Chapter 38
Under the night light, Aizen and Urahara Kisuke quietly waited for the changes in Dugu Bo's body.

There was no movement at first, and Dugu Bo couldn't help but wonder if Aizen and the others were lying to him.

Immediately afterwards, a purple breath enveloped Dugu Bo, unable to see with the eyes, unable to hear with the ears, unable to smell with the nose, until all five senses were lost.

This feeling is too terrifying. For the first time, Dugu Bo has fallen into such a helpless state. At this moment, he can't even feel the existence of his body.

Without the power to resist, Dugu Bo can be said to be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Could it be that Aizen and the others set this trap specially to kill themselves!

Damn, careless!

Dugu Bo began to blame himself, but he chose to believe in Aizen and Aizen because a girl's miraculous power healed her broken arm!

Even at risk, the first to test poison.

I hope Yan'er can quickly find out the abnormality and run away!

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo was even more desperate. How could Yan'er have a chance to escape in front of the two of them.

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Aizen and Urahara Kisuke curiously observed Dugu Bo.

It was found that Dugu Bo was motionless from the very beginning.

Dugu Yan on the side was also a little anxious.

"Did you kill my grandfather!"

Urahara Kisuke was very embarrassed by Duguyan's mean voice.

"It doesn't make sense, it's just a little guidance, how could it be so dead."

Suddenly, Dugu Bo's body trembled, followed by convulsions.

"Grandpa!" Dugu Yan was concerned, and suddenly rushed up to hug Dugu Bo.

"Be careful!" Urahara Kisuke took a short step and pulled Dugu Yan back.

Dugu Bo's body began to appear purple scales, densely packed like shedding skin, and soul power poured out of his mouth and nose, covering his body, and then changing shape, a strange bone emerged from Dugu Bo's head.

"This is Grandpa's spirit bone!" Dugu Yan immediately recognized that it was the spirit bone of Dugu Bo's head.

Urahara Kisuke carefully observed the spirit bone, and found that this spirit bone was actually playing a coordinating role, speeding up the process of soul beast transformation.

"Ugh!" Dugu Bo roared.

The bones of the whole body began to deform, the scales became denser, and the sound gradually became sharper, becoming "hiss!"

Gradually, Dugu Bo's head became more and more fitted with the Medusa spirit bone, turning into a triangle, and his tongue became a letter.

"How did Grandpa become like this!" Duguyan cried anxiously, pulling on Kisuke Urahara's clothes.

"It's okay, it's normal, this is the process your grandfather is controlling toxins." The more Urahara Kisuke observed, the more wrong he felt, and things were different from what he expected.

After a while, Dugu Bo's roar subsided, as if there was no more pain.

However, at this time Dugu Bo has become more and more like a snake, not a person.

His appearance changed to that of the Green Scaled Serpent King, but it wasn't that huge.

Like a young blue-scale snake king.

"Aizen-sama, be careful!" Urahara Kisuke suddenly shouted.

Dugu Bo's purple eyes shrank suddenly and stared at Aizen stubbornly.


Bringing the strong wind, Dugu Bo quickly rushed towards Aizen, opened his big mouth, the sharp purple fangs exuded a cold light, and a stench spurted out of Dugu Bo's mouth, making people sick.

At a critical juncture, Aizen pulled out the Zanpakutō, liberated Bingrenwan, and condensed an ice wall in front of him, but was instantly shattered by Dugu Bo, and the residual impact fell on Aizen's Zanpakutō, which was blocking his chest. Barely resisting Dugu Bo's attack, but Dugu Bo, who incarnates the Bi-scale Snake King, is extremely powerful.

There are two deep trenches tens of meters long hanging on the ground.

"Urahara Kisuke, what's going on!" Aizen asked, frowning.

Urahara Kisuke said in a deep voice, "It is estimated that Dugu Bo's martial spirit wants to take over this body!"

"What? Martial spirit occupies the human body!" In this situation, Aizen couldn't believe it.

"How could this be, if the martial spirit occupation succeeds, isn't my grandfather..." Duguyan did not dare to continue speaking, for fear that what she said would come true.

"That's right, your grandfather will become the Green Scaled Snake King and will never come back." Urahara Kisuke didn't want to lie to Duguyan, and told Duguyan the result truthfully.

"No, I don't want it, didn't you say, there is only a little side effect, what's going on now." Duguyan cried with tears streaming down her face.

"This is one of the side effects, because the snake venom is brought by the martial spirit, so if you want to control the snake venom, you must absolutely control the martial spirit, make the martial spirit absolutely obey the order, and not mutilate the body secretly." Urahara Kisuke said cautiously.

"I don't want to do this, you should interrupt the treatment quickly, we are puzzled by the poison!" Duguyan hurriedly requested.

Urahara Kisuke shook his head and said with a sigh.

"It's impossible. At this point, this kind of change and irreversible change can only be seen by Mr. Dugu Bo's own ability. If he can conquer the martial spirit, then his potential will go further, and he will gain unimaginable power. "

"It really hurts!" After finally blocking Dugu Bo's attack, Aizen looked at his slightly twisted wrist and couldn't help but sigh that he was indeed a Title Douluo, this power is really powerful.

Fortunately, during the process of soul beasting, Dugu Bo couldn't use his soul skills, otherwise he would be finished just now.

At this time, the form of Dugu Bo has changed again. It has just completely changed into the shape of a snake, and now it has two claws and two feet.

There are also short horns growing on the top of the head, and the scales on the body have changed from purple to blue, a bit like Jiao!

"Urahara Kisuke, you bastard, Dugu Bo's martial spirit has evolved!" Aizen, who discovered this change, roared furiously.

"What has evolved!"

Urahara Kisuke hurriedly blew away the smoke that had just been stirred up by the battle, and at a glance, sure enough, Dugu Bo's blue-scaled snake king had evolved into a blue-scaled dragon.

In this situation, Aizen can no longer hide and hide, if he continues to hide his strength, he will be killed by this dragon!
"Sit upright in the frosty sky, Binglunwan!"

The Zanpakutō in Aizen's hand released the cold air, and at the same time imitated the ice-cold law of the octagonal black ice grass, and evolved the cold air to the extreme. Dugu Bo, who turned into a blue-scaled dragon, was covered with a layer of frost. Pushed away to a dozen meters away.

The sudden burst of cold air made the blue-scaled Jiaolong furious.

"Flock of bird icicles!"

Waving the ice wheel pill, sixteen thick ice pellets instantly condensed and flew towards the blue-scaled Jiaolong. They were easily resisted by the blue scales and slid to one side.Aizen suddenly discovered that Dugu Bo's scales were actually covered with a layer of mucus, and physical direct attacks did not work at all.

Immediately afterwards, Aizen attacked directly with cold air, trying to solidify and crush, but it didn't work, or the temperature was not low enough.

As expected of a dragon with both poison and water attributes, its ice resistance is high.

So, Aizen could only put away the ice wheel pill and replace it with another knife.

"There are all kinds of things, they are all ashes, and the blades are like fire!"

The flaming flames were released from the blade, and the surrounding air rose by dozens of degrees at this moment.


The sword of arrogance slashed in the void, and a fiery pillar of fire was released towards the blue-scaled flood dragon.

The blue-scaled flood dragon shrouded in flames uttered a painful cry, and the mucus all over the body quickly evaporated and dried up under the flames, revealing the tough scales underneath. .

(End of this chapter)

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