People in Douluo: Playing as Aizen, Summoning Ten Blades

Chapter 138 Battle-dead Beast, Aizen's Jinghong 1 Knife

Chapter 138 Beast in Battle, Aizen's Shocking Knife

The dead beast rushed towards the four humans who had invaded the virtual circle. The original ordinary fist became ten times bigger in vain, and the wind pressure it brought forced everyone to retreat. However, the bald titled Douluo smiled confidently and released the With his martial spirit, Platinum Diamond Shield, his title is Golden Shield Douluo.

A huge silver-white shield was raised by his hands. The surface of the shield was painted with symmetrical flowing water ripples, and there was a flashing red diamond in the center. The huge fist fell on this shield, just forcing the Golden Shield Douluo to retreat. a few steps.

"Haha, although my attack power is not very strong, but in terms of defense, even if you are a fierce beast, I am not afraid!"

Withdrew its fist, the dead beast roared in the sky and warned in a hoarse voice: "Human, this is not the place you should come!"

Golden Shield Douluo touched his shiny bald head, hehe smiled and said: "What should come or not, Master Alan Ran Suyousuke is here, even if it is hell, I will go! Besides, isn't Ayanan Suyousuke? Human?"

The dead beast looked at the Golden Shield Douluo coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "The Ayanan Suyousuke you said should be the powerful soul master with a bunch of monsters. I can tell you that he is no longer human."

The three Titled Douluo seemed to be stunned by the words of the dead beast, and then instantly relieved, "How could Master Aizen Suo Yusuke be a human? He has opened up a world and he must have become a god!"

But Aizen understands the words of the dead beast, Aizen Susuke cannot be a god, because if he becomes a god, he will not come to this place, but dominate the Douluo Continent, the dead beast should say Aizen Susuke Jie has been half-dead, or half-beasted.

The sacrifice of so many desperate souls at the beginning must have changed their own race. Unfortunately, the character template has not been able to see the latest status of Aizen Soyousuke, otherwise, Aizen can directly confirm it.

While speaking, the long-haired Title Douluo took out a long spear, the whole body was fiery red, the tip of the spear was burning with flames, and the red ying was like a splendid firework. The circle shrinks and condenses on the tip of the spear, leaving a long shadow following the long-haired Title Douluo's dash forward.

This is my title Douluo claiming to be a Musket Douluo, because his spear spirit has its own flame.

The speed of the advance was extremely fast, the distance of three to four hundred meters was eliminated in just one or two seconds. If the distance was not too short and he did not use all his strength, his speed might exceed the speed of sound.

The tip of the spear landed heavily on the iron-blue skin of the steel of the dead beast, and made a clanging sound. The tip of the spear only pierced a little bit. Musket Douluo was unwilling to use force again. Unable to dash forward, the shallow wound soon could not support the spear tip to stay. With the urgent need for the spear body to return to its original state, sparks were rubbed, and the spear tip left a light black mark on the body of the dead beast.

The Musket Douluo was about to withdraw the spear when the Dead Beast quickly raised his hand to grab the tip of the spear and pulled it hard, pulling the Musket Douluo who was pulling the long spear back, then raised his fist and hit the Musket Douluo heavily in the face. That heavy force snapped the bridge of Musket Douluo's nose down.

The Musket Douluo that flew out was caught in mid-air by the Golden Shield Douluo, and while retreating, he helped the Musket Douluo to dissolve the impact.

At this moment, the last Titled Douluo who greeted Aizen with a smile all the time and Aizen attacked together.

That smiling titled Douluo Wuhun is a centipede, calling himself the Hundred Blades Douluo, sharp claws grew out of the corners of his smiling mouth, his hands and feet turned into sharp blades, and he spun his own body in mid-air as he rushed up. The body suddenly stretched out nearly a hundred blades, flying towards the dead beast like a tornado of blades.

The dead beast raised his hands to block in front of him, and the sharp blade fell on his hands, wiping bright sparks, and everyone present could see that the dead beast's palms were cut to remove countless knife marks.

Musket Douluo had a happy expression on his face, "I can do it!"

Not to be outdone, the Golden Shield Douluo jumped to the back of the dead beast and hit the back of the dead beast with a huge platinum diamond shield, smashing the dead beast into the Hundred Blades Douluo.

Facing the belly and back attack, the dead beast roared loudly, and the muscles all over his body burst out, and the majestic soul power surged out, and the volume became ten times larger in vain. Countless ghosts gushed out from the body of the dead beast, making a whimper.

This ghost is rich and fearless of physical damage, and directly penetrated the bodies of Baiblade Douluo and Golden Shield Douluo.

At that moment, Hundred Blades Douluo and Golden Shield Douluo seemed to have lost hope in life, all unhappy things came to their hearts, and their strength became much weaker. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dead beast punched and kicked the two The man kicked away, and then jumped to a height of hundreds of meters, and then fell from the sky and landed on the Golden Shield Douluo.

The speed of this fall is coupled with the huge body and weight of the dead beast, and the momentum is huge.

With a loud bang, the legs of the dead beast stepped on the shield of the Golden Shield Douluo, the sturdy shield was directly dented, and even the body of the Golden Shield Douluo behind was also affected by this force, vomiting blood.

At this moment, the figure of Aizen appeared behind the dead beast. Under the eyes of everyone, it was cut out with a knife. The hard shell seemed to not exist, leaving a long wound on the back of the dead beast and splashing out. The black blood turned into ice cubes in mid-air.

The dead beast let out a pained cry, and turned around with a punch, which was easily avoided by Aizen.

After retreating to the full position, Aizen weighed the Zanpakutō, "It turns out that it's not Gangskin, so I can be sure that he is not a subordinate of Aizen Sousuke, but exists as the guard of the virtual circle. "

Golden Shield Douluo injured the dead beast because of Lan Ran, and found a chance to escape, and then thanked him: "Hoo, luckily you are here, otherwise I'll be finished."

Aizen smiled slightly, "Don't worry about it, now, he should show his true strength, so don't hide it any more, use all your strength, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, it will be bad."

The titled Douluo nodded and looked at the dead beast seriously.

The first one to take action was Golden Shield Douluo. He was injured the most just now because of the attack of the dead beast. Now he urgently needs to regain his face, so he uses his spirit avatar. For a time, the shield in his hand is divided into countless parts, or big or small. Small, sticking to the body of the Golden Shield Douluo, only the eyes are exposed, whether it is the front chest, back, or the top of the head and the feet, they are all protected by the platinum shield.

After the preparations were completed, Golden Shield Douluo took heavy steps and ran towards the dead beast without hesitation.

Seeing this, the dead beast showed its fangs and smiled grimly, and lit up its huge fists to smash it, touch!

The fist fell on Golden Shield Douluo's body without the slightest wave, the face of Golden Shield Douluo inside the shield only changed slightly, he recovered quickly, and smiled proudly: "Haha, you can't hurt me, the strength of your fist It was scattered all over my body by me, as long as you don't kill me with one punch, you can't do anything about me!"

In the dark, Sal Apollo looked at the data on the instrument and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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