only at this time did thunder appear in the sky for the first time, and the robbery was gone. Ordinary dark clouds with ordinary thunder and lightning gathered from all around, and heavy rain poured down. It took three full years to cover the sky below filled the abyss.


"Ah...I'm...still...alive?" Qian Song felt like he was falling, this feeling of weightlessness was really long gone.

Along with the fall, there was the sound of "huhu" in my ears.

"Huh? The sound of the wind? Why is there the sound of the wind? I have no ears..." Qian Song suddenly realized that something was wrong. He hadn't heard for a long time since he transmigrated into a purple sweet potato.

"If there is hearing, what about... vision?" Qian Song became a little excited. No matter what the situation is now, even if he is about to die, he still wants to open his eyes to see what the world looks like at the last moment.

This is his last dignity as a former higher primate.

Unlike ears, opening eyes requires the brain to send commands and take active actions.

Because there has been no "eye" organ for too long, Qian Song tried hard for a long time before he opened his eyes with a gap.

Sunny day, white clouds.

Curving horizon, rapidly approaching ground.

Qian Song burst into tears.

There is good news, and bad news.

The good news was that he saw his torso and limbs, the bad news was that he was actually falling.

The purple tights were smooth and reflective, like the leather jacket worn by an Ultraman actor. The wind pressure brought by the terrifying falling speed blew his mouth to the maximum, and the hala flowed out, and it was sticky when thrown on his face, which was very sticky. Quickly air dry.

This situation made Qian Song recall from his distant memory the chicken-eating game he played when he was a human last time, and there is also a line from a movie: "Do you still remember that palm technique that fell from the sky?"

It's a pity that Qian Song doesn't know that palm technique, and he doesn't even know how to stop himself.

After finally having a human body again, he didn't want to die.

"It looks like I should have succeeded in transforming." Qian Song quickly figured it out. Just like many monsters, after transforming, there will always be a little bit of the original racial characteristics on the new body.

For example, the horns of the cow demon, the ears of the cat demon, and the tail of the fox demon.

The same is true for Qian Song, the characteristic he left behind is the purple potato skin all over his body.

It is quite reasonable that the purple potato skin has turned into a purple tights.


A huge thunderstorm sounded suddenly, approaching from far away, and the last sound seemed to explode in Qian Song's ears.

For a purple sweet potato who has just gained hearing, the delicate eardrums can't bear such noise.

What's more, Qian Song's psychological shadow has not yet passed after being struck by lightning.

The sound of thunder interrupted Qian Song's random thoughts, he saw a thick lightning flashing from a distance, and a burly figure was wrapped in the lightning, holding a huge ax in his hand, wearing a handsome chain mail, Majestic.

But for some reason, Qian Song always felt that this figure was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Qian Song tried his best to recall the memories of when he was a human being more than 100 years ago. It will take at least half a day, and maybe he will be able to remember.

Unless someone gives a hint.

The prompt came soon, and as it got closer to the ground, Qian Song saw that "the same kind" seemed to appear on the ground:
A tall and strong purple sweet potato was pinching the neck of another "sweet potato essence" wearing a golden cloak, lifting him up with one hand in his left hand, and with his right hand, he took a gem from the "sweet potato essence" forehead.

Then, the purple sweet potato essence threw the dead sweet potato essence to the ground, then inlaid the yellow gem on his huge golden glove, and let out a roar of unknown meaning.

"I wipe, I remembered!" Qian Song, who was falling quickly, slapped his thigh, pointed at the purple sweet potato essence on the ground and said loudly: "Isn't that Thanos?"


The figure wrapped in lightning let out a thunderous roar and raised the axe.

However, the boundless anger made him focus all his attention on Thanos on the ground below, completely ignoring the other purple sweet potato essence that quickly fell above his head.



Qian Song recognized Thanos, so he naturally remembered the identity of this thunderbolt—the god of thunder, Thor.

But, so what if you recognize it?He could only watch helplessly as he slammed straight into Thor.

Sol was accumulating energy to throw the ax in his hand, but at a critical moment, Qian Song staggered, the ax fell out of his hand, and the angle appeared a little bit off.

Thanos raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and a huge beam of energy burst out, but it couldn't stop Thor's high-speed spinning axe. The ax split the energy column, and hit Thanos' forehead very precisely, directly hitting his head. Divided in half!
Thanos, pawn.

Thor: "∑(°Д°;)"

Qian Song: "Huh???"

 New book please collection, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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