Chapter 94

In the casino, it was very lively.

Casino, this is really a magical place. No matter how high-profile people come here, there are few people who do not lose their dignity. Those who lose want to make up for their losses, and those who win still want to win. Ministers from the government and the public sit together with businessmen and travelers from the market. There is no need for size, no rules, as long as you sit here, there are only two words: lose and win.

Sun Chunming was asked to do his best to copy the exquisite design and decoration of later generations. The business of the newly opened casino was good, and it was always overcrowded from opening to closing every day. Shi Shouxin stood in the upstairs office and looked down at the crowds. , I couldn't help showing a smile on my face, listening to especially looking at the bargaining chips exchanged below, it feels like the money is not considered money.

"Speaking of Sun Chunming, he is really talented. No wonder Brother Murong wants to do business with him. It turns out that this business should be done in this way. The water in this casino is so damn good that it can support two soldiers. Oh, tsk tsk, it's a pity that I don't know how to praise, otherwise I really don't want to kick him out."

"In the final analysis, he is just a scholar. He has the bad habits of a scholar. He has to build a memorial arch when he becomes a cousin. But when it comes to his ability to make money, I really admire him. If this casino can compete with Fengle Tower If we join together, the profits will be huge, but it's a pity that that bastard actually built a cement wall behind Fengle Building. This is deliberately disgusting us."

"Well... yeah, speaking of this Fengle Tower, it's still sealed. After all, the father and son also have some energy, and they have a good relationship with the second king, the third king, and a few former court officials. Is there anyone to do it? Lobbyist?"

"No, there isn't one, and I'm just wondering, if you say this is planning to coax? It really doesn't look like it. Could it be that you plan to fight with us?"

"Fight? What will the father and son fight with us? Besides, I really don't believe that the two scholars have the guts. Don't we just want to cheat him for some money, not to kill them."

"Tsk, why am I still not at ease? What have the father and son been doing recently?"

"The big one didn't do much, and the little one was working with His Highness on some kind of rugby match. I heard they did it in a good way, and the officials liked it very much. I don't think you need to pay attention to them. I'll naturally find you when I can't hold it any longer." Let's take it easy."

"I hope, but I always feel that they seem to be holding something bad."

Shi Shouxin waved his hand, and said: "Don't worry about them. To put it bluntly, they are just merchants. What kind of waves can they make? They think they are really nothing? This knife is called a knife when it is held in your hand. Power has to be under one's own feathers to be called power. When it comes to the critical moment, the power that can be grasped is power. What power do they have? On the contrary, I am a little worried about Brother Murong. A few days ago, Murong Yanqing suddenly withdrew his shares. What Brother Murong means, I am really afraid that he has some tricks to use."

"Murong Yanzhao? He's not in the capital, what can he do? Besides, I heard he's so sick that he can't get out of bed."

Shi Shouxin shook his head and said, "You can't think like this. A sick tiger is still a tiger, and it can still bite people. If he really wants to bite me, I'm really afraid of him."

"Brother Shi is worrying too much. Murong Yanzhao is a tiger, and we are not watchdogs. Besides, it's just a casino. I don't believe that he will come back in person for such a trivial matter. As long as he doesn't come back, his younger brother will We really didn’t pay attention.”

"Well... well, don't think about them, how much has our business earned in the past two days?"

"It's good, just from the opening of the door today, the gambling area has earned more than 2000 yuan, and the betting area has more than 1000 rakes. The most important thing is the ball lottery area. Today, the soldiers of the Imperial Army It’s hard to beat the wages, and the lottery ticket alone has paid out nearly 20 guan, and according to our rule of drawing five per hundred, that’s more than 1 guan.”

"Hahahaha, so the Sun family father and son helped His Highness make this ball game, but they helped us earn a lot of money?"


"It's really fucking talented. If they are willing to give in this time, let's play with them in the future, hahahahaha."

Just as she was enjoying it, suddenly a confidant ran over staggeringly, "Check, it's not good, check it, it's not good."

"what's up?"

"Officials, the official wants to see you, in the gymnasium, it is said... Thunder is furious."

"What? Brother wants to see me, and is still angry? What happened?"


an hour ago.

In the gymnasium, a wonderful rugby match is going on. This kind of game has been going on for several days. Every day, there are four groups and many games at the same time. The audience watched it very fresh at first, but now they have gradually gotten used to it.

But today's game is a little different, because there is finally a heavyweight in the audience. After so many days, Zhao Kuangyin finally has time to come over and see his soldiers. Sun Yue has no patience to wait. He thought This guy won't come until the finals. It seems that the officials are also curious.

Accompanied by Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Dezhao, Zhao Kuangyin walked to the front row of the auditorium. Looking back, hey, there are a lot of spectators.

"Father, do you want to clean up all these audiences? There are mixed fish and dragons, I'm afraid it's not safe."

Zhao Kuangyin smiled and waved his hands and said: "No need, I just want to see how the soldiers are doing, and also see how you are doing this time. Fight as you want, just pretend that I don't exist."


Zhao Kuangyin pointed to several large wooden signs on the field, and saw that the sign read: "Fengle Tower wishes the first rugby competition of the Song Dynasty a complete success, Granny Cao Meat Pie wishes the first rugby competition of the Song Dynasty a complete success, Old Liu Coffin Shop wishes the first rugby match of Song Dynasty a complete success..."

"Is this the sponsorship you mentioned? How about it, can you make up for some expenses?"

"It's not just making up, but there are still some leftovers. Now it's just the qualifiers. When the qualifiers are over and enter the knockout rounds, there will definitely be more spectators. Tickets can be sold more expensively, and sponsorship fees can also be sold more expensively. The last [-] to [-] guan is possible."

Zhao Kuangyin grinned all the way to his ears when he heard the words, and patted Zhao Dezhao on the shoulder with a big smile: "Okay, okay! That's great, that's great, don't point at this to make money! No money, no money, if you really have income, just treat it as a reward." , Let’s award them all to the soldiers, hahaha, good, great, this competition will become a routine in the future, and it will be held every year, boy, you did a good job this time, you really deserve to be my son, you are smart.”

Of course, Zhao Dezhao would not say that this was all Sun Yue's idea, and he directly took the credit for it, but kept saying modest things like nothing, to make Zhao Kuangyin happy.

"Why, are there so many spectators watching the group stage? The common people like this football? How much is your ticket?"

"Tickets are not expensive, [-] cents a ticket, and the knockout round may break a hundred. In the finals, you can even consider selling a ticket for regular money."

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "If you want to talk about rugby, it is indeed much more exciting than Cuju, and the common people really like it, but this group match can have so many spectators, I am afraid that apart from relatives and friends, there will be more people." It’s all bets.”

"Bet? What bet?"

"Oh, brother, you don't know. They opened a casino in Shidianchao. Taking advantage of the excitement of rugby, they opened a handicap. Each group bet on which guard can qualify. This Wu Wu Second, the soldiers all feel that they are powerful, and they all bet heavily on their own guards."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned slightly when he heard the words, rather displeased.

 Thanks for the reward: Pindao|Reading fans
  before and after ing

  Mu Ziyan
(End of this chapter)

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