Chapter 381

Wang Kai walked to the surrounding trees, and he found that the trees that were not in the center of the golden light were not intact, and many parts were neatly cut off, and these cross-sections emitting golden light were surrounded by a circle.

This shows that the golden light wiped out all the vegetation it touched.

In other words, there may have been monsters here before, but they were wiped out by the golden light without leaving a trace.

His complexion became more and more dignified, but at the same time astonished by the power of this golden light, Wang Kai looked around, still a little unwilling.

After searching for a while, there was really nothing.

Wang Kai looked down at the Tuntian in his hand, expecting it to give some hints, but Tuntian didn't move at all.

On the ground, the remaining faint golden light also completely disappeared.

Wang Kai frowned, the trip was in vain.

His expression changed, and when he detected someone coming from a distance, Wang Kai clapped his hands to Gouzi: "Withdraw!"

After speaking, the two left the open space, got into the dense forest next to them, and fled beyond the tears of the goddess.

"Be careful……"

As the target approached, the speed of the entire team slowed down. Lal Khan commanded the city guards to carefully approach the source of the beam of light.

Compared with Wang Kai's speed, they were more than a little behind. At this time, Wang Kai had almost left the forest.

Carefully parting the bushes, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

Empty, nothing.

With a face full of horror, the first person at the head stretched out his feet and explored the open space to make sure there was no danger, then walked up as if walking on thin ice.

The city guards filed in.


Laer Khan looked at a broken tree next to him. More than half of the trunk was cut off, and the section was very smooth without any bumps.

I stretched out my hand and touched the section of the trunk, but there was no strange feeling.

After searching the open space, the city guards reported to Larhan that there was nothing unusual.

"What happened just now?" Larhan was a little confused.

After a while, many people came to the open space again, from Fengqin's house, Tiezhi's house, around, Li Shan, and even from the city lord's mansion, Dan Zhen came there in person, and the empty space became a bit crowded.

Dan Zhen frowned, walked up to Laer Khan, and asked, "Have you found out?"

"Nothing, nothing unusual except that it's been razed to the ground," Lalhan said.

Hearing Laerhan's words, the rest of the people were still a little bit unwilling, and ordered the people they brought to inspect the open space, but they found nothing.

While regretting, everyone couldn't help wondering, what caused this strong golden light?
After dawdling in the open space for a while, there was no gain. Full of questions and complaints about a wasted trip, all the masters from Kaga City returned home.


That night, the City Lord's Mansion released the investigation results of the golden beam of light to the residents. The beam of light was an anomaly caused by the fall of extraterrestrial debris in the cloud. daily life of residents.

Stardust falling to the planet, this kind of thing happens occasionally, so the most soothing explanation for this golden beam of light whose origin has not been found out, and may not be found at all, is that the stardust has fallen.

However, the panic continued for a certain period of time. In the next few days, few people entered the Goddess Tears, and even the Evil Swamp Forest. The mercenaries were worried that the beam of light would appear again during their quests, and they would be swallowed up. in.

Fortunately, this kind of situation did not reappear in the World of Warcraft Forest, and with the passage of time and the need to maintain their livelihood, soon, the two World of Warcraft Forests returned to their usual fiery scenes.

The fast-paced life made that golden beam of light that didn't have much impact quickly forgotten by the people of Kaja City.



Wang Kai had just settled a batch of potions around there, and walked into a restaurant he frequented.

This restaurant has a small storefront, but its Xuemai Noodles are a must. Wang Kai tasted it once by chance, and he was deeply impressed by the taste. Since then, he has become a frequent customer of this restaurant.

The business in the store is very hot, the seats are almost full, Wang Kai found a seat in the corner by the window.

Smiling to the familiar waiter, Wang Kai ordered a large bowl of snow wheat noodles and a stack of fruit jam.

The consumption level of this small shop is not high. Even though it has many loyal diners, the price of the meals has always been very affordable. A large bowl of snow wheat noodles only costs [-] copper coins.

The diners opposite Wang Kai finished eating and left. The waiter packed up the empty bowls he left behind and wiped the table. Wang Kai was the only one left at this table.

The work efficiency of the small shop is very high. Although there are many diners, Wang Kai's noodles are quickly cooked and served.

Wang Kai poured the fruit jam into the noodle bowl, mixed it with chopsticks, lowered his head, and ate the noodles attentively.

The small shop is sunny, and there are noisy diners around. The warm air is wafting in the shop, and the small clean and bright windows are open, bringing in a cool breeze.

Suddenly, the shop fell silent.

Step, step.

The soft footsteps were not obvious at first, but in the small shop that suddenly became audible, people couldn't help but pay attention.

And the person who looked sideways also fell into a sluggish state.

Wang Kai frowned, feeling strange about the sudden silence around him, but he did not raise his head and continued to eat the noodles intently.

The footsteps came from far to near, and under all the attention, they stopped in front of Wang Kai. The stool opposite him was pulled away, and a figure sat down gracefully.

The sound of noodle cooking came from the kitchen, and the clock on the wall was ticking. The diners gradually looked away, but they talked a lot less. They stopped for a long time, which did not belong to the quiet atmosphere of this small shop.

Because of the person opposite Wang Kai.

Wang Kai, who was lowering his head, felt the eyes of the person opposite him falling on him, frowned, chewed the noodle in his mouth slowly, raised his head, there was still a little soup in the corner of his mouth.

Gentle and green trees, the scenery outside the window is washed by the bright sunshine, rendered into an oil painting-like background.

The clock on the wall said twelve o'clock.

On May [-], [-] in the Yuan calendar, at twelve o'clock and thirteen.

On the opposite side of Wang Kai, the girl was watching Wang Kai eating noodles with great interest, her long blond hair was hanging down softly, and on the little hand supporting her chin, the soft and snow-white fingertips were gently tapping her cheeks, which made people feel at ease. The suppleness of this face gives rise to reverie.

Seeing him look up, the girl relieved, stretched out a slender white finger, pointed to the corner of her mouth, her eyes were full of smiles.

Chapter 89 A Bowl of Snow Wheat Noodles

a few days ago.

Zhongzhou Songqi Country, a peaceful small town in the northeast, a golden beam of light rising into the sky broke the peace here.

(End of this chapter)

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