Chapter 87
In the living room of their new home, Wei Wei sat calmly in the living room of their home, drinking tea happily, with a gentle attitude and a friendly tone, but what he said was like the cold winter wind, blowing straight into the hearts of the father and son.

"The house you live in now belongs to me."

Sun Chunming had a dark feeling in his heart, and said, "So what? Since I've already bought it, it's naturally mine. Don't tell me you regret it and don't want to sell it?"

"According to the contract we signed, you only paid me a little deposit, and next month NO. Such a good house, I will take it back."

Sun Yue said: "My father owes you [-], and you owe my father [-]. Wouldn't it be enough to wipe it off? After all, you still owe my father [-]."

"No, no, no, that's not how accounts are calculated, Mr. Xiaolang, the 30 I owed to your father was agreed to be repaid in [-] days, and the [-] that your father owed me will be due in [-] days." I paid it back, so if you don’t pay it by then, I’ll take the house first, and then pay you back [-] yuan, you say, that’s the reason.”

Sun Chunming felt a pain in his heart, couldn't help covering his chest, and said with a serious expression: "I really don't have any money now, and all the family business I have accumulated in the past two years have been invested in the gambling house and this house, but a mere [-] yuan You want to cheat me too? Not to mention anything else, just the final payment from the cement side..."

As he said that, Sun Chunming's expression suddenly changed.

Wei Wei said with a smile: "Why, remember? I know that Shi Dianjian still owes you [-] yuan for the final payment of the project, but shopkeeper Sun is really sure that you can get the final payment within fifteen days." Is it?"

Sun Chunming gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from the gap between his teeth: "You teamed up to trick me?"

"Shopkeeper Sun's words are a bit hurtful. In business, when we do business, we must find a way to maximize profits. In fact, my business is actually a long-term job for my brother-in-law. There are three points The profit is only one point, but it is a shame to the owner, you say, is that the reason?"

Sun Yue couldn't help but said angrily: "I know your brother-in-law is Zhao Pu! But don't you think we don't have a backer?"

Wei Wei pretended to be surprised and said: "Why did Mr. Xiaolang say this? The deed is clearly written in black and white, and it has been certified by the Kaifeng government. Everyone is doing business. Why did you say this, as if I was in Is it the same as buying and selling by force? Could it be that shopkeeper Sun intends to use the power of the second king to persecute me?"


Sun Chunming grabbed Sun Yue and said, "Okay son, you are in the Jianghu, and you have to stand up to attention when you are beaten. This time, the quilt was my fault. Just be careful next time. Don't lose face and face."

After all, Sun Chunming said, "Your purpose should not be just to cheat me of 10,000+ money, what other plans do you have?"

Wei Wei slapped his hands and said: "Smart, shopkeeper Sun is really smart, and talking to smart people is a pleasure, since shopkeeper Sun said so, then I will tell you the truth, what we are looking at is your shares in Fengle Building, You know, the combination of the casino and Fengle Building is the most profitable. I know that you and Ms. Yang invested a total of 60 in Fengle Building (someone said in the previous part that my total investment was too large, and it has been changed to 70. We will not take advantage of you, we will give you 70 yuan, as long as you have [-]% of the share, and you will still hold [-]% by then, and you will be the largest shareholder of Fengle Building, how about it?"

Sun Chunming sneered: "Then it will be driven out by your cooperation like today?"

Wei Wei said frankly: "Of course it won't happen. After all, Fengle Tower is different from a casino. We squeeze you out of the casino. As long as we learn the novel ways you designed, we can still open it, even as long as our hands are dirty." I can earn more than you, but Fenglelou is today thanks to your ever-changing cooking dishes and several kinds of fine wines that you brew exclusively, so you can rest assured that Fenglelou will never The dove will occupy the magpie's nest."

"Ha ha."

Sun Chunming was so happy, "Although a penny can't beat a hero, I really don't care about a mere [-] yuan. Please go back. Besides, our family is all born in hardship, but we don't have money." It’s nothing more than sleeping on the street, what’s the big deal? Seeing off guests!”

Wei Wei still had a confident look, and said: "What is the shopkeeper Sun doing? Aren't you being arrogant? My brother-in-law told me that a man must learn to stretch and shrink when he is alive. Isn't it just a breath, what can't be swallowed?" Why don't you beat me up to vent your anger? As the saying goes, many friends can lead to multiple roads, and multiple enemies can build up walls. I said this when I visited your residence early last month. Ah, there are not many people who don’t want to make friends with me.”

Sun Chunming suddenly dropped his cup and said angrily: "I really don't want to swallow this tone, get out! Don't force me to beat you, I will lose your identity!"

Wei Wei smiled, he really wasn't afraid that Sun Chunming would beat him up, at their status, whoever strikes first would not be able to blackmail you to death, but it was obvious that Sun Chunming was determined to fight for money, and he He stopped persuading, but said:
"Shopkeeper Sun's cement factory in Luoyang supports such a large stall, and the daily expenses are probably quite a lot. I heard that all the people you employ are family members of our Imperial Army officers and soldiers. There are nearly six to seven hundred people, right? I heard that this treatment is very good? It’s just that you should still pay for it at the moment, alas! People with numbers six or seven hundred have six or seven hundred mouths. If you can’t feed them enough, they will Will come to eat you, shopkeeper Sun, Wei really admires you and really wants to make friends with you. To be honest, we have set up a third ring for this game, and this house is only the second ring. What about the third ring... To be honest, I really don't want to use it. Before I leave, I would like to advise you, don't refuse Wei's friendship easily. I will give you three days, you If you change your mind, will you send someone to come to me?"

With that said, Wei Wei took a few steps back with a smile, turned around and left.

If you say that this person is capable, he is obviously humble and behaves decently, but he can cleverly put the word "arrogant" in your heart.

Sun Yue suddenly said: "Stop!"

Wei Wei stopped: "Xiao Langjun, do you have any orders?"

"Treasurer Wei, we know that your backing is very strong, but I also have a word of advice to persuade you."

"Please tell me, Mr. Xiaolang."

"The casino thing, we were tricked into admitting it. Anyway, we didn't like that business at first. If you like it, you can do it. The house thing is my father's carelessness. We can bear it if we buy a lesson for 10,000+ , but I advise you not to do more things, is it too long, some people have forgotten how our father and son started?"

"You father and son..."

"Two years ago, my father and I, both in white clothes, fought to the death to get Wang Yansheng down. This is how we are today. If shopkeeper Wei really wants to kill them all, I will also advise you. There is no such thing as a father and son enmity. A few people can stop it, I said!"

(End of this chapter)

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