Chapter 184

The fat man in black behind was none other than Bao Jinzhong's clan brother Bao Jiuhai. At this moment, he was supervising the battle from behind. He also heard the noise outside and was also panicked. At this time, Suzaku stepped forward and kicked out with his lotus feet. Leave an imprint on Bao Jiuhai's chest.

Bao Jiuhai was kicked back four or five steps before he fell down. He spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted angrily: "Leave no one alive, chop them all, and burn the house down!"

Kong Yi had never seen such a scene before, her face was as white as a sheet of paper for a moment, Huarong was so frightened that she turned pale, but suddenly she didn't know where her courage came from.Seeing that Suzaku was like a mad tiger, and even forcefully fought his way out, he immediately mustered up the courage to follow her and rushed to the door.

Suzaku swung his knife suddenly, cut off the bamboo curtain, and shouted to Kong Yi, "Go!"

Kong Yi didn't leave an inch, and when she heard this, she raised her leg and walked out the door.

Suzaku was watching in front, and suddenly reached out, grabbed a pair of chopsticks from the table by the door, which was not yet ready to be cleaned up, then raised his wrist, and with a flick of his hand, the two bamboo chopsticks in his hand flashed past and disappeared not see.

Seeing Suzaku and Kong Yi fleeing through the door, two big men immediately followed them.At this time, the light in the room was dim, and the two big men following behind could only see Suzaku raising its hands backwards. The black scarf brushed against the big man's cheek, and the black scarf fell, leaving a bloodstain on the big man's cheek.

Suddenly, Kong Yi stumbled and tripped over the threshold.And right behind Kong Yi, two gleaming steel knives had fallen!

Seeing that Kong Yi was about to die, Kong Yi closed her eyes in despair, and waited until the last moment. However, suddenly, Kong Yi felt that her body was being grabbed by a huge force, and then she only felt that her body was flying into the air. And rise.

Is this what death feels like?Kong Yi thought to herself, the feeling of weightlessness of falling from a high altitude actually made Kong Yi less afraid for a while.



Kong Yi only felt a sharp pain in her buttocks, and she couldn't help wondering, do people feel pain after death?

Kong Yi didn't have time to think too much, he only heard the sound of weapons clashing behind him.

Kong Yi opened her eyes, only to see that she had changed her position, not inside the house, but outside the door.

It turned out that at the critical moment, Suzaku rushed to Kong Yi's side before the steel knife, stretched out his hand to grab it, and threw Kong Yi out with all his strength.

And just that moment made Suzaku a little weak. She was already one against four and had already consumed a lot of energy. Now she even sacrificed her life and struggled to hold on, but she gradually showed that she was invincible.

Suddenly, Suzaku swung his saber falsely, and the two big men behind him hurriedly dodged. Taking advantage of this gap, Suzaku stretched his arms in his arms, then raised his hand, and the account book that Bao Jiuhai regarded as his life flew towards Kong Yi.

And Suzaku blocked the two killers here, and there was no one else between him and Kong Yi, so Kong Yi firmly took control of the account book!
Kong Yi looked at the account book in her hand, then at Kong Yi who was struggling to kill, and immediately understood Suzaku's thoughts, but Kong Yi was indeed hesitant. If she left by herself at this time, how could Suzaku be left alone?
Zhuque realized Kong Yi's hesitation and shouted: "Sister Kong, the account book is of great importance. You must hand it over to the emperor with your own hands! Go quickly and call the soldiers from the General's Mansion! I can't hold on for much longer. !”

When Kong Yi heard this, she saw that the knife in the hands of the two big men was as fast as a knife, and the cheeks of Suzaku here were already covered with beads of sweat, so she didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and ran away thinking about the night behind her.

Seeing that the woman carrying the most important account book was about to escape from the house, Bao Jiuhai was extremely anxious. He rolled over to the door a few times. Unexpectedly, although this big fat man was fat, he had been in the army for many years. Skill is also very agile.

Bao Jiuhai jumped up and chased out the door. Suzaku wanted to go, but now he was entangled by several big men. He only had to turn around for a moment, and the steel knife immediately touched him. Although he was anxious, he had no way to save him. , had no choice but to fight hard with his sword, secretly praying in his heart that the soldiers of the mansion would arrive in time when they heard the whistle.

Kong Yi ran to the yard, turned and ran towards the Moon Gate, grabbing flower pots and throwing them at Bao Jiuhai.The fatal account book was on Kong Yi's body, Bao Jiuhai was like a donkey with a carrot hanging from his mouth, chasing her without thinking.

Passing through the Moon Gate, Kong Yi looked at the empty surroundings, and was startled. She clearly remembered that going out from this gate would not be the front yard of the general's mansion. Why is it surrounded by mountains and jungles?

It turned out that Kong Yi mistook the path in a hurry. Behind the moon gate was the back mountain jungle. In the early years, the former general often got up in the morning and went for a walk again to keep fit, so he stepped on a small path early.

Kong Yi was like a frightened deer running wildly in the forest. Fortunately, she had been wearing men's clothes these days, otherwise she would have tripped over her skirt. Her clothes were scratched, and a few bloodstains were added to her fair face.

Bao Jiuhai had just been kicked by Suzaku, and his chest was injured. In addition, he was already obese, so he couldn't catch up with Kong Yi, who was light and thin. Seeing the girl in front of him running farther and farther, the second middle school heard the voices of the general's mansion behind him , thinking to himself, it must be Zhu Yifei's personal soldiers fighting with his own people again. Thinking of this, Bao Jiuhai not only became anxious.

While chasing after Bao Jiuhai, he roared in a low voice: "Little girl, call out the account book, I will spare you, do you hear me? The mountains in front and the mountains behind are all our people, you can't escape!"

Listening to Bao Jiuhai's coercion and temptation behind her, Kong Yi tightly covered her chest with her hands. There is the place of the heart, and there is also something crucial to Mr. Zhu Yifei—the account book.

Feeling the hard booklet in her arms, Kong Yi felt ecstasy in her heart even though she was very embarrassed by being chased.

Bao Jiuhai cares so much about this account book, it seems that there is really a big problem with this account book, so he has to protect this account book even more. When General Zhu Yifei receives it, he should be very happy, right?

Suddenly, Kong Yi suffocated, and he was frightened by his own thoughts. Didn't he do this to ease the relationship between the royal family and the Kong family?

But why do I think about that vicious, naughty young general now?I must be too tired, yes, I did this to pay for crimes and meritorious deeds. I discovered this ledger and I escorted it out. The emperor will be very happy when the time comes!Who would do these things for that Zhu Yifei!
Thinking of this, Kong Yi felt happy. Hearing Bao Jiuhai's heavy breathing behind him getting closer and closer, he didn't dare to stop any longer and walked faster.

The trees around the barracks had long been cut down by the soldiers to form a fire protection zone of more than a hundred feet, and under this hillside, there was a flat land, which could be seen under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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