Chapter 505

Zhao Dezhao thought he was a very resilient person, so he turned a deaf ear to the opposition from his officials, instead he felt that this move hit the pain point of the Sun family, father and son and these civil servants, and he paid more and more attention to the Secretary of the Strong Guard.

It is naturally impossible for the ministers to let the emperor do whatever he wants, but the problem remains, how can they manage the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no matter how powerful they are outside the court?Even if Sun Chunming could cover the sky with one hand, at most he could only ensure that their hands could not be stretched out, but he could not interfere with the establishment of this department.

But since this thing is established, who can guarantee that this hand will never catch the opportunity to reach out?
Of course, the first reaction of the ministers was to go on strike, but Zhao Dezhao put on a posture of exhausting you to the end. Even if the government affairs are neglected, he will definitely build the strong guard.

The ministers were dumbfounded. They couldn’t go on strike forever. There is no shortage of people who are willing to be officials in any dynasty. What if Zhao Dezhao increased the imperial examinations and gradually replaced the old with new ones?Even if the Ministry of Rites doesn't give him a tribute test, he can still play Enke.

In desperation, Sun Chunming had no choice but to turn his back on Zhao Dezhao and cut off the money from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The money of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, the pocket money of the emperor himself, all the expenses in the palace come from it, including the eunuchs in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all have to beg for food from here. Ordinary, of course, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit outrageous.

In today's Song Dynasty, the money bag is completely in his hands alone. It is really not difficult for him to do this. Who would have thought that Zhao Dezhao was really determined this time. After the money was collected, not only did it all go to the newly built yamen, but they even called on the concubines and maids in the harem to donate all the jewelry and ordered the eunuchs to go out of the palace to sell them!At the same time, it was announced that all expenses in the palace would be halved from now on.

Sun Chunming is really helpless at this point, but at this time he already has the support of hundreds of officials, so he simply does not stop doing nothing and will carry his domineering to the end. Didn't you, Zhao Dezhao, want to arm the eunuchs and not trust the army? ?Well, then you simply don't trust it.

Sun Chunming found Cao Bin and conspired with him for a full night. Then the next day, Cao Jun, who was already the commander of the first army, was demoted because of a fight, but was demoted to be on duty in the inner palace. Du Yuhou!
That is, the military officer Zhao Guangyi used to be in the past, who belonged to the Crane Control Army and was responsible for safeguarding the safety of the central palace.

It's not that he really wants to do something outrageous. After all, he has changed officials but not soldiers. He just hopes that if there is any trouble in the palace, he can get the news, so that he won't become Oboi in a daze.

At this point, the relationship between Sun Chunming and Zhao Dezhao has finally dropped to a freezing point. Even the Sun family father and son separately ordered Cao Jun to have many armored guards who followed him around from time to time. I was afraid that I would be beaten by someone when I went out one day, and I never met Jun alone again.

Zhao Dezhao didn't give up too much, and every time he appeared, there were always a lot of eunuchs with big arms and round waists behind him.

Under such circumstances, Sun Chunming should not worry too much.

He is very clear about what his current behavior represents. There are countless ministers who have done such things in history. Cao Cao seemed to be doing nothing more than that when he welcomed the emperor, but does he have Cao Cao's conditions?Frankly speaking, no. The officials let him do whatever he wants, and now they are completely united with him. That's because Zhao Dezhao started to use eunuchs again. In addition, their father and son are really powerful and have no choice but to follow the trend. Do you really think Cao Bin is made of mud?He said to Dali now that he could barely be regarded as Huo Guang, but what happened to Huo Guang in the end?
So he suffered from insomnia because of this, as if there was already an abyss under his feet.He finally understood what it meant to walk on thin ice.

He even thought about abolishing the emperor altogether. He may not be strong enough to rebel now, but if it is just abolishing the establishment, it should not be too difficult. As for what happens after the abolition... well, it seems The same is not optimistic.

But Zhao Dezhao's situation was no better than him.

He wants to build a Jinyiwei of the Song Dynasty, how can it be so easy, this thing is the most expensive to build, and the income of Huangzhuang is enough to do a fart?All he is spending now is the money in the pile-sealing treasury. The problem is that there is a lot of money in the pile-sealing treasury!Since his father's death, there has been almost no income here, and his second uncle spent a lot of money to win people's hearts, and the rest is in his hands. He will be drained.

What's more, his order can't even get out of the palace now, so how can he not be extremely anxious?To change this situation, it is necessary to expand the power and even the influence of the eunuchs outside the palace. This requires not only the establishment of the Zhuangwei Division, but the expansion of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the final analysis, there is still a f*cking word: money!
Only with money is he qualified to wrestle with Sun Chunming, but without money, even if he is extremely capable, he would never be able to make waves.

There must be no money from the third division. He knows better than anyone else that Sun Chunming's great power comes from money in the end, and he doesn't even have the need to fight in this word, so he took advantage of it. There is still a bit of foundation left in the sealed pile warehouse, so this guy simply reorganized the Yeting Bureau.

He released all the eunuchs in his hands and put them on the ground. No matter what method they use, they just let it go. They want money anyway. Of course, they are not as powerful as the eunuchs in the Eastern Han Dynasty. After all, the monarchy It is limited in itself, but it is somewhat similar to the mine supervisor and tax supervisor in the Ming Dynasty.

After all, Sun Chunming's influence in the local area is limited, and those eunuchs are under the banner of the royal family, so although he is in charge, there are still many places that have been manipulated by them, and even those transfer envoys are embarrassed. Very, you said that your prime minister fought with the emperor, why are we the ones who suffer?
The so-called difficult for two wives to be a daughter-in-law, the magistrates of the Song Dynasty counted one by one, and they were all complaining, but it really made these eunuchs scrape out the money.

Three months later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was officially expanded in an all-round way. Wang Jien was officially promoted from a commander to a junior supervisor of the Internal Servant, and his hand was also extended to the Privy Council. The contradiction between imperial power and ministerial power further worsened.

But this time, Sun Chunming was really devastated.

He could feel that the court was brewing extremely strong dissatisfaction with Zhao Dezhao from top to bottom, and the dissatisfaction of the magistrates was transmitted layer by layer, and all of them were focused on him. He felt as if he had been caught in the fire and roasted. If this goes on like this, I will have to be pushed by the emotions below to do the things that abolish the establishment.

Who said that only the arrogant soldiers drive the commander in chief, what if all the officials drive him, the prime minister, what should they do?But if he really abolishes the emperor, what will happen next?Once the eunuch's hand is broken, will this group of people still follow their lead?
Hehe, if such a rebellious thing is done, Cao Bin will be the first to seize the opportunity to draw a clear line with him if no one else mentions it. It seems that he is not far from becoming Huo Guang.

 I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival
(End of this chapter)

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